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Ed Koch: Palin Holds High Ground Over Harsh and Unfair Critics

mardi gras skin

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95% of politicians can't tell you what newspaper they read, quit office in the middle of their term and blame the "liberal media" for it, then sign up for a reality show?

Palin is special among a special bunch.

Ok, she's top of her class of the 95%ers. ;)

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Ed Kotch is like your crazy old uncle that escapes from the barn every few years. He lost all credibility with me when he called Bush Sr. The sitting president of the United States an anti semite because he was playing hard ball with Israel on 14 Billion in Loan guarantees back in the late 1980's....

I don't think Ed Kotch is remotely creditable to describe anybody as having the moral high ground. Just my opinion.

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95% of politicians can't tell you what newspaper they read.

But they can definitely sign a major piece of legislation (obamacare) without reading it and want us to believe they are supersmart.

And those same liberals progressives want us to believe that since 2006 they have nothing to do with the shape the economy is in. And with $4 a gallon gas looming remind us again why banning drilling in ANWAR back then was so important?

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95% of politicians can't tell you what newspaper they read, quit office in the middle of their term and blame the "liberal media" for it, then sign up for a reality show?

Palin is special among a special bunch.

Palin's gift is not in being well informed, delivering well crafted opinions, or even being inciteful on topical issues. Palin's gift is being consistant and delivering that consistancy with pinache.

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My problem with Palin is primarily that she is a very thin skinned fire starter. She lives to attack and start controversies. By her own words she is mean and vicious (what's a baracuda?) Yet at the same time while she is comfortable slinging stones, shooting arrows, and lobbing grenades she beleives any rebuttal or criticism against her to be beyond the pale. In this, she's the classic bully. She's all for hitting you, shoving you down, and taking your lunch money. She loves to mock you and laugh in your face, but if you ever call her a name back or push back she immediately goes crying to the principal or her parents.

I wish she was the champion of an honest conservative conversation and maybe she sometimes can be, but far too often she is a destructive force of antagonism and simply a vile agitant.

100% agree that's why the title "Palin Holds High Ground" seems wildly inaccurate to me.
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I just can't find those conservative comedians or journalists wishing a liberal Justice would die from a heartattack, or a pundit suffer kidney failure.

Does agreeing to raise taxes, increase spending, spew anti Judeo Christian rhetoric, view minorities as losers who can only thrive with government handouts, really make you think that you are a genius?

---------- Post added January-18th-2011 at 10:24 AM ----------

100% agree that's why the title "Palin Holds High Ground" seems wildly inaccurate to me.

Yeah 100% of 5 watt light bulbs who actually believe liberalism is the gospel.

---------- Post added January-18th-2011 at 10:28 AM ----------

Palin's gift is not in being well informed, delivering well crafted opinions, or even being inciteful on topical issues. Palin's gift is being consistant and delivering that consistancy with pinache.

Switch Palin's name with Obama and include the teleprompter and its an accurate statement.

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I just can't find those conservative comedians or journalists wishing a liberal Justice would die from a heartattack, or a pundit suffer kidney failure.

Took me about five seconds.



LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Conservative commentator Ann Coulter, speaking at a traditionally black college, joked that Justice John Paul Stevens should be poisoned.

Coulter had told the Philander Smith College audience Thursday that more conservative justices were needed on the Supreme Court to change the current law on abortion. Stevens is one of the court's most liberal members.

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Navy Dave you never disappoint. Do you ever have a thought that doesn't involve liberalism? Ever?

My point, which I guess I didn't make clearly enough, is that Sarah Palin never seems to take the high ground. Not a put down. Just an observation.

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I HATE this expression. Right-wing Christians just use this as a smokescreen to hide their ultra-right Christian policies. Don't include us Jews with you fundamentalists.

What got to me was the most famous examples of "wishing a liberal Justice would die" come from Right wing televanglists yet ND can't remember anyone on the Right ever doing this... I guess it's a lot more serious if a comedian wishes harm than a clergymen beseeching the entire nation to pray for someone's death.

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I just can't find those conservative comedians or journalists wishing a liberal Justice would die from a heartattack, or a pundit suffer kidney failure.

That's because the conservative comedians all call themselves Republican Strategists or Republican leaders now. Rush Limbaugh certainly called himself an entertainer from the End of the Bush Administration to well into the Clinton Administration. Back when he was pro choice and would say so on his radio show..

Glenn Beck likewise should be considered a conservative comedian.

Coarse it's likely worse that these folks today want to be taken seriously and still make thse kinds of inflamitory statements.

Does agreeing to raise taxes, increase spending, spew anti Judeo Christian rhetoric, view minorities as losers who can only thrive with government handouts, really make you think that you are a genius?

Obama's last budget deficite was about 200 billion under Bush's last budget deficite. Also who again have been the biggest spending Presidents his the history of the United States. Reagan, Bush, and Bush?

