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Bleacher report possible off season trades (Mcnabb, Haynesworth, V Jackson)


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I hope we will get the CBA before Draft time. That way, we can trade McNabb and Albert. I don't see us landing VJax. I don't want to see us trade away draft picks anymore plus NE have more drafts to trade for him. I only want to see us to sign FA and draft.

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Lotta cluelessness going on in here.

First, Bleacher Report is only good if you like garbage, or you're a mouth breather that believes everything you read on teh interwebz.

Secondly, No one is trading anyone for anything without a new CBA. For those of you that have grasped this already, thank you for being intelligent amid a sea of, well.....you know. :)

Third, one thing I keep hearing is that players are pushing for NO Franchise Tag in the new CBA. If that happens, then no is trading a pick to SD for VJack as he'll be able to walk & sign wherever he wants to.

Fourth, there's still a 50/50 chance that both McNabb & Al will be back next year so quit being so quick to dismiss them because of what the Media tells you.

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I absolutely love Torrey Smith as a WR and someone who can spell Banks on returns, but some such as Kiper have him as high as a late first rounder, would you use a second round pick on him? If we get 2 second rounders I would do it in a heartbeat.

and just so everyone knows Im mostly against trading for v jax but if we can make it a lower pick and package some older vets like carter haynesworth mcnabb dockery or any of them, and I thought I heard that someone said dont worry about an agreement because it will get done before the draft,

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Bleacher Report = Ms. Cleo gats a new gig.
Lotta cluelessness going on in here.

First, Bleacher Report is only good if you like garbage, or you're a mouth breather that believes everything you read on teh interwebz.

Secondly, No one is trading anyone for anything without a new CBA. For those of you that have grasped this already, thank you for being intelligent amid a sea of, well.....you know. :)

Third, one thing I keep hearing is that players are pushing for NO Franchise Tag in the new CBA. If that happens, then no is trading a pick to SD for VJack as he'll be able to walk & sign wherever he wants to.

Fourth, there's still a 50/50 chance that both McNabb & Al will be back next year so quit being so quick to dismiss them because of what the Media tells you.

Mr. Cleo agrees, Ms. Cleo still seeking to be right by throwing darts at the well or guesstimation.

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VJax has accrued six years of play. I don't see unrestricted free agency going above six seasons, so there's no way VJax isn't a UFA should a new CBA be signed. If he gets franchised, I say pass (he's not worth trading draft picks for). If he doesn't get franchised, I'd make a move for him.

Oh, one other thing: what makes some of you think we have a snowball's chance in hell of landing Woodley?

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That ILB just might be Clay Matthew's younger brother, and I would have NO problem with that whatsoever.

The only thing I forgot to take into account in getting the 17 and 28 is the value. It's around 1650 combined and the 10 is worth 1300. So maybe we get the 17 and 33 from them instead. And I'd like Clay's little brother with the 3rd.

I hope we will get the CBA before Draft time. That way, we can trade McNabb and Albert. I don't see us landing VJax. I don't want to see us trade away draft picks anymore plus NE have more drafts to trade for him. I only want to see us to sign FA and draft.

We have no 3rd and 4th pick, so I just don't know why everyone is so quick to want to trade our 2nd for VJax when there are so many good free agent WRs out there. Sidney Rice, James Jones, Jacoby Jones, etc. that could be had for nothing. Of course, if the new CBA demands no franchise tags, VJax could be had for nothing.

Lotta cluelessness going on in here.

First, Bleacher Report is only good if you like garbage, or you're a mouth breather that believes everything you read on teh interwebz.

Secondly, No one is trading anyone for anything without a new CBA. For those of you that have grasped this already, thank you for being intelligent amid a sea of, well.....you know. :)

Third, one thing I keep hearing is that players are pushing for NO Franchise Tag in the new CBA. If that happens, then no is trading a pick to SD for VJack as he'll be able to walk & sign wherever he wants to.

Fourth, there's still a 50/50 chance that both McNabb & Al will be back next year so quit being so quick to dismiss them because of what the Media tells you.

So we're all clueless because we like to speculate on the upcoming draft? Most of us know you take BR with a grain of salt, but it's January, as usual our team is sitting at home on their asses instead of getting ready for a playoff game, what else is there to do? The next thing on the Redskins agenda is the Combine, then Free Agency, followed by the draft. Sometimes it's fun to speculate about what the team might do in the offseason. I can see McNabb coming back (40/60), but I think it's more 90/10 for Al. The team is putting on a good face, saying he's welcome back, so they can pump up his trade value. Just trying to make him look good for the next suitor.

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VJax has accrued six years of play. I don't see unrestricted free agency going above six seasons, so there's no way VJax isn't a UFA should a new CBA be signed. If he gets franchised, I say pass (he's not worth trading draft picks for). If he doesn't get franchised, I'd make a move for him.

