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injury settlement questions


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My in-laws went through this and hired their own PI lawyer (not the insurance lawyer). It wasn't neck pain, but my impression is that having their own lawyer enabled them to get a little more $$$ for themselves (even if the PI lawyer got money as well).

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I'm a trial attorney who handles personal injury claims. Your attorney is not going to "take all your money and leave you with scraps." That's a bunch of bull**** promulgated by right wingers who believe in corporate welfare and want to convince you and everyone else that the wrong doers in this country just hand you money if they are "truly wrong."

Unfortunately, the amount you get will be dtermined more by the amount of insurance coverage available by the negligent party, and less by your injury. Unless you want to push it, go to trial, win at trial, and then try to collect from the individual himself. If that person has no assets, its going to be even worse.

---------- Post added January-28th-2011 at 10:13 AM ----------

My wife handles these cases daily. I know what the average joe gets. A standard back pain settlement is. It's under 5K. The big payments are when death occurs, major injuries to the payment leading to inability to work that is provable. She does this every day. Ambulance chase lawyers get paid, and typically, the injured person gets their medical expenses paid plus payment for lost work.

Glad to hear your injury got you the big score. He wasn't shipped to shock trauma.

That's actually dead on balls wrong. Death is actually worth a lot less than living with a serious injury.

---------- Post added January-28th-2011 at 10:14 AM ----------

I wouldn't call any ambulance chaser a "good lawyer".

He/she will probably try and get some settlement out of court. You might get a couple of grand if you are lucky. Back pain and neck pain after the fact are generally thrown out unless you have some real evidence that it negatively impacts your life. That's hard to prove with back and neck pain.

---------- Post added January-27th-2011 at 11:36 PM ----------

Exactly, your lawyer can tell you what you can expect. You didn't just hit the lotto.

Your posts in this tread are ignorant and offensive.

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That's a bunch of bull**** promulgated by right wingers who believe in corporate welfare and want to convince you and everyone else that the wrong doers in this country just hand you money if they are "truly wrong."

This might be one of the funniest posts I have ever read on this board.

In the majority of cases with someone claiming back pain, the person suing, BEST CASE SCENARIO, ends up settling out of court. The amount you get is more determined by the two attorneys coming to an agreement that both parties are comfortable with. The amount of insurance coverage available to the defendant doesn't dictate what the injured receives. You want to talk about bull****. If that's the case, even more people would sue. These ambulance chasers don't want to go to trial, they want a settlement. In the end, the attorneys end up making their money and the injured typically gets his medical bills paid, and little else. If you read the OP, he is looking for his payout, the lotto.


That's actually dead on balls wrong. Death is actually worth a lot less than living with a serious injury.

I was talking about cases where a death occurred...obviously if he is suing, he didn't die. The case has more impact to a big payout versus back pain.

Your posts in this tread are ignorant and offensive.

Are you an ambulance chaser?

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I'm a trial attorney who handles personal injury claims. Your attorney is not going to "take all your money and leave you with scraps." That's a bunch of bull**** promulgated by right wingers who believe in corporate welfare and want to convince you and everyone else that the wrong doers in this country just hand you money if they are "truly wrong." .

to be fair, lawyers do take a huge chunk of the settlement. and i'm not even saying its wrong- just saying that it does happen. i think the comment was hyperbole.

when i was 19, i rearended a guy- i should say i barely made contact with his big car with my little car. a couple of years later, geico settled with the guy for 25 G's after he claimed his head was 'violently thrown about the car', naming virtually every interior part of the car that his head hit. it was bogus. geico knew it. they barely even attempted to defend, not even knowing there were several police officers there minutes after the scene who saw that the man was fine. but it was cheaper for them to pay the 25.

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  • 1 year later...
What was bogus? Please tell. My wife works for a law firm that represents automobile claims for a major auto insurance firm.

Your wife works for lawyers who represent insurance companies? Is that why all attorneys who represent injured people are "ambulance chasers"? Just curious?

---------- Post added August-22nd-2012 at 03:54 PM ----------

I'm a trial attorney who handles personal injury claims. Your attorney is not going to "take all your money and leave you with scraps." That's a bunch of bull**** promulgated by right wingers who believe in corporate welfare and want to convince you and everyone else that the wrong doers in this country just hand you money if they are "truly wrong."

---------- Post added January-28th-2011 at 10:13 AM ----------

That's actually dead on balls wrong. Death is actually worth a lot less than living with a serious injury.

---------- Post added January-28th-2011 at 10:14 AM ----------

Your posts in this tread are ignorant and offensive.

