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Official ES Predictions for 2011


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Figured we could have some fun with this. Any topic, any level of obscurity. Who's our Nostradamus? What's going to happen in the new year?


- Mike Huckabee will establish a slight lead over other Republican contenders in Iowa.

- Sarah Palin will surprise many by not running.

- Tea Party Republicans will ***** and moan about raising the debt ceiling, then raise the debt ceiling - twice.

- Obama will announce that Hillary Clinton will be his running mate in 2012.


- New England will play Philadelphia in the Super Bowl.

- If the playoff seedings of the Orlando Magic and Boston Celtics allow for it, they'll meet each other in the Eastern Conference Championship while the Miami Heat watch on TV.

- If they have to play each other sooner, either the Magic or the Celtics will beat the Heat in the ECC.

- The Red Sox will establish an early lead over the Yankees in the AL East and never look back.

- NFL owners and the NFLPA will establish an 11th-hour CBA that will prevent a 2011 lockout and create an 18-game regular season.

- Blake Griffin will win Rookie of the Year. (Okay, barring an injury this is borderline cheating, but, hell, I have to lock in at least one correct prediction. :pfft:)


- Portugal will be the next European country to face a debt crisis, but this will be small potatoes compared to the Big Kahuna of Europe's 2011 problems: Spain. A Spanish crisis will force the EU to either dramatically restructure the euro or abandon it altogether.

- The more fragile Europe appears, the more the dollar will rise, even though QE2 will be expanded beyond $600 billion and rumors of QE3 will grow more persistent as the year goes on. (This doesn't mean I have a positive long-term view on the dollar. I don't. But reactionary traders will panic and rush into the dollar as the euro becomes more dangerous.)

- Commodities will continue their consistent rise, falling back temporarily if the future of the euro truly comes into question, only to keep rising regardless of whether the euro remains as-is or if some/all of the European Monetary Union ditches the currency or not.

- State budgets will force the federal government to either allow states to declare bankruptcy or start bailing out individual states. If the latter happens, it will be disguised in order to allow Tea Party Republicans to save face.


- Green Hornet will kick ass, Green Lantern will be underwhelming at best.

- Julian Assange will face minor jail time, and Wikileaks will mysteriously avoid releasing anything that would seriously ruffle Uncle Sam's feathers.

- Verizon will get the iPhone.

- 3-D TV will fail to expand its market share because nobody wants to wear those damn glasses.

Now post your own so you can be mocked when you're hopelessly wrong, too. :silly:

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Larry will become RNC chairman.

ACW will make a post without a single smilie.

Burgold, unable to get his life-changing break in legitimate media will turn to porn.

In a tragic misunderstanding, Bang will escape injury from a driveway-side bomb, set in retaliation for a cartoon featuring Muhsin Muhammad.

I will become president of the NAACP; proclaiming that white is, afterall, a color.

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Larry will become RNC chairman.

ACW will make a post without a single smilie.

Burgold, unable to get his life-changing break in legitimate media will turn to porn.

In a tragic misunderstanding, Bang will escape injury from a driveway-side bomb, set in retaliation for a cartoon featuring Muhsin Muhammad.

I will become president of the NAACP; proclaiming that white is, afterall, a color.

Hmmm... that might not be a bad idea at that.

---------- Post added December-30th-2010 at 05:44 PM ----------

I think HH will get accused of being a racist for serving angel food cake at his wedding to a black woman.

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