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An All New Low For Media Hate...


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So I just arrived home (2pm) from work and I live in Allentown PA (about 1.5-2 hours north of Philly) and Im greeted by the Allentown Morning Call, the daily Allentown newspaper. The MAIN cover story of the ENTIRE paper has a picture of Shanahan and McNabb with the headline "Who is Responsible for Mess in DC?" I couldn't get past the first few sentences. The writer goes on to say that Shanahan is responsible for the "mess" and that once he is fired for screwing up the McNabb/franchise period and when he lands at Notre Dame (cuz thats probably the only place that will want him once he is fired the writer says) he will regret screwing up the whole thing. Also the writer says if he had a quarter for every time he said McNabb was washed up since 2005 he would own some business. Thats as far as I could read. Seriously tho, WTF??? I cant believe the garbage people get paid for writing to a demographic well out of DC territory in the heart of Eagle land.

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Yeah it's stupid writing but he's just being a homer. Since sports writers are about half as intelligent as the average person and Eagles fans are about half as intelligent as them, you're ending up with a product here that's only really fit to wipe your ass with.

I agree with the overall point though. Sports reporting is a joke with no serious journalistic integrity or cache. With a potential readership of millions, you would think there would be more than four or five excellent football writers in the country. But the writers are mostly stupid and untalented and they pander to the lowest common denominator of fan anyway.

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Brother I hear yah. For a team thats 4-4 and undeated in their division, the media is treating us like ohhh say last years team.

We have to take it, and the Skins have to remove it by just going to work and winning.Thats the only way you get these negative

feeding slugs off yah. Keep the faith and always remember what the Saints & RedSox had to endure.

We are only into year 18 without a ring, Iggles still waiting.

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Cue the Philly jokes.

Here is a picture of the dude who wrote this small town garbage.


There is a typo on the newspaper's own website in the about the author section so I'd say journalistic integrity isn't exactly high on the list of priorities for the folks over at the morning call.

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Im just taken back by it being he cover of the main page of the Allentown paper. Not the sports section, the main section haha. I dont expect any credit, frankly we dont deserve it yet because we have played bad at times but instead of writing about the Eagles looking for redemption, he just talks about stuff he has NO idea about. I guess it truly doesn't surprise me tho...

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I found even more interesting is how the media could take M.Shanahan's comment "McNabb does not know the 2 min. drill all that well" and "McNabb was not physically fit to run the 2 min. drill" to be a racist comment and mean "I hate black QB's and benched McNabb for a white QB."

Only to start the rumor that McNabb is not coming back next year cause of how he's been treated. Drama. Just because the HC is not giving the media all the inside details (which might help our opponants) they have to create drama to sell their product. Guess what .... McNabb has stated he "will" be here next year. From both GM and McNabb we keep hearing how the contract is almost complete. People with inside info have said there are small details to be worked out but the major part of the contract is finished.

Gotta love the media. Can't find dirt or drama ya gotta make it up.

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I found even more interesting is how the media could take M.Shanahan's comment "McNabb does not know the 2 min. drill all that well" and "McNabb was not physically fit to run the 2 min. drill" to be a racist comment and mean "I hate black QB's and benched McNabb for a white QB."

That was just John Feinstein and he should be ignored because he is a bitter old ****.
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True "the media" likes to make a big story over the smallest controversy when it comes the Redskins. I can understand why they do to a point because our organization has been circus for most of Dannyboy's ownership (overpaid/overage players, firing Shotty, Spurrier's rubber lips, the whole Zorn era), you name it. It will take time and continued success for our beloved team to gain respect again from anyone in the media.

I say they can start tonight! HAIL!!!

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Cue the Philly jokes.

Here is a picture of the dude who wrote this small town garbage.


There is a typo on the newspaper's own website in the about the author section so I'd say journalistic integrity isn't exactly high on the list of priorities for the folks over at the morning call.

This guy is a blogger and I think we should all contact him after the Skins win tonight.

101 North 6th Street

Allentown, PA 18101-1480

(610) 820-6558



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