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Fair Weather Fans No Better Than Last Night's Loss


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I'm a realist before being a homer. Because realist speaks the truth, many homers accuse realists being "negative" and "fair-weather." If the "realists" does not give crap about this team, why do we give a crap by wasting what we have to say about this team? We DO care!

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Team is like family. And it's perfectly OK to be upset with your family sometimes. As with family, it will pass.

I see what you're saying, but at this point, this thread is just as pointless as the 'hate' threads you refer to.


I will admit I was one who was getting on fans earlier but that was because I got tired of the "the season is over"

Yes anyone has the right to be pissed after last night, and should express it. But to post in one thread over 8 times that the season is over and attack anyone who still has hope, that goes beyond complaining but still being a fan.

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The loss to the Eagles was demoralizing to be sure. I'm still in a state of shock. But to come here, amid my Skins family, and see hate instead of support for the team you supposedly love... that hurts just as much.

When things go wrong, that's the time to rally around and show your support. Too embarrassed to wear Redskins gear? Vick jerseys are hot once again. Go get one. You won't be missed.

Team is like family. You don't throw your brothers and sisters under the bus. Criticism is fair, especially after a performance like the last one. But the hero/bust mentality that has set in is revolting. It's like Madden and fantasy football have debased the idea of being true fans.

I had hoped that last night would be a turning point, that we'd be 5-4 and heading for an NFC East title fight. Instead we got KO'd early. We're down. Our mettle will surely be tested.

But c'mon, we have to dig deep too. If we love this team, then now is the time to show it. All the haters be poisoning the well.

Stay strong, team. Fight the good fight. When the wins come in bunches, the bandwagon will still be rolling for all the turncoats who choose then to flock back.

It's easy to proclaim your loyalty when times are good. Criticize the play, but defend the spirit. Get up off the mat and battle!!!!!!!

Oh gee, another rah rah thread from a delusional fan. Heard the same stuff for 19 years now. Support the team. Support the worthless owner. Spend money to watch high school players take on the Eagles.

You're actually the problem. Stop showing up to games. Stop padding Danny's wallet. Boo the team until the clowns leave. The solution is destroying the franchise from the FO and down, then support competent, football people. Not, the clowns running the circus now.

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i guess im a fair weather fan then.it was about 3:30 am here and i switched off and went to bed.Thats the first time in the 20+ years of being a skins fan ive done that,ok ive only had the chance to watch everygame via the net for only part of those years,but that performance was a joke.A few players and members of the coaching staff should be worrying about there jobs today.ie HASLETT(way to go def) Another thing,snyder keeps saying how fed ex is alway full? well the second tier lastnight wasnt,plenty of yellow seats on view,wake up call snyder....fans are not impressed.

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I'm 22 years old and I can only really clearly remember watching games from the Richie Pettibon season and onward. In all my time watching the Redskins I've watched them go 126-160.

I've seen them win the division once in my life. I've seen them win a playoff game twice. I've never seen them win more than 10 games in a season, I've never seen them get past the divisional playoffs.

I am always supportive. I don't like being a fan of a team and then giving up on it. I'm starting to lose interest for the first time ever though. My favorite sport, my favorite team, I know everything about the Redskins and Redskins history. Hell my PIN at the bank is even a combination of some player numbers.

If the weather has never really been good. If I've been here for a storm that has lasted 17 years now. If all I've ever seen aside from a team barely making the playoffs and losing 3/17 times is a horrible or mediocre pile of crap, why am I a fair weather fan?

A more accurate description would be "horrible weather fans who have been here through thin and zero thick". I've never seen this team do anything good. Can't I actually say what a pack of bums and losers they are ONE TIME? Jesus.

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I have been as die hard as possible for 20 plus years....but last night did something to me.

Im sick of this ****........its getting to be a complete joke.....

I mean look at this roster.........it is ABYSMAL.

There is honestly probably 10-15 players on this team that wouldnt have a shot in hell in being in the NFL if they werent on the redskins.

Obviously I will continue to support them.........but damn is beginning to feel like its self torture

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I have been a Redskins fan my entire life....I left the hospital in a Skins outfit in 1982.......I was watching the 1987 superbowl, and Have the greatest meories of the 1991 superbowl. I buy jersies, hats, t-shirts, plaques, etc.

I have gone to alot of games, and went to 5 last year........I have seen the highest of highs and lowest of lows, and while I am not going to root for another team ever, I am done with the support factor. All I have done is make these people rich for nothing. We are a leaugue laughing stock....we are the but of jokes more so than the Lions. When I tell people I am a Redskin fan the either laugh or feel sorry for me, and I can say NOTHING to defend either response.

Have they ever supported me in those times, Did Dan Snyder write me an email saying he man Im gonna fix this sorry the guys at the bar talked trash last nite....HELL NO!