Oh, one other thing: what makes some of you think we have a snowball's chance in hell of landing Woodley?

Pittsburgh won't want to pay him and we have his former LBers coach, Lou Spanos. Plus one of the mods has "heard some things" around Redskins Park as to their offseason plans.

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Pittsburgh won't want to pay him and we have his former LBers coach, Lou Spanos. Plus one of the mods has "heard some things" around Redskins Park as to their offseason plans.

If the NFL goes back to 4 accrued years for UFA, I say go for it (Woodley has 4 years after this season). I do agree with you that the Steelers won't pay Woodley, but there's still the problem of him being a hot commodity should he hit UFA.

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First off, I hate bleacher report. (sorry had to get that off my chest)

Second off, I would not want to trade a draft pick for a WR. There will be a ton of WRs available via free agency. I'd rather get one of those. I wonder what Cincy is wanting to get for Ochocinco? I can't imagine his trade value is too high right now.

I agree. I like the AH and DM trades but dont want to give up a 2nd or whatever crazy AJ will want to Jackson.

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If the NFL goes back to 4 accrued years for UFA, I say go for it (Woodley has 4 years after this season). I do agree with you that the Steelers won't pay Woodley, but there's still the problem of him being a hot commodity should he hit UFA.

He's a 3-4 OLB. Here are the 3-4 teams in the NFL:

Steelers - Won't pay

Ravens - Woodley won't go to the Ravens

Jets - Already have good OLBs, don't think they can afford him

Patriots - Plenty of draft picks, they'll probably take one in the draft

Browns - Possibly, but a division rival, not too sure here

Redskins - We have his old OLB coach, have a system similar to the one Pitt runs, and will pay out the ass

Cowboys - Can pay out the ass, but they're so sure about their LBs, they might not even look to him

Packers - They already have good/great OLBs, might not be able to pay him

49ers - Possibly, but I haven't heard anything about them looking at Woodley

Chargers - Could try to make a run, since they lost Merriman, but we should be able to outbid him

Chiefs - Haven't heard anything from their camp as of late

Broncos - Don't think they're targeting him, don't think they can pay

Dolphins - Already have their OLBs for their defense

Cardinals - I don't think he would want to go to the Cards, just IMO

I'm sure I'm missing some teams, but that's who I can think of right now.

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Yeah im all for signing one of the free agent WR's and is bleacher Report not a good website cuz I dont think I've been on it very much if at all.

But honestly do you think free agents would take a reasonably lower amount to go to an orginization that is closer to winning and doesnt have the reputation of treating players like we do?. After Haynesworth (mostly his fault) and Mcnabb and the many needs we have and lack of respect we get, would you wanna sign with the skins? Idk im just wondering what these players mindsets would be

In my opinion this is flawed thinking. Of course people are going to want to play here. Players like to play for proven coaches which Shanny is. Players don't want to play for organizations that play favorites among players. What Shanny did by punking Hayney (deserved it) and benching McNabb (deserved it, he wasn't playing well OR improving) and them playing a bunch of practice squaders is show that if you work hard and buy in you will be rewarded. Your name ain't gettin' it done here. These good FA's are football players and believe in themselves, they believe they can earn starts. Also, money talks. Although we didn't pay out bankrolls last year that doesn't mean people don't think they can't get paid here anymore.

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Lotta cluelessness going on in here.

First, Bleacher Report is only good if you like garbage, or you're a mouth breather that believes everything you read on teh interwebz.

Secondly, No one is trading anyone for anything without a new CBA. For those of you that have grasped this already, thank you for being intelligent amid a sea of, well.....you know. :)

Third, one thing I keep hearing is that players are pushing for NO Franchise Tag in the new CBA. If that happens, then no is trading a pick to SD for VJack as he'll be able to walk & sign wherever he wants to.

Fourth, there's still a 50/50 chance that both McNabb & Al will be back next year so quit being so quick to dismiss them because of what the Media tells you.

I totally agree with #1- #3. As for #4 I'll take that bet. I just can't see any scenario where either of these players are back. Fractured relationships combined with horrible performances just doesn't result in a do over. If nothing else they will probably end up cutting McNabb rather than absorb that cap hit for a QB they don't think can get it done.

Of course this is all contingent on a new CBA but it's the offseason and it's all we have to talk about.

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We're not trading draft picks for FA WRs. VJax went out the window.

It's well known that we'll take whatever we can get for McNabb/Haynes provided that what we can get is a 4th or better.

We could also draft a WR in the 2nd if we can trade down/trade players for more picks. Plus, there's the hope that Malcolm will be back next year.

Nobody has ever said anything like that. I would doubt that it's known at all.

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just a random question here. If there are no interested parties for Albert because of his salary. Could the Skins trade him and a boatload of cash for say another player straight across(not neccassarily what will happen, but what is possible). Or for a pick. Just to lessen the blow of his inflated salary. That seems to be a sticking point when he comes into a conversation.

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