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Did DeSean Jackson really say this post-game?


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Who cares, this is the biggest non story the past week, does every dog comment have to be associated with Vick? I don't agree with what he did but he paid his debt to society and yet people want him in jail still.

I don't won't Vick locked up in jail. He's paid what the courts laid down for his dispicable, and there's no other way to class the premeditated torture of defenseless animals, crime. What I find totally ironic with everyone who screams "he's paid his debt to society. Let him get on with his career again"; is the simple fact that had it been you or I, bar an absolute miracle. there's ZERO chance we'd of walked back into our old jobs again and just picked up were we left off. But Vick get's afforded that privilege that the average Joe NEVER would, because he happen's to be a pro athlete. And y'all sit there thinking it's acceptable for someone to be treated totally differently to anyone else who'd of committed and been sentenced for his crimes and shout he's "paid his debt to society, leave him be" whilst he goes slips right back into a highly paid, public position. The irony there blows me away.


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Well, the NFL has gotten away with coddling rapists, drug addicts and cheaters for a long time.

Why take offense in a passing comment that might remind us that the NFL may crown a convicted dog fight ringleader as its MVP?


What's next? Pedophiles?

Seriously, if someone was exposed as doing that, had been convicted but was a superior athlete; there'd still be some that would say "the dude's paid his debt to society. Why should he be punished further?"

Honestly man, I totally despair at those that can't separate basic right and wrong from mere athletic ability. And I don't claim to be some great moral, better than you, holier-than-thou crusader before someone throws that at me.

It's a seriously ****** up World out there. And often it's not always those that commit the crimes that are the only ****** up ones.


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I seriously hate that team so much. I hate them so, so, so much.

I'm a dog lover to a fault. It kills me to see people accept him so easily. Those Philly fans treat him like the Messiah.

Dude, it's Philly. That place is so soulless that they will prop up any terrible person if he wins a game or two. If he would have flopped, it would have been worse because the dog thing would have been the punch line to numerous sick jokes (Similar to what that newspaper was doing).

I'm glad the majority of people here aren't saying "Oh, what's the big deal?". I'm especially happy to see it from someone who comes from the same "South", that Clinton Portis said this kind of spectacle was common place and that is why you cannot blame Vick (Which, what short memories we must have for not bringing it into the discussion).

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For all of you "dog lover" stop acting like dogs are human because they are not. If you would stop treating humans like dogs and dogs like human the world would be a better place.

So, and I'm only trying to get a handle on your thought process here, if Vick and his co-horts had barbarically tortured defenseless human beings, which in relation to Vick we'll say woman and children, it would be an issue.

But a dog perceived to be worthless in comparison makes this a non-issue?


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You're wrong about that. Even with his on field success, many of us are dog lovers and will not fully support the team again until he gone. He's still referred to by many Bird fans as TDK (The Dog Kiler).

Meh, fully support the team man, just not the player. Pointless cutting your nose off to spite your face. Situations reversed and he be here, I'd argue against him all day long amongst fellow Redskin fans, regardless of how great he was on the field; but at the games I'd cheer my team, just not him. I wouldn't boo or abuse him at games, that's counter productive to the team and brings you down to his level. I just wouldn't applaud him.

Look on it as he's only an employer of the Philladelphia Eagles, frustrating as that is, and you'll all be still there LONG after he's gone.


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Speak for yourself. :ols:

Right. With ES' whining about wanting guys like TO and Randy Moss and not getting them, I'm sure those same parties (I don't know what you've said on that issue, so I'm not saying its you) would absolutely hate having a young, speedy playmaker on our team. Some of us (not me) thoroughly wanted old, problem receivers... But a guy who talks a little bit of trash, who is young and makes plays has no place on this team?

I can't see the overall logic.

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So be it. I despise what Vick did to those dogs. But I refuse to use that as an anchor for the frustration of witnessing a great performance from him. The Eagles beat us soundly. Did all they could do to win. While our Skins failed and embarrassed themselves, as usual, for all to see.

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So, and I'm only trying to get a handle on your thought process here, if Vick and his co-horts had barbarically tortured defenseless human beings, which in relation to Vick we'll say woman and children, it would be an issue.

But a dog perceived to be worthless in comparison makes this a non-issue?


Most people seem to love their dogs and animals in general more then they love themselves. Or Other humans. I cant get hip to that.

I wont hit a animal if it cross my path.Honk my horn. Ive picked up a turtle out the road. Taken a cat to the vet seeing it laying on the side of the road. Ive own dogs. Loved them. Not in a Ol yeller or Lassie sense. I despise what Vick did. But I wouldn't give up my life for one. If my pet faced a expensive surgery i couldn't afford that would save its life Id only make it comfortable as much as I could.

Vick went to jail. Got out. Asked forgiveness. Reinstated. Most will never forgive him. I don't think about it. All I know is he gave the sports world a classic performance Monday night. And as usual our Skins came out of it embarrassed and humiliated. That's all I care about .

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People compare fights and fighters to pit bulls all the time, because when provoked to fight, the breed often shows a natural tenacity and stubborn refusal to quit fighting.

Not according to the pit bulls lovers on this site and everywhere else. "Punish the deed, not the breed" and so forth. Sorry, genetics matters, even moreso when it comes to animals bred for specific purposes. You wouldn't hunt with a sheep dog and you wouldn't want a pit bull herding your livestock.

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I don't have a problem with comparing the Eagles to dogs....;)

On the other hand, do most pit bull owners keep them in cages?

That's the part that seems a bit suspicious to me.

Not being a dog owner or caring much for them one way or another,

it seems odd to me that he brought up a 'cages' if he doesn't have some history with them.

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I'm also suspicious -- that Jackson's comment may be revealing of a kind of a pro-Vick clique with the mindset that Vick's offenses weren't all that bad - and he got a raw deal. So now in that clique, it's a little bit of "us" versus "them" -- with Jackson's pit-bull reference being a defiant gesture to all those who haven't accepted Vick back.

Perhaps Jackson ought to think a little harder about the eventual fate of pit bulls associated with Mr. Vick? Maybe then, he might not be so eager to identify himself as one.

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Since "they just some dogs" then I guess that means they feel no pain like humans do. Which is why I will feel no remorse if Vick gets hurt playing football. And the way he runs around with the ball that day may surely come.

I don't think Vick will be leaving the Eagles anytime soon so The Skins will face him at least twice a season for a good while, I would assume.

Hopefully we'll get payback for such a humiliating loss...or should I say "gang raped" in front of our own fans, in our house in front of the entire nation...

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So, and I'm only trying to get a handle on your thought process here, if Vick and his co-horts had barbarically tortured defenseless human beings, which in relation to Vick we'll say woman and children, it would be an issue.

But a dog perceived to be worthless in comparison makes this a non-issue?


I wouldn't put any dog over a human being, that's the problem with some people here. In the NFL we got people who actually killed people from D.U.I's that still drive drunk like Lenard Little but Vick is the epitome of a monster, how the hell does he owe a debt to the dogs? should he walk every dog in America to show he's sorry? I don't know where you rank your kids in this I love my dog but I don't put my dog over my child. To answer your question, yes it would be a whole lot different if Vick tortured children.

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