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Almost feels like we lost again today


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I thought we might get some help from the Colts and/or Seahawks today. Instead they got rolled by the Eagles and Giants. Then I see Jason Campbell leading the Raiders to a last minute comeback overtime win over the Chiefs. Furthermore I see so many "bad" teams that are playing quite well lately. I found myself trying to think of which NFL teams the Redskins are actually better than. My list goes Cowboys, Panthers, 49'ers.....and the only one I'm really confident about is the Cowboys. Look at what the Browns, Raiders, Lions, Rams, and even the Bills (I realize they are 0-8) have done in recent weeks. It seems like everyone is having fun except us. Even our 4 wins have been painful.

But there are a few positives. We are a relatively "strong" 4-4 due to a 2-0 division record and 4-2 NFC record. We only have 2 teams to contend with in this division instead of the usual 3 due to the Cowboys debacle. We control our own destiny with the two teams that are ahead of us (we can effectively move ahead of the Eagles with a win next Monday due to tiebreaker). And the Giants have a history of fading down the stretch, almost like clockwork. So the schedule makers may have done us a favor putting both games so late. All I'm saying is that if the Redskins figure a few things out over the bye and get the 2nd half off to a good start with a win over the Eagles, we still have viable season (at least that's what I'm telling myself).

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I know there are no style points in the NFL, but you look at what the Giants did to the Seahawks and what the Packers are doing to the Cowboys. Yes, both losing teams have backup QBs, but if the Skins played either Seattle or Dallas this week, it probably would've been a struggle decided in the last 5 minutes.

I think in the NFC you're going to probably have one wild card from the East and one from the South. The only thing I see derailing the Giants right now is injury. The Eagles win against the Colts was pretty big, and next week's game will be huge. Both the Eagles and Giants have the luxury of playing the Cowboys twice, while we only get them once.

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I said it when we got Mcnabb and I'll say it again, we should have kept Campbell. They are virtually the same QB at this point in their careers. I'd even give Campbell the edge in accuracy. The only thing Mcnabb has on him is the deep ball, but it's not like its been bombs away this season. Campbell also has much less talent at WR than Mcnabb does. Oh, and Campbell is also 5 years younger. 5 YEARS!

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I said it when we got Mcnabb and I'll say it again, we should have kept Campbell. They are virtually the same QB at this point in their careers. I'd even give Campbell the edge in accuracy. The only thing Mcnabb has on him is the deep ball, but it's not like its been bombs away this season. Campbell also has much less talent at WR than Mcnabb does. Oh, and Campbell is also 5 years younger. 5 YEARS!


We traded two freaking draft picks for the same player. Not to mention Jason Campbell beat the Eagles a few times while starting here (Jason > McNabb). So in conclusion Oakland robbed us.


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This thread is overflowing with so much stupid, there will need to be another one to handle the excess.

Shoulda kept Campbell? Really?!? Because he's "better than McNabb"??

Words fail me.

What are we in denial here? If D-Mac goes to Oakland I don't think Oakland is 5-4 right now. Oakland doesn't have the talent we do (which isn't saying much) or the coaching staff we do. Lol what is stupid is the fact that we gave up 2 draft picks for him..


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We traded two freaking draft picks for the same player. Not to mention Jason Campbell beat the Eagles a few times while starting here (Jason > McNabb). So in conclusion Oakland robbed us.


Exactly. I think Shanahan could have molded Campbell into a much better QB than Mcnabb. Mcnabb is what he is. I don't think he will become accurate all of a sudden. Oakland got a starting QB for a 4th round pick in 2012. We traded a 2nd round pick in 2011 for a QB who is not as good as Campbell at this point in their careers. We took a big L.

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Exactly. I think Shanahan could have molded Campbell into a much better QB than Mcnabb. Mcnabb is what he is. I don't think he will become accurate all of a sudden. Oakland got a starting QB for a 4h round pick in 2012. We traded a 2nd round pick in 2011 for a QB who is not as good as Campbell at this point in their careers. We took a big L.

Not to mention we benched him last week and apparently we had been planning on benching him before last week. "When it rains it pours"


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This thread is overflowing with so much stupid, there will need to be another one to handle the excess.

Shoulda kept Campbell? Really?!? Because he's "better than McNabb"??

Words fail me.

Dude, when is the last time the Redskins won 3 in a row since 2007? I know your going to say the Raiders have won 3 in a row in spite of Campbell, but that argument is BS. In both the Chargers game and Chiefs game, Campbell threw TD's to bring his team back. And his performance in OT today was impressive.

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I would have rather kept Campbell for another year with my draft picks. Oakland over 500 with JC at the helm should speak volumes to allot of people. Oakland didn't exactly go out and surround JC with the best talent in the world (THEY SIGNED ROCK CARTWRIGHT)

OO Coach.. please don't get to over-assessing and over doing things the second half of the season


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McNabb isn't hot right now, but at least he can get hot. He can connect with deep balls and he's much stronger and hard to bring down in the pocket. He runs better. He leads better. He's also riddled with injuries right now. If anything, Campbell is the diet soft drink formulation of McNabb -- and not even a modern diet soft drink formulation -- I'm talking 1970's saccharin.