Isn't it amazing to see how twisted many people see our profession? I just finished representing the families of several victims of the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster in Montcoal West Virginia and I have to tell you I couldn't be prouder of what I did for those people. Last year I represented a boy who was horribly brain damaged as an infant when his foster mother threw him against a wall because the city thought it was a good idea to give an infant to a crack addicted monster. That kid no longer lives in a filthy nursing home but now lives with his grandmother in a beautiful home with 24 hour nursing care for the rest of his life surrounded by his siblings and family members.

There's all sorts of problems with the legal system and I don't doubt there are some scummy people out there in our profession but what profession exactly doesn't have scumbags?

Oh and to answer your question Chipwich I suppose I am an ambulance chaser. We can't all do God's work by defending the poor innocent insurance companies like your wife.

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The bickering between insurance folks & attorneys here is a little bit ridiculous (I happen to work in insurance). Some insurance companies are more upstanding than other when it comes to handling BI settlements, and some attorneys are more upstanding than others when it comes to their own actions. How about we not cast aspersions based on stereotypes, and at the same time not take offense if we happen to fall on a side that someone has had a problem with.

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I just finished representing the families of several victims of the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster in Montcoal West Virginia and I have to tell you I couldn't be prouder of what I did for those people.
Just curious, what was the outcome? I own property and have family in coal country about an hour from Montcoal, WV.
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Just curious, what was the outcome? I own property and have family in coal country about an hour from Montcoal, WV.

Sorry I can't tell you that. Confidentiality.

---------- Post added August-22nd-2012 at 04:13 PM ----------

The bickering between insurance folks & attorneys here is a little bit ridiculous (I happen to work in insurance). Some insurance companies are more upstanding than other when it comes to handling BI settlements, and some attorneys are more upstanding than others when it comes to their own actions. How about we not cast aspersions based on stereotypes, and at the same time not take offense if we happen to fall on a side that someone has had a problem with.

Completely fair HooHog. I agree with everything you have said here. Well put. In re-reading my post to Chipwich I did not mean to disparage what his wife did for a living at all and it may have come off that way. I was more commenting on what I percieved to be an obvious bias.

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my wife got broadsided a few years ago. had legit back pain. saw a chiropractor for a few months, ended up with about four grand after the attorney took about 30% or so, and the chiropractor took every penny the treatment cost. you'd think that insurance would cover that. but, no.

make sure if you use your PIP through your insurance that they dont classify you as a 'dangerous driver' being that it wasnt your fault. i had erie up til recently. my wife's accident- though not at all her fault- made her a dangerous driver by their standards, therefore making our rates about $700 a year more, compared to geico who says they do not classify her as such.

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Your wife works for lawyers who represent insurance companies? Is that why all attorneys who represent injured people are "ambulance chasers"? Just curious?

---------- Post added August-22nd-2012 at 03:54 PM ----------

Isn't it amazing to see how twisted many people see our profession? I just finished representing the families of several victims of the Upper Big Branch Mine Disaster in Montcoal West Virginia and I have to tell you I couldn't be prouder of what I did for those people. Last year I represented a boy who was horribly brain damaged as an infant when his foster mother threw him against a wall because the city thought it was a good idea to give an infant to a crack addicted monster. That kid no longer lives in a filthy nursing home but now lives with his grandmother in a beautiful home with 24 hour nursing care for the rest of his life surrounded by his siblings and family members.

There's all sorts of problems with the legal system and I don't doubt there are some scummy people out there in our profession but what profession exactly doesn't have scumbags?

Oh and to answer your question Chipwich I suppose I am an ambulance chaser. We can't all do God's work by defending the poor innocent insurance companies like your wife.

I don't understand how people representing the injured people are the "scumbags" but people representing the powerful insurance companies are "the good lawyers.". Speaking about the stereotypes that have been created.

Chip which strikes me as the kind of guy who is going to need a lawyer like me at some point in his life who comes in and tells me how he has a "real case."

Good work in WV, I am familiar with a bit of that case, and knew one of the defense attorneys who was working on it.

---------- Post added August-22nd-2012 at 09:01 PM ----------

So almost 2 years after the accident, I got a settlement for $9,500.

This actually makes sense to me. Chip which probably thought you were going to get an easy payday. So, your ambulances chaser handled your case for two years and made 5k or so, huh? What a racket, right?

---------- Post added August-22nd-2012 at 09:01 PM ----------

So almost 2 years after the accident, I got a settlement for $9,500.

This actually makes sense to me. Chip which probably thought you were going to get an easy payday. So, your ambulances chaser handled your case for two years and made 5k or so, huh? What a racket, right?

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