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Big Mike Williams


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WTF??? I don't think baggering is a word. And besides, it was ONE post and I was KIDDING. Hardly enough to throw and entire thread off topic. If I were trying to do that, I would have started saying something about bad decisions the coaching staff has made or how "Well, McNabb was labeled as the starting QB".

I guess with your entire 5 days of experience it's not noticeable, but hang around a while and you will see. :D

Anyway, to get you back on topic since you're so easily distracted :pfft:, I thought Big Mike would have made a great ZBS guard. It doesn't take a ton of athleticism to play guard in ANY scheme and Mike was extremely athletic for a guard, and for a guy of his size.

If we were having him play tackle, then I'd have been worried, but at guard I think he's a great fit. Too bad we won't know for a year.

See, just because with THIS username I have only been around for 5 days means nothing, I have been on here for 2 years, just have a different username now because my cpu got a virus and screwed a lot of things up.

And every thread you have posted in you make a comment about another fan and/or the comments they make in a negative way. Seems like you have a negative view on EVERYTHING. Joking only goes so far with mature people trying to have serious mature conversations. I am not easily distracted, I am easily annoyed by ignorance.

Now on to important things. Williams will again be a rock on our OL next year, if we had him this year, our performance would be much higher

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See, just because with THIS username I have only been around for 5 days means nothing, I have been on here for 2 years, just have a different username now because my cpu got a virus and screwed a lot of things up.

And every thread you have posted in you make a comment about another fan and/or the comments they make in a negative way. Seems like you have a negative view on EVERYTHING. Joking only goes so far with mature people trying to have serious mature conversations. I am not easily distracted, I am easily annoyed by ignorance.

I won't apologize for having a sense of humor. You've made several ignorant and incorrect assumptions about my character so far and I'm interested to know where it is that I've shared "a negative view on EVERYTHING" or criticized other fans on a regular basis. Like I said, I like to joke around with others and I don't mean any harm by it. My comment to joe was meant to be playful, and for anyone that's spent significant time on the board, hopefully they would understand that.

If I hurt your feelings, or joe's, at some point in time, then I'm honestly sorry, but I don't know where you got these generalizations about me from. I would like to see the proof so I can at least explain myself and apologize to anyone that might have taken what I said in the wrong way. I'm normally very positive about our team and when people hear are having a difficult time, I've tried to be supportive of them.

It's true I joke a lot, but I come here for fun, not to have stimulating intellectual conversation, most of the time anyway. Not all of us are the same, so it can't be expected for everyone to be stonefaced serious 100% of the time. Half of us enjoy friendly sarcasm and half of us don't, and the two halves usually co-exist with some happiness and get along fine.

I've gone back and looked through the entire thread and seen at least 10 posts from different people that have shown either an intent to bag on the OP, have nothing to do with the thread, the poster is kidding around, or being completely hateful (I hope you're in prison) to a degree worse than my post. So, I'm not sure why you singled me out, but like I said, I apologize if what I said offended you or anyone else.

However, I would appreciate it if you would take back your inference that I'm "ignorant". I may not be as smart as you, but I've done plenty with my life that I believe have given me an education and intelligence. I've lived all over the country in poor areas and rich areas and made friends from all areas, I served a 2 year service mission working with recovering drug addicts, alcoholics, and victims recovering from sexual abuse. I served 6 years in military intelligence and learn arabic fluently in less than two years. It may not mean much to you, to throw ignorance around, but ignorant people are the ones who are racist, sexist, and force others to do what they want because they don't believe those people are intelligent enough to live their lives. I'm not one of those.

I may not have the type of humor you appreciate, but to infer someone is ignorant because they don't laugh the same way you do isn't better.

EDIT: You should be able to still log in with your old username, regardless of the computer you're using, or the mods should be able to restore your old one if you want it back.

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And I apologize for being offensive as well. There has not been a thread yet this week where someone has not taken a shot at another fan, and it got very frustrating and in regards to the 10 posts you have pointed out, honestly once I see a post like that, I try to look at the poster before the post in those threads in an attempt to find those who I have regularly seen making serious posts and avoid reading the ones that are negative towards another fan. It was just that, that was the 3rd time this week you commented like that on one of my posts, and it came across as though you had singled me out. I respect everyone's opinion when it comes to football and especially the skins. I am very "extreme" in my support of the team and I get extreme in my statements in regards to them. I will not deny that sometimes I may go overboard (that comes from being 50/50 german and irish). I meant in no way that you were ignorant as a person, sorry for how I worded that, I meant that your comments sometimes ignorant.

By nature, meaning volunteer work I have done with mentally handicapped children, make me highly judgemental when it comes to comments being made about another persons thoughts, statements, opinions that they are willing to make to a large mass of people, and I am sorry I went overboard with that.