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This is the time of year where the men separate themselves from the boys. There are quite a few good teams in the NFC. I figure the Redskins can defeat Philly and be in second place in the division behind the NYG. We can say now that the Cowboys are done. We've beaten Green Bay, and should be in a 6-2 division tie with the Giants. The Redskins have let some games get away, notably the Texans game, Rams game, and the Lions game. We are really better than our 4-4 record indicates. The only game the worries me down the stretch is the game against the Tennessee Titans. Hopefully, the Washington Redskins are capable of going 7-1 during the 2nd half of the season to finish 11-5.

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McNabb isn't hot right now, but at least he can get hot. He can connect with deep balls and he's much stronger and hard to bring down in the pocket. He runs better. He leads better. He's also riddled with injuries right now. If anything, Campbell is the diet soft drink formulation of McNabb -- and not even a modern diet soft drink formulation -- I'm talking 1970's saccharin.

Mcnabb last 5 games: 5 Td's, 7 Int's. His paser rating this season is 76. He has broken a 100 Qb rating once this season. His record in these games is 3-2.

Campbell last 5 games. 6 Td's, 3 int's. He only played in half of one of these games. His passer rating this season is 81. He has broken a passer rating of 100 3 times this season. Twice having a passer rating over 120. Mcnabb has yet to break a passer rating of 120. Campbell's record during this games? 4-1.

Can anyone say with a straight face, that we made a GOOD move trading away a 2nd and 4th round pick for Donovan Mcnabb. We could have kept Campbell, and SERIOUSLY upgraded our team with those 2 picks.

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What are we in denial here? If D-Mac goes to Oakland I don't think Oakland is 5-4 right now. Oakland doesn't have the talent we do (which isn't saying much) or the coaching staff we do. Lol what is stupid is the fact that we gave up 2 draft picks for him..


What are you basing your opinion off of? I hope it's not just wins and losses, because clearly only a delusional (and lazy) fan would base it on that. Who has Oakland played? OH YEA...only some of the worst statistical defenses in the league, minus San Diego ( which Campbell only had 159 yards against) and Kansas City ( which you could argue is his best game this year against a decent D). They've faced two defenses in the top 15. I believe we have faced 4. The 2 worst defenses McNabb has faced...he light up for almost 800 total yards.

So, McNabb, with less( Yes...less), and older, talent on offense has led this team to a 4-4 record with the tougher schedule, and you're telling me he couldn't lead Oakland to a 5-4 record? Dude, do you know Campbell personally? Because I could guarantee we would be nowhere close to 4-4 with Campbell at QB.

I tell you what? Come back in 3 weeks, after Campbell faces Pittsburgh, Miami, San Diego, and then loses his job again. Then let me know if you still believe that.

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4-4 right now...

We've beaten the Packers, Eagles, Bears, and Cowboys....

Going into the season... I would have loved to have those be our wins...

Losses: Colts, Texans, Rams, Lions

Name one team that will legitimately challenge us for the NFC Wild Card Tie Breaker?

Rams' look like they will win their division and the Lions are 2-6...

We've won ∞(est) more division games than we did last year.

You are looking at "what could have been" rather than "what we thought"

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What are you basing your opinion off of? I hope it's not just wins and losses, because clearly only a delusional (and lazy) fan would base it on that. Who has Oakland played? OH YEA...only some of the worst statistical defenses in the league, minus San Diego ( which Campbell only had 159 yards against) and Kansas City ( which you could argue is his best game this year against a decent D). They've faced two defenses in the top 15. I believe we have faced 4. The 2 worst defenses McNabb has faced...he light up for almost 800 total yards.

So, McNabb, with less( Yes...less), and older, talent on offense has led this team to a 4-4 record with the tougher schedule, and you're telling me he couldn't lead Oakland to a 5-4 record? Dude, do you know Campbell personally? Because I could guarantee we would be nowhere close to 4-4 with Campbell at QB.

I tell you what? Come back in 3 weeks, after Campbell faces Pittsburgh, Miami, San Diego, and then loses his job again. Then let me know if you still believe that.

159 yards vs San Diego? Did you know he only played half of that game?

Are you really saying Campbell has better weapons than Mcnabb. Yes, they have a better running game. But Moss is much better than any of their WR's. Cooley is better than Miller. Their WR corp is HORRIBLE. Mcnabb would be 2-6 with us if it wasn't for Deangelo Hall. Yes. 2-6. If Deangelo Hall does not play the Dallas game and the Bears game, we are 2-6. Point blank. The Raiders are better than us. Face it.

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I said it when we got Mcnabb and I'll say it again, we should have kept Campbell. They are virtually the same QB at this point in their careers. I'd even give Campbell the edge in accuracy. The only thing Mcnabb has on him is the deep ball, but it's not like its been bombs away this season. Campbell also has much less talent at WR than Mcnabb does. Oh, and Campbell is also 5 years younger. 5 YEARS!

JC would still be running for his blessed life behind this pathetic line. No matter the QB. Lord this O-line sucks.

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