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Shanahan Doesn't Know How To Use Time Outs.


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This is part of a larger flaw in the thinking of most coaches, and I've never understood it. Philly was in a "blank" down and goal situation. Shanny knew for a fact that they would either score or give the ball up. Either way, the Redskins would get the ball. We could either run a 2-minute drill, or we could get it with 19 seconds left and take a knee. Shanny chose the latter, for reasons I can't possibly fathom. And a lot of coaches make the same mistake. It's incomprehensible.

What's the negative of taking the time outs? Philly can control the clock enough to score. You're not preventing that by not taking the time outs. You're preventing your own chance to score. Which is asinine. Yet that's what we just did. :doh:

Is it possible to wise Shanny up somehow?

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I think the thought process was that if we would have been calling the time outs it would have been actually an advantage for the eagles especially since they were driving down the field on us the entire drive....luckily they had the delay of game penalty and they settled for a field goal.

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I think the thought process was that if we would have been calling the time outs it would have been actually an advantage for the eagles especially since they were driving down the field on us the entire drive....luckily they had the delay of game penalty and they settled for a field goal.

How? How is it an advantage for the Eagles once they're in the down-and-goal situation? They had enough control of the clock to be able to score. There was absolutely no question that the Eagles would not allow the clock to expire while they had the ball. So calling a time out wouldn't have affected the Eagles at all.

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i'm guessing he was THRILLED to be up 11 at the half and didn't want to risk a turnover. the right move, imo.

why nitpick after a great 1st half?

Not want to risk a turnover simply by being on offense? How is that at all a smart idea?


He just used one, I think he knows how to call them ;)

Right, he just doesn't know when to call them.

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There are no doubt going to be mistakes in a game, 3 that stick out to be "game changers"

1- Armstrong falling down where he should have scored (not complaining, nice catch)

2- McNabb not just sliding instead of going out of bounds (adding probably 20 or so seconds)

3- Rogers not catching (nothing new of course)

Now I'm not denying we would be a lot better off with Trent in the game, that alone helps a lot where Heyer is garbage.. Well, him and the Sellers experiment need to end.

This win was just that, a win and I personally feel Vick leaving didn't help us win- Kolb moved the ball from the moment he came in and Vick couldn't.

I'm not sure if Shanny's timeouts are just the only "suspect" here, there are a lot of things that make me wonder.... On both sides of the ball, not being able to stop the draw, over and over and over.. The lack of 2 TE sets (maybe something to do with Heyer being in) and the constant play action, is going to get McNabb hurt...

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if your talking in the first half, remember if the Eagles have more time, maybe they try something different/ less predictaible to score.

No they wouldn't. They had plenty of time. The clock was not a factor in their playcalling.

I'm not sure if Shanny's timeouts are just the only "suspect" here, there are a lot of things that make me wonder.... On both sides of the ball, not being able to stop the draw, over and over and over.. The lack of 2 TE sets (maybe something to do with Heyer being in) and the constant play action, is going to get McNabb hurt...

I didn't say they were the only suspect. I only said that they were a mistake.

Never underestimate the power of Andy Reid game management. He makes Les Miles look like a savant.


That's a great point. Calling time outs would depend on Andy Reid not being an absolutely horrible clock manager. Maybe Shanahan is a genius after all.

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