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We are not in terrible shape afterall


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It will be. We'll have better LBs, a halfway decent DL, and a year under the system to have experience with the playcalling and nuances, etc.

If we could get a guy like Woodley to play opposite Rak that would be nice and good young NT

But the biggest improvement was getting rid of Haynesworth which should have been done the momement they were put in a position to try and accommodate him

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If we could get a guy like Woodley to play opposite Rak that would be nice and good young NT

But the biggest improvement was getting rid of Haynesworth which should have been done the momement they were put in a position to try and accommodate him

Not that it means anything, but I think the overall rating of the Skins in Madden went up once Haynesworth was deactivated :silly:

As for Woodley, I'd like to see that, or us draft the guy from UNC to go opposite him to get two young excellent pass rushers on the outside.

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There is serious hope for this team next year.

Do you know how many times in the past 10 years a 'skins fan (myself included) has repeated that line?

The problem is that next year eventually comes, and it becomes this year, and the team finds another way to fail. And then we start talking about next year again.

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IMO, there are still similarities from last year lingering in this season.

1] I hoped that they got it through the guys heads regarding shoulder tackling; it was prevalent throughout the game, and yes a few plays actually favored us, but overall it was lack of focusing on the player. A 190 lb CB will seldom bring down a young and big RB by shoulder tackling, as they were being dragged for yardage until enough players got there to bring him down.

2] Receivers running BEFORE they catch the ball; the ball comes their way, and just before they actually catch it, they turn their heads upfield. The ball bounces off them for another incomplete pass, and they walk back to the huddle smiling and tapping their chest saying "my bad". NO S H I T!

3] There is a desperate cry for another safety, it is getting very very old watching the safety responsible for their area to be caught staring into the backfield as the ball whizzes over their head, and getting turned around play after play.

Yea, it was Tampa Bay, and they are a young team, and personally I don't think they are as good as their record, and when you combine the game that Torain had with Tampa's lack of moving the ball in the 1st half, it was a very winnable game, which falls not only to players, but coaching as well...

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We aren't in bad shape but we aren't in very good shape either. Nothing has changed in 10 or 12 years since Snyder has bought the team or before he bought the team. This team just seems to find ways to lose. We lost this game in the first quarter when Gano missed the two early field goals. We have no killer instinct and try too hard to lose games. Poor tackling, stone hands, and poor play are just things these guys do over and over again. It will not change until you get rid of those who do it over and over again. Holding penalties, false starts, blocks in the back, and hits out of bounds are things that always happen to this team. I could understand it if they were on the road but to happen at home that is a lack of discipline. So to think that we are not in that bad of shape is just not looking at the right team.

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Actually, it is, since the first moves a FO makes are usually the most important and set the tone for the rest of the regime.


1) Draft a franchise LT

2) Trade away an underproductive QB and replace him with a QB who can - at worst - put up comparable numbers and knows how to be a mentor to whoever the next QB will be.

3) Bring in a good RT (light years better than Heyer) who, when healthy, can provide another bookend

4) Do a cold turkey switch to a new defense so that when we have a majority of players who fit in it, we'll already have players who know the terminology and nuances

5) Draft smart, not flashy

6) Set an example for any player who might try to become a prima donna that the coach and GM are in charge and they can't go whining to the owner, who has taken a backseat

That looks like a pretty good start to me.

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Portis is too expensive to be a back up RB - he will be gone.

In all honesty - this team needs BLOWN UP - they are awful

There are only about 10 players I would keep on the whole roster, and I would start over,

Ding ding ding...we have a winner. I cannot believe any body thinks we have the nucleus for a god team next year. I cant really think of more than 4 or 5 players I would like to see playing for the Skins next year.

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Under the current regime, the results have been terrible. Who is the leader of this regime? Snyder? Allen? Shanahan 1? Shanahan 2? Haslett? Any player? Any group of players?

From my view as a season ticket holder, the answer is none of them. Rudderless.

That said, I guess we are not in terrible shape afterall, just like last year, and the year before, and the year before, etc.

The Redskins are one of the most profitable teams in the NFL, but for season ticket holders, the return on invest is terrible. Some of you will say that I should just not renew my tickets for next year, if I feel that way. After 33 years of paying for season tickets, it would be hard to give them up, but even my family and friends question the investment at this point.

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1) Draft a franchise LT

2) Trade away an underproductive QB and replace him with a QB who can - at worst - put up comparable numbers and knows how to be a mentor to whoever the next QB will be.

3) Bring in a good RT (light years better than Heyer) who, when healthy, can provide another bookend

4) Do a cold turkey switch to a new defense so that when we have a majority of players who fit in it, we'll already have players who know the terminology and nuances

5) Draft smart, not flashy

6) Set an example for any player who might try to become a prima donna that the coach and GM are in charge and they can't go whining to the owner, who has taken a backseat

That looks like a pretty good start to me.


Too bad we won't have a 3rd and 4th round pick this year, either, and are left with a QB who completes 50% of his passes and a RT with a busted hip.

Too bad most of that personnel that's currently learning the 3-4 is a) not very talented to begin with and B) is too old for a year's worth of learning experience to even matter.

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Like I said before, how would all of you "fans" be reacting if we brought in a Dmitroff or Pioli clone and we went 1-15 with an absolutely terrible product on the field?

Probably not good.

I'm willing to bet Danny said to Mike "Rebuild...but try to keep us above 4 wins."

I'd be all for a few 1-15, rebuilding seasons and have said so numerous times.

Also, the product on the field can't get any worse, esp. when the product is a collection of old, broken down parts that are simply wasting reps that could be taken by younger players who actually have a future.

