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So, turning Kwame into Caron kept Ernie his job for a bit then Gilbert going down for good and getting the #1 pick saved Ernie's job the second time. Then, turning McGee, Young, and Lewis into, "Valuable Vets," to change the losing and immature culture in D.C. saved his job for the third time. Now, I'm sure the excuse to save his job for the 4th time will be that Wall and Nene were injured and we can't fully judge the team and his roster because of it. Mix in some late season surges for a lot of better teams's second stringers, there is always a crappy excuse but just good enough to keep Ernie his job.

By my count, he has had about 3 or 4 chances to build a team. Gilbert/Hughes/Jamison, Gilbert/Caron/Jamison, Wall/Young/McGee, and Wall/Beal/Nene. For the most part, he has failed at all of those rosters.

This current roster still has a glimmer of hope but I'm sorry, I want someone else to tweak this roster and add a few pieces. God knows what else Ernie has in store for this team in future moves but I know this, he will fail.

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Ted actually posted on the game.


No Excuses – That Was Bad Basketball Last Night

Posted on November 14, 2012

We don’t have enough developed talent right now to play one-on-one basketball.

We must always play hard on defense, rebound well, and keep games close. We must get the 50 -50 balls. We must out-hustle and out-work the other team to compensate for our being shorthanded.

We must work the plays well and run our offense.

Last night we took 31 3-point shots. We hit only five of them. Five of 31. Phew.

We shot less than 30 percent from the field.

We shot less than 70 percent from the charity stripe and both teams had the same amount of free throws. We were outscored there because of our misses by six points.

We went 12 minutes without scoring a basket at game’s end.

As noted within, we have a game tonight. So the team has to put that one behind us and give great effort and focus on fundamentals this evening against the Mavs in Dallas.

Edited by Duckus
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I just realized of the past 6 drafts, we had to pick the worst year to get the number 1 pick. 2012 (Davis) 2011 (Irving) 2010 (Wall) 2009 (Griffin) 2008 (Rose) 2007 (This one is debatable. Knowing us, we probably would have went Oden over Durant). If we did go Durant, I'd want every single one of those guys over Wall.


you need to realize this organization is rotten, not the player(s)

Edited by AsiaticSkinsFan
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The Wiz are 3rd in the league in 3PT attempts and they are tied for last in 3PT%. If the 3PT game is their strategy, they obviosly chose the wrong players. Imagine that.

Teams without good offensive sets end up chucking. We are one of them.

Randy Wittman was a failed head coach. He sucked before he got here and he's sucked while he's been here. The writing was on the wall for this team last year post trade deadline. Ernie and Ted suckered punched a lot of people into believing that this steaming pile of crap might actually have a glimmer of hope.

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you need to realize this organization is rotten, not the player(s)


There has been talent on this team. McGee and Young were talented. They largely failed and never developed as hoped.

Wall and Vesely are next in line as players who will never reach their full potential in DC. Same will likely be true for Bradley Beal. Ted has a small window to completely purge the toxic front office and coaching staff and start from scratch. It's closing fast but it's still there.

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When Ted took over in 2010, that was the perfect opportunity to completely clean house. New owner, #1 pick, new uniforms(silly I know but part of a culture change). Entire FO should have been fired, bring in a new GM who would hire a new head coach, preferably young up and comers from winning organizations(e.g. bring in a top Spurs assistant and have him hire someone like Brian Shaw).

Instead we went w/ retreads and the stink of a loser remains. Is there any argument against the Wizards being the worst franchise in pro sports?

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you need to realize this organization is rotten, not the player(s)

Oh I realize. I just think all of those players have more superstar potential and are better to build teams around. And it's not a knock on Wall. I think he is a very good, above average player. I just think the others are better to build around.

Edited by SuperBash
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Oh I realize. I just think all of those players have more superstar potential and are better to build teams around. And it's not a knock on Wall. I think he is a very good, above average player. I just think the others are better to build around.

you cant build a team around Blake Griffin. He cant defend, his game is reliant on athleticism, and he is horrible in late game situations. Not a good post player either.

If CP3, their real franchise player, is not there the Clippers would also stink.

I think Wall could be better than Kyrie as he is a great scorer and already a smarter player, but he turns the ball over as much as Wall without being anywhere near the playmaker Wall is. But Kyrie got professionals around him and a moderately well FO.

The problem with this team is we have nothing around Wall.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 12:18 PM ----------

seriously, screw him. The reason for this bad basketball is because you dont know what you are doing and stay passing the buck.

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There has been talent on this team. McGee and Young were talented. They largely failed and never developed as hoped.

Wall and Vesely are next in line as players who will never reach their full potential in DC. Same will likely be true for Bradley Beal. Ted has a small window to completely purge the toxic front office and coaching staff and start from scratch. It's closing fast but it's still there.

I disagree with this post McGee was developing kind of slowley but year after year he has been working on his game. He turned into a great off ball defender, he got bigger, he developed a few post moves. He was a knuckle head that was surrounded by a team full knuckle heads not many people are going too mature in that situation.

John Wall has been good the past 2 years for us, he needs too work on his shot but averaging 8 assist and 16 points is not bad.

Never was big on Young, hes very talented just can't stop shooting any and everything. Vessley well I just don't see the talent there.

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Well, at least we can agree on 3 or 4/5 of the last drafts. And Kyrie has Varejao and a bunch of youngsters/bums. Varejao and Scott are the only, "professionals," around him.

they have Gibson who helped Cleveland reach the most successful times in that franchise's history along with Varejao (altho in fairness I was thinking more last year).

Then they have Zeller who will probably end up being the best UNC out of their draft group last year. The guy works! He runs the court, he takes charges, better defender than I thought he would be too.

Fats Waiters is really looking like a poor man's DWade beside him in the back court.

And those "bums" try hard and dont embarrass themselves.

Look at the Wizards since Wall came into the NBA? This is the first year dude has had a professional mindset around him.

---------- Post added November-14th-2012 at 12:34 PM ----------

I disagree with this post McGee was developing kind of slowley but year after year he has been working on his game. He turned into a great off ball defender, he got bigger, he developed a few post moves. He was a knuckle head that was surrounded by a team full knuckle heads not many people are going too mature in that situation.

McGee is not a good on the ball defender. He is great on the weakside tho.

His post moves are still nonexistant in Denver and he still does stupid things. Its just the start of the year, but he is averaging under 20mpg in Denver.

Javale could have developed more tho if he had a veteran big man with him, and the FO really invested in making him a better player. They didnt, and I dont believe Javale will get much better than he is now, except for defending.

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The more games we lose the better. I w ant an 0-10 start at least. That'll force Whitman to be fired and we can bring in a real coach. The real challenge though is Ernie, how do we get Ernie fired?

It doesn't matter if Whitman gets fired ten games in if Ernie is still the GM. We need a new GM to pick a new coach.

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Well, at least we can agree on 3 or 4/5 of the last drafts. And Kyrie has Varejao and a bunch of youngsters/bums. Varejao and