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What An Awesome Feeling...


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...of becoming a dad.

The happiest moment in my life happened on Wednesday August 27, 2003 at 10.16 pm when my first child was born.

The baby is a girl with 8 lb 15 oz and 20 inches long. :thumbsup: Both baby and mom are fine. This is the reason why I'm still awake at this time. :D


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Well now congrats there Dukeskins, :pint: :pint: on the arrival of the newest member of the family. gaga.gif We know she'll be properly attired in the latest redskins infant clothing line......................for girls of course. :silly:


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Congrats Duke!

Best thing that will ever happen to you, becoming a Dad.

Piece of advice....spend every minute you can with her....you'll get tired of hearing 'enjoy them while you can, they grow up so quick!', but truer words were never spoken. Seems like just yesterday my son and daughter were born. Now my 10 year old daughter has already reached the 'eye-rolling' stage, and my 6 year old is in school. Goes fast. Enjoy her! You'll now be faced with the moral dilemma I face this time of year....

Skins game is on. But kids want to play. Remember, if you're creative you can give a lot of love during commercial breaks and at halftime ;)

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Congrats Dukeskins!! Now get as much sleep as you can before they get home from the hospital.:laugh: We have 2 with a third on the way. It's tough sometimes, but I can't imagine life without them. Children are life's greatest blessing. Your whole life is about to change. Enjoy!

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Congrats Dukie.... she's a looker. Although I'm not a father, I'm always happy to hear of new babies and new fathers. Hold her close, spoil her rotten now, because she'll be rolling those eyes and whispering under her breath at your displeasure at her choice of boyfriends.

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