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Too bad we won't have a 3rd and 4th round pick this year, either, and are left with a QB who completes 50% of his passes and a RT with a busted hip.

Which will heal. And the QB wasn't just brought in for his play. He'll groom the eventual replacement.

Too bad most of that personnel that's currently learning the 3-4 is a) not very talented to begin with and B) is too old for a year's worth of learning experience to even matter.

And most of the personnel that's currently learning it will be gone when we have the pieces in place. Rak, Carriker, maybe Rocky, Landry, and probably Hall will be here to anchor the defense when everyone's here. That's a leader on each level of the defense, which is what a good defense needs.

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Portis is too expensive to be a back up RB - he will be gone.

In all honesty - this team needs BLOWN UP - they are awful

There are only about 10 players I would keep on the whole roster, and I would start over,

I agree with you. The entire roster needs an overhaul. Everything doesn't need to be remade. On defense the men I would release is Carlos Rogers, Chris Horton, H.B. Blades, Reed Doughty, Kareem Moore, and I would take a hard look at Andre Carter, and Chris Wilson. On offense, Stephen Heyer, Artis Hicks, and Casey Rabach,. There appears to be no problems at TE, RB, QB, or WR. However during the draft, I would boost the WR corps with a free agent signing or draft a young quality WR.

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Which will heal. And the QB wasn't just brought in for his play. He'll groom the eventual replacement.

And most of the personnel that's currently learning it will be gone when we have the pieces in place. Rak, Carriker, maybe Rocky, Landry, and probably Hall will be here to anchor the defense when everyone's here. That's a leader on each level of the defense, which is what a good defense needs.

thats an expensive qb coach... if mcnabb is a competitive guy (which i think he is), how much time can he really spend helping the next guy take his job? does he really want to be in a situation he just left with kolb/vick?

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Which will heal. And the QB wasn't just brought in for his play. He'll groom the eventual replacement.

And most of the personnel that's currently learning it will be gone when we have the pieces in place. Rak, Carriker, maybe Rocky, Landry, and probably Hall will be here to anchor the defense when everyone's here. That's a leader on each level of the defense, which is what a good defense needs.

Yeah, okay.

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Yeah, okay.

That's all you've got? "Yeah, okay?" Come on OBTH, at least offer something as a rebuttal. What's so hard to believe about what I said.

And redshirt, I'm not saying he'll do that immediately, but when he's close to retiring, he'll make a good mentor. Think Favre/Rodgers.

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1) Draft a franchise LT

2) Trade away an underproductive QB and replace him with a QB who can - at worst - put up comparable numbers and knows how to be a mentor to whoever the next QB will be.

3) Bring in a good RT (light years better than Heyer) who, when healthy, can provide another bookend

4) Do a cold turkey switch to a new defense so that when we have a majority of players who fit in it, we'll already have players who know the terminology and nuances

5) Draft smart, not flashy

6) Set an example for any player who might try to become a prima donna that the coach and GM are in charge and they can't go whining to the owner, who has taken a backseat

That looks like a pretty good start to me.

Yeah, I was with you on number 1, but after that, it's not quite accurate.

We didn't fix anything on the right side of the line.

The QB thing? Uh, the Eagles have our picks and we have Campbell II. He's not much of a QB. He can go downfield sometimes, but that's about it. He's not even close to as accurate as Campbell was in the flats. And this is coming from a person who hated Campbell.

Draft smart? Other than Williams, I wouldn't say we did anything to smart. Plus, again, the Eagles have those picks. Hard to be smart with no picks.

There's no defending the switch to the 3/4. Wrong time. Wrong players. Most of all. Wrong man to run it. He's a bum who hasn't adjusted all season and his D is the worst in the league.

I agreed with the AH thing until it got ridiculous. Shanny was in a pissing match, but he should have ended it earlier. Why let it drag on?

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Which will heal. And the QB wasn't just brought in for his play. He'll groom the eventual replacement.

It's hard to believe someone actually wrote that line. If a QB wasn't brought in for his play, why is he here?!?! For his clipboard-holding skills?!? That "grooming" stuff is overrated. Are we talking about QBs or show poodles? Who "groomed" Peyton? Bradford seems to be doing OK as a rookie (he beat us!) out there in St. Louis, and who's grooming him? AJ Feeley?!? Campbell had Brunell to groom him, and how'd that work out? There's not even a guarantee McNabb will stick around to groom some new guy, whenever he's brought in. This whole "McNabb will help groom his replacement" stuff is beyond dumb.

---------- Post added December-13th-2010 at 08:10 AM ----------

The QB thing? Uh, the Eagles have our picks and we have Campbell II. He's not much of a QB. He can go downfield sometimes, but that's about it. He's not even close to as accurate as Campbell was in the flats. And this is coming from a person who hated Campbell.

Campbell II? That's pretty funny, or it would be if it wasn't so painfully true. Of course, Campbell I was actually better last year, in both passer rating and TDs, but that's the Redskins - giving up draft picks to downgrade at a position.

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If Freeman is stopped on their 2-point conversion or Shanahan decides he doesn't trust the kicking unit/doesn't want to stand in the rain for OT and we make a 2-point conversion, this is what we'd be talking about right now:

1) Improved OL play (both pass protecting and run blocking)

2) Torain

3) McNabb's 100+ QB rating

4) A stingy and gritty D who played inspired football the week after we suspended Haynesworth

5) How the team found a way to rise up against a playoff-caliber team and win the game

6) Bryant's play at NT

Let's keep some perspective here...we can win out or lose out, and the scoreboard is still secondary to identifying pieces to the solution beyond year one of this regime change.

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