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Andy Reid or Mike Shanahan ...who you want as head coach?


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Simple question....

If you were given the choice would you rather have Andy Reid or Mike Shanahan as the head coach of our beloved Redskins?

I never really considered it until I read this:


"With that said, Banner doesn’t believe Reid lacks some magical quality that Super Bowl winning coaches possess. Banner noted that the head coach in Washington D.C. had multiple Super Bowls and that he doesn’t know anyone that would trade Andy Reid for Mike Shanahan."

Banner is the Eagles President. So in this very slow football day I thought this might make for a good discussion.

Would you rather have Reid or Shanahan coach the Redskins and why?

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Shanahan. I wouldn't want a coach that refuses to run the ball, even when he has the talent to do it.

I do kinda like Reid though, as far as divisional enemies go. And to be fair, I don't think he has the same history of hamstringing a defense, like Shanahan does. I'm hoping that turns around.

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No I wouldn't. The problem isn't the coaching with the Skins, its lack of talent. So, to switch Reid for Shanny wouldn't make much of a difference at all. BTW, the fact that he would bring Shanny's name up in the this interview is baffling. And oh yeah, Shanny has 2 SBs, Reid = 0!

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Gibbs has 3 SBs, but people still trash him when comparing him to Shanahan. Gibbs 2.0 this, Gibbs 2.0 that...have it ever occurred to you that this is Shanahan 2.0 and he just don't have it anymore. When was the last time he won a playoff game again???

I mean, you could frame this in the context of the thread and actually compare him to Reid, etc. Or you could just see "or Mike Shanahan" in the title and start ranting. That works too.

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directed toward the guy that decided to compare SBs victories so I used Gibbs as an example...

Fair enough. But Gibbs was out of the game for quite a while. Shanahan was out for a single year, and spent that entire year traveling to different team's training camps, scouting, tentatively putting together a potential staff, etc.

Very different.

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Shanahan was out for a single year, and spent that entire year traveling to different team's training camps, scouting, tentatively putting together a potential staff, etc.

Wait, so being out of coaching for one year and continuing to study the game intently during that year is different than spending 11 years out and creating and running a championship NASCAR team during those 11 years?

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Or is Andy Reid the better eye for talent and the better team-builder, and that offsets his coaching problems? No doubt he's a good coach...but he also has huge time-management issues, and a knack for forgetting what his RB is actually primarily for.

---------- Post added February-16th-2011 at 08:57 PM ----------

Wait, so being out of coaching for one year and continuing to study the game intently during that year is different than spending 11 years out and creating and running a championship NASCAR team during those 11 years?

I know, who woulda thunk it.

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Of course Banner doesn't know anyone who would trade for Shanny, ...he's in Philadelphia. Why should Shanny's name be in something like that anyway. If it's a minor low blow kind of move, it's not a wise one considering 2 SB rings > 0. You can slice that any way you want, the whole point of football is to win the Super Bowl, which Reid has not. I don't think Shanny is that 'too old', 'out of the loop'. 'disconnect with players' guy, as some say Gibbs 2 was.

Think of it this way: How do you think Reid would have handled this team if he got full control of it in the horrid shape it was in when Shanny got it. I think it would have been worse. Shanny got everyone in line immediately(except you-know-who). I just don't see Andy commanding the same respect out of the same Redskins players that gave theirs to Shanny.

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You still haven't responded to my rebuttal of your Gibbs 2.0 vs "Shanahan 2.0" comment.

Then I expect 3 playoff appearances in 4 years since you claim we never left the game. When I say Shanahan 2.0 it doesn't mean he left the game for a long time. He just not as successful as he used to be. The guy said 1 playoff win in 11 years. Gibbs 2.0 had one playoff win in 4 years.

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Shanahan. I wouldn't want a coach that refuses to run the ball, even when he has the talent to do it.

I do kinda like Reid though, as far as divisional enemies go. And to be fair, I don't think he has the same history of hamstringing a defense, like Shanahan does. I'm hoping that turns around.

Too bad the junior Shanahan isn't more like senior Shanahan in that regard.

OP-In a vacuum I would go w/ Reid both are great w/ QBs and offense but Andy's better w/ FO and personnel issues.

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Too bad the junior Shanahan isn't more like senior Shanahan in that regard.

OP-In a vacuum I would go w/ Reid he's better w/ FO and personnel issues.

That's true. I'm hoping that we draft Gabbert, and then Kyle is forced to run the ball more to ease him into the NFL eventually.

I'm actually kinda surprised that Shanahan didn't insist on more running from his OC...that could be a good sign, however. Letting his OC figure out his new offense without trying to be too controlling. If it doesn't change, though, Mike will probably need to put his foot down a bit.

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Then I expect 3 playoff appearances in 4 years since you claim we never left the game. When I say Shanahan 2.0 it doesn't mean he left the game for a long time. He just not as successful as he used to be. The guy said 1 playoff win in 11 years. Gibbs 2.0 had one playoff win in 4 years.

Yes, and he mortgaged the future of his team for that one playoff win in four years.

I was more talking about how you said that Gibbs 2.0 was not very successful compared to his first run here, so maybe its the beginning of the same with Shanahan.

Hence, why I pointed out the extreme differences in their absence from being in the NFL.

And why do you expect 3 playoff appearances in 4 years, just because Shanahan wasn't gone for a very long time? How does that change the fact that this roster was garbage, and so was the organization when Bruce Allen first walked in the door?

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That's true. I'm hoping that we draft Gabbert, and then Kyle is forced to run the ball more to ease him into the NFL eventually.

I'm actually kinda surprised that Shanahan didn't insist on more running from his OC...that could be a good sign, however. Letting his OC figure out his new offense without trying to be too controlling. If it doesn't change, though, Mike will probably need to put his foot down a bit.

Good point; I'm glad that Mike didn't meddle.

I remember reading that Mike believed in giving his OCs room to run their own gameplan and call their offense/game.

I'm an old school and as much as I like QBs I still prefer to have balance.

But, if Kyle can coach up the passing game on par w/ that prick McDaniels you gotta give him room to do his own thing.

There's gonna be mistakes (like w/ McNabb) Kyle needs the freedom to make those mistakes so they can be his education.

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This SI article about Jake Plummer has a few little tidbits about his experience w/ Shanny. Nothing huge. Just that he made Plummer feel he couldn't please him. I don't know if that's a good or bad thing. Just putting it into the discussion.

"From the start, however, Shanahan and Plummer clashed. One wanted complete control; the other thrived only if not subject to it. "Shanahan used to kill me," says Plummer. "If I was 23 of 30 with two touchdowns, he'd say, Why didn't you go 25 for 30 with three touchdowns? I was like, We're beating someone by 21 points, how much more do you need to beat them by?"


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Andy Reid is the George Allen of this era.

Competitve team annually that has been to one SuperBowl and has a blind spot that he can't figure out.

For Allen, it was the passing game. For Reid, it's the running game.

Before much longer, Philly ownership will tire of the first round exits and boot him out,much like Allen was.

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