Republicans don't have a leg to stand on as far as fiscal responsibility goes. Not unless you don't consider any of their actions; Including their new spending policy....

All new spending must be offset by spending cuts, not tax increases except most of the Republican policies which created the deficite; and the few Democratic policies which impact the deficite positively.

Switch Palin's name with Obama and include the teleprompter and its an accurate statement.

Yeah, That's when I heard Obama's speech in Arizona and Pailin's speech on the shooting. That's what I thought too. How similar the two are?

There are spokesmen on the right who have intelectual gravitas, Palin isn't one of them. There are folks on the left which are not creditable speaking on important controversial issues. Obama isn't one of those.

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:puke: On the inside AND outside. There are some right-wing pundits who are attractive; Coulter ain't one of 'em :no:

That's sexist

and maybe speciesist....do not hate on our other world overlords :point2sky

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I don't agree at all with this nonsense. Palin hasn't received enough criticism for what she is and the fact that she continues to be viewed as a serious political leader proves that. This women is a short cut obsessed fame whore that will say and do anything for more money, fame, and power. The fact that she jumped ship on the job she claimed made her fit for the white house and ended up on a reality show demonstrates this wonderfully. She's as ignorant as ever and still out there spreading obvious lies and fear in order to get ahead. She's as close as this nation has to a crazy radio host running for office. She's like Michael Moore or Sean Hannity that actually managed to get themselves elected.

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I don't agree at all with this nonsense. Palin hasn't received enough criticism for what she is and the fact that she continues to be viewed as a serious political leader proves that. This women is a short cut obsessed fame whore that will say and do anything for more money, fame, and power. The fact that she jumped ship on the job she claimed made her fit for the white house and ended up on a reality show demonstrates this wonderfully. She's as ignorant as ever and still out there spreading obvious lies and fear in order to get ahead. She's as close as this nation has to a crazy radio host running for office. She's like Michael Moore or Sean Hannity that actually managed to get themselves elected.

I wouldn't put Michael Moore in that catagory. Michael Moore is cetainly a bomb thrower. But Michael Moore's bombs tend to be true, well researched and impecable documented....

I mean come on who would believe that George Bush Sr was sitting across the table from Osama Bin Laudin's brother the morning of 911 or that they were both on a board of directors together. That's an amaizing fact that the press never picked up on that Micheal Moore gave us. Or that the Bush family has hundreds of millions of business iwth the Saudi Royal Family. Or that George Bush Jr, the then sitting president had two failed businesses funded by the Saudi Royal family before entering politics.

Those amaizing facts. I see no comparison on the merits of Moore's arguments and Pallins.

Moore is lambasted by the Right mostly because his facts are so damaging to the right.

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Michael Moore is cetainly a bomb thrower. But Michael Moore's bombs tend to be true, well researched and impecable documented.....

I will I wouldn't go that far. He's certainly equally well known for creative editting, cherry picking, etc. He's much more of a propagandist than a documentarian.

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I wouldn't put Michael Moore in that catagory. Michael Moore is cetainly a bomb thrower. But Michael Moore's bombs tend to be true, well researched and impecable documented....

I mean come on who would believe that George Bush Sr was sitting across the table from Osama Bin Laudin's brother the morning of 911 or that they were both on a board of directors together. That's an amaizing fact that the press never picked up on that Micheal Moore gave us. Or that the Bush family has hundreds of millions of business iwth the Saudi Royal Family. Or that George Bush Jr, the then sitting president had two failed businesses funded by the Saudi Royal family before entering politics.

Those amaizing facts. I see no comparison on the merits of Moore's arguments and Pallins.

Moore is lambasted by the Right mostly because his facts are so damaging to the right.

If anything I gave Palin too much credit in comparing her to Sean Hannity and Moore. Those two both understand that a good lie has to be surrounded by a great deal of truth. More isn't about facts he's about distortion as much as he is about fact. He'll hit you with 8 facts and 2 lies out of ten but then craft a larger lie in the process leading to a highly questionable conclusion. He's smart enough to realize this but does it anyway which is why I put him up there with the other intellectual crack deals making money by selling fear and division.

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Funny thing is, I cant stand Palin and I think she has mishandled so mnay things its scary.

But to deny that the obvious strategy used isnt akin to the Alinsky strategy is disingenuous. It;s a textbook example, despite the denials.

Maybe I'm misreading this, it sounds to me like you believe the media has read Saul Alinsky's writings and is conducting themselves accordingly. Or maybe just a portion of the media, but enough to conduct coordinated campaign against Palin using tactics learned from Alinsky.

I hope not, because that would be bone stupid, birther stupid, truther stupid, Elvis-is-living-on-a-desert-island stupid. So I must be reading it wrong.

But any way you look at it, what you are saying is exactly the kind of unfair assumption making that Koch is talking about. Do you think conservatives are also being disengenuous by ignoring the similarities between Loughner's anti-government paranoia and rhetoric from the fringes of the Tea Party and conservative blogs?

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