I am far from fair weather, and this team is far from fair weather. I will not spend another dime on this teams tickets or merchandise until I see a winning season....not 8-8 a minimum of 9-7 is what it will take to get me to spend money on them again. I will only go to another game if the tickets are free, I do not have to chip in for gas, or food essentially a free trip. I will not buy the new hat next year as I have done every year for the last 10 same for shirts, and I will never spend money on a jersey of one of these bums.

Be positive all you want but we got destroyed on National TV and are the joke of the NFL right now. The time for positive is over! The time to demand accountability has been upon us for some time and we need to make it happen.

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Don't question my fandom when I am unhappy with that garbage on the field last night.

Give me one thing to support from this game. We can be as unhappy and frustrated as we like. Not all of us are blind homers.

I have not missed watching a game in over 10 years. How many of those years have we been in the playoffs? Do not call me a fairweather fan.

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5 losses. You know what that means? Means we could still get 11 wins. If we get 6 lossess, know what that means? We can still get 10 wins. If we get 7 losses, know what that means?

Ohhhh Nooooo!


HAHAHAHAHA Thanks for the funny post. 10 wins. Yes, by the 5th week next year, we'll have our 10th win.

In the last 3 seasons.

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I am far from fair weather, and this team is far from fair weather. I will not spend another dime on this teams tickets or merchandise until I see a winning season....not 8-8 a minimum of 9-7 is what it will take to get me to spend money on them again. I will only go to another game if the tickets are free.

There is no way I'd go to a game if given tickets. Our company has box seats up there and I refuse to go. I would never waste my time with watchin them live. Ever.

So, I'm with you. I've never purchased a ticket to a Redskin game under the Danny era, and I never will. Last regular season game was 1998 and it will stay that way until they can have multiple winning seasons and look like a serious team.

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It must be nice to be so even keeled after presenting such a steaming pile to the nation in primetime. I don't want to hear how we're building for the future, I don't care if the long term picture is improving and I could give two farts in a windstorm to hear anything even remotely positive or medium. That um...er...game last night was the very definition of rock bottom, uninspired, egregiously lackluster football...At home...After a bye...On our only MNF game of the season...to a division rival....that we beat 6 weeks ago. We were setting records for the Eagles like a fat kid on a cupcake and Michael Vick is now the annointed messiah of the QB position thanks to a game plan that by all means could've be drawn up on an Etch-e-Sketch by a blind, dsylexic amputee. But to all those people out there that think it's all good baby, you just keep wishing on a star and humming down the lane with a bluebird on your shoulder or maybe we should take the train back form Mamby-Pambyland you Jackwagons!!!

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No matter how many threads are started on this subject, the OP's all fail to understand one thing:

There are no fairweather fans here after the last 18 years of performance.

Can we just sticky that statement for all the kool aid drinking homers that try to polish this turd? That says it all. It's impossible to be a fair weather Browns, Redskins, or Lions fan. None of us have seen fair to good weather in 18 years. It's been cloudy with a 100% chance of suck for a long time now.

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Given the performance of this team for the last 15 years now and they just let a division rival lay almost 60 on them and you call the fans fair weather?? Just utterly clueless. Your screen name is very apropos.

exactly...my $1200.00 for seasons tickets got me that performance last night......to be angry and upset is a good thing for us fans after that game...nowhere have we stated that we're turning in our fan cards....though 1 could understand.LOL

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ANYBODY still caring enough to post about this organization after nigh on two decades of mediocrity that has the Redskins on parity with any bottom dwelling team you may care to mention is the furthest thing from a "fairweather" fan that could possibly be.

Surely if they we're "fairweather" fans, they wouldn't still be posting here and would be on the bandwagon of the Falcons/Jets/Patriots/A N Other flavor of the month winning team out there?


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I guess I'm fairweather then...I HAPPILY turned the game off at the half and got a good night's sleep. I've been ride/die w. the Skins since I was born, but why bother being tired during my workday because I stayed up to watch the rest of the massacre. Turning them off at the half was the best decision I made all night. Hopefully they show better vs. Tenn.

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Last night was the first time in my life that I've turned off a Skins game before it was over. For some perspective, I sat and watched every minute of the Monday Night Miracle in Dallas, when just about every fan I know turned in early. Call me what you will, but I'm done going out of my way to watch this team for the rest of the season. I, like most others, watch football to be entertained. And as a Redskins fan, I'm entertained when the Redskins atleast give a solid effort. They don't have to win, but I atleast want to see SOMETHING worthy of the millions of dollars being spent on them and the devotion of millions of fans.

Last night was a turning point for me. After a bye week, at home, on national television, in a game with HUGE divisional implications, the Skins came out and gave us THE worst performance of my lifetime, and one of the worst in the history of the franchise. I'm not so delusional to think that we have a roster capabale of making a Super Bowl run, but they are better than what we saw last night. That game was a complete lack of effort and confidence, plain and simple. And that pisses me off.

If that's the kind of effort we as fans are going to get from the team we love and support, then **** them. I'll find something else to do on Sundays.

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