In regards to my old username, it was a mute point for me because the number of posts anyone makes means nothing to me, and I don't see how in anyway the number of posts a person makes speaks to their credit of knowledge. For example, if a 50 year old fan who knows more history of the NFL and the skins then you and me combined has more credit IMO then a 35 year old who has 13,000 posts.

And for the record, your military service means more to me as a person then anything you will ever post on here - a joke, fact, opinion or anything in between. And that is because I am also a veteran (I was a cryptologist and worked with many linguist.)

So to set the record straight, I have no qualms with you as a person, it just bothers me, no matter who it is, when someone goes into a thread where the first posts states that the intent was to be a serious conversation and makes a joke or insulting comment.

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Grove and Hartwig are two players I wish we would look at. Definite upgrades to Rabach IMO.

Yes they both are, my ranking also took into effect the PERCEIVED ability to perform in the curent system. that is one category I use that is truly hypothetical because there is no way to accurately judge that until they are put into games in that system

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  • 4 months later...
Whatever happened to him? He would be sooo excellent on our Line right now at LG

@JSteelz - L. me, n TK have confirmed BMW pretty healthy from what we are told.Comeback in works come on big man..

@ES_Oldskool BMW moves good for bigman, shanny signed BMW 2 a 3 year deal, Dock was already signed so he was already stuck there

@ES_Oldskool just a rare mix of a really big guy that can move, they want him at G n some backup T, but he starts at neither,other plans

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It was already a great comeback story, now it could be even more spectacular if he rejoins and plays well and then the Redskins are successful. Hey where is that dumb and dumber vid? Oh well, I do admire Mike for his hardwork and wish him the best.

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He is nice low cost depth who has some position flexibility.

As it also sounds like it would be a huge upset if we don't sign Ryan Harris, this could be our 2011 OL:


C depth: Cook

G depth: BMW, Hicks

T depth: Oldenburg, Fulton, and Capers

We also would have great flexibility with KL, AM, EC all being able to play each interior spot, and BMW, AH able to play both G and T.

We could still stand to add a moderately high drafted (2nd-4th round) interior OL. I still like the value we could get from Rodney Hudson as an undersized G who would fit our scheme.

Williams-Hudson-Lichtensteiger-Montgomery-Harris (average age - 24.6 years, Montgomery at 28 as elder statesman) would be a great improvement for the long term.

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I hope Big Mike gets better soon, and i would love for him to be another option for us at RG or RT. But I'm thinking about the how whole Dockery thing went down, and I'm honestly wondering, is MW in that same category? A huge mauler, not so athletic and quick on his feet as Shanny likes?

If Lichtensteiger is a better option at LG than Dock was ... I'm honestly wondering what the staff thinks about how Big Mike fits into our ZBS? Just curious. HAIL.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 09:53 AM ----------

I hope Big Mike gets better soon, and i would love for him to be another option for us at RG or RT. But I'm thinking about the how whole Dockery thing went down, and I'm honestly wondering, is MW in that same category? A huge mauler, not so athletic and quick on his feet as Shanny likes?

If Lichtensteiger is a better option at LG than Dock was ... I'm honestly wondering what the staff thinks about how Big Mike fits into our ZBS? Just curious. HAIL.

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BMW is ultra athletic for a man his size. From two different coaching staffs, he has draw rave reviews for how light on his feet he is.

Also - Shanahan signed off on a 3 year contract for BMW, while he inherited Dockery. Big difference there.

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BMW is ultra athletic for a man his size. From two different coaching staffs, he has draw rave reviews for how light on his feet he is.

good to know ... thanks Tris! HAIL. That makes me feel a bit better about this upcoming draft too, considering he is a viable option for OL depth!

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 10:12 AM ----------

BMW is ultra athletic for a man his size. From two different coaching staffs, he has draw rave reviews for how light on his feet he is.

good to know ... thanks Tris! HAIL. That makes me feel a bit better about this upcoming draft too, considering he is a viable option for OL depth!

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good to know ... thanks Tris! HAIL. That makes me feel a bit better about this upcoming draft too, considering he is a viable option for OL depth!

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 10:12 AM ----------

The one fact about BMW that people don't weight in enough (no pun intended) is that the guy was the number 4 overall pick.

Think about the primer tackles in every draft. Usually, they're huge, but they are ALSO super athletic and mobile. Thats what differentiates the "good" prospects from the "elite" prospects, which, as funny as it may seen now, BMW was.

Yea, he may not have been as good as originally advertised as tackle, but as a guard, he could still take advantage of the other intangibles and athletic ability that propelled him to be that high of a draft pick in the first place.

Look at Robert Gallery or Tony Mandarich. Or BMW two years ago for that matter. He was MAULER. While he may not have had the tecnique down it was obvious that he was physically stronger than the majority of the d linemen he was blocking.

