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I cant cut it out completly(too much of my diet and I am finding more and more Fruits and Vegtables are causing what seems like allergic reactions (Itchy throat and puffy lips)) but I have cut back on all Sodas and Fast food by about 50% over the past few months and candy completly out of my diet outside the occasional Snickers Bar at work to last until lunch or dinner. I had little to no change after the switch.

At home my step mother is a huge health nut. 0 cookies chips sodas juices gatoraid. Nothing like that at all. Milk and water is the only thing I drink at home and the only snacks I eat is popcorn

Learn to cut it out completely. If your tri's are high on your blood test, they will take you right off and you have to start all over again. It's not TERRIBLE to have it once or twice in 2 weeks if you have too, but DO NOT eat anything with high sugar (besides natural like fruit), or eat any fast food at least 3-4 days before you get your blood test. Eat very healthy 3-4 days before you take it.

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So you'd rather take a potentially dangerous drug, instead of altering your diet for a month, despite the unlimited benefits you'll receive from it?

I have done the diet before with minimal results from it. Wasnt worth it for constantly being hungry and not enjoying my food. Was constantly low on energy and was alway sore after physical activity.

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... Zero dairy on the suggestion of a friend, no processed foods, it went away in a few months and I use to get whiteheads the size of dimes. It was like wearing a mask.
I would seriously try giving up all dairy, meat and fish from restaurants and grocery stores and any processed food...
Cut dairy and soda and fast food to 0%.

You don't say ? Hmmm. Thanks.

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I'm not sure I've ever met anyone who got fixed up by other stuff. It's either Accutane or Proactive. Maybe doctors push the other ones first to cover their asses in case something goes bad with the Accutane. idk. I definitely went through a couple of other things before the Accutane that did nothing for me. I'd advise going straight to Accuatane

I used Proactive and it would work sort of work for a week and then I would break out again for 3 weeks. Then I went to see a dermatologist 3 years ago and he prescribed me to use Duac in the morning and Retina-A Micro at night, and it worked for me like a charm, of course I occasionally get a bump here and there, but that's to be expected. I guess I was lucky I never had to go on Accuatane and the combo of Duac & Retina-A Micro did the trick for me.

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Interesting thread. I had pretty severe acne in high school and just gutted it out. After HS it cleared up only to return a few years later on my chest and back. We're talking big, boil-like cysts that hurt like you know what. I tried tetracycline but it didn't work, so Accutane was the next step. My dermatologist warned me not to drink alcohol, which of course I ignored in my infinite wisdom. He also cautioned that my pores would literally close up as a reaction. How true that was. It was a 3 month regimen; within I would say 2 or 3 weeks I was putting Vaseline - Vaseline! - on my face to keep it from cracking and bleeding. Hard for me to imagine. I've always been one of those people who can barely stand to put anything even semi-greasy, like sunblock or moisturizer, on my face...and here I was using pure petroleum jelly on a daily basis. My bloodwork showed off the charts triglyceride-wise (thanks to the ever present suds in my system) and I was warned more than once that I risked becoming diabetic if I persisted. That didn't happen, praise God, but the acne disappeared never to reappear.

MissU, how did your treatment go btw? I may have missed it earlier in the thread. I hope things went well -

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think I took minocycline. Not sure though. I mean this was all 10+ years ago and I was probably high as **** at the time. LIke I said though, Accutane was the one and only thing to clear my face up for good.

Funny you bumped this thread. I was just watching this video of an "alternative acne treatment". People talking about Accutane in the comment section. Be warned, this gets pretty nasty with the puss.


No way that actually works right? Seems to me that would make scars 10x's worse. And you're running a serious risk of infection.

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