I'm not saying the guys a superstar, or even a starter for that matter. But I'm intritiged and borderline giddy at the prospects of BMW. With that kind of physical ability he could turn into a real find for us.

*PS- I think that we should set a decry of revisionist history that from here on out we will not acknowledge and/or credit Vinny Ceratto for the signing. That is unless BMW sucks, which is this case, you better believe it's Vinny's fault. :evilg:

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Am I the only one who wasn't terribly impressed by Mike Williams in 2009? We're talking like he's the great savior of the team's guard problems. Granted, he's a great story and all, but I don't remember him being worthy of this type of praise.

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*PS- I think that we should set a decry of revisionist history that from here on out we will not acknowledge and/or credit Vinny Ceratto for the signing. That is unless BMW sucks, which is this case, you better believe it's Vinny's fault. :evilg:

I hope that does not occur. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut occassionally.

Am I the only one who wasn't terribly impressed by Mike Williams in 2009? We're talking like he's the great savior of the team's guard problems. Granted, he's a great story and all, but I don't remember him being worthy of this type of praise.

Well, I think we all agree that it would take more than one year for someone to come back to football after being out of the game for 3 years. I mean, going from zero workouts and 410 lbs to professional athlete shape and then excelling at your position should take time, no?

The fact that he started 8 games was prehaps more an indictment of the 2009 OL than BMW's progress, but that he even could play competently that quickly was a major positive in my mind.

Shanahan clearly saw some potential there, and signed him to a deal. Now that he has been regularly working out for 3 offseasons and has 2 seasons of being on the roster back under his belt, I would expect similar strides.

Again, he's a low risk, high reward ($840K salary in 2011) depth player - no one claims he is going to be the second coming of Mark May, he is a capable NFL backup with what sounds like elite footwork for a 350 lb G.

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I hope that does not occur. Even a blind squirrel can find a nut occassionally.

Well, I think we all agree that it would take more than one year for someone to come back to football after being out of the game for 3 years. I mean, going from zero workouts and 410 lbs to professional athlete shape and then excelling at your position should take time, no?

The fact that he started 8 games was prehaps more an indictment of the 2009 OL than BMW's progress, but that he even could play competently that quickly was a major positive in my mind.

Shanahan clearly saw some potential there, and signed him to a deal. Now that he has been regularly working out for 3 offseasons and has 2 seasons of being on the roster back under his belt, I would expect similar strides.

Again, he's a low risk, high reward ($840K salary in 2011) depth player - no one claims he is going to be the second coming of Mark May, he is a capable NFL backup with what sounds like elite footwork for a 350 lb G.

I'd say quite a few in this thread are overestimating what his impact will be. Granted, he was 450lbs prior to his comeback, and he was able to get on the field and compete. But he was never particularly successful prior to his obesity (some would argue he wasn't motivated), and at his age (31) your body tends to break down, even if you're "only" 340lbs. My concerns are that (1) the damage is already done as far as his health is concerned, and (2) he's missed his window from an "athletic" standpoint.

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this could be our 2011 OL:


lord, i hope rabach isnt our center.

---------- Post added April-6th-2011 at 12:28 PM ----------

I'd say quite a few in this thread are overestimating what his impact will be. Granted, he was 450lbs prior to his comeback, and he was able to get on the field and compete. But he was never particularly successful prior to his obesity (some would argue he wasn't motivated), and at his age (31) your body tends to break down, even if you're "only" 340lbs. My concerns are that (1) the damage is already done as far as his health is concerned, and (2) he's missed his window from an "athletic" standpoint.

as a T, he was a bust, but he played well at G. he was supposed to be our starting RG last year, and the coaches really like him.

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lord, i hope rabach isnt our center.

Me too. But unless we draft a G/C who is relatively ready to start (read: 2nd or 3rd round), either Rabach is our starting C (with Lich and Monty as bookends) or BMW/Hicks is our starting RG (with some combination of Lich/Monty at C/G).

Of all the possible combinations of KL, WM, CR, BMW, and AH, I think the one the makes the most sense (and the one we have seen in action), is KL-CR-WM.

That's why I feel it's important to add a G in the draft. (So we can bump one of the natural centers KL and WM to C and have the other and the rookie as bookeneds).

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Youre not. Others are.

Just as you are overestimating that his time is gone because he's 31. Many, many linemen have played well into their mid thirties. He's just depth. Nobody is asking him to start 16 games. I think it's amazing he came back to play at a good level after dropping 100 lbs. and not playing for 3 years. And it will be more amazing for him to come back after the clot.

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This is all about Expectation Management. No, he won't save or dramatically improve our o-line. But yes, he would definitely help. Our interior OL is not only weak at the top, but terribly shallow. If he could even compete for a starting job, I'd argue it's a significant bonus. The comments about his rare athleticism for size are accurate. If fully healthy, I'd take him over 'Steiger or Monty at guard any day of the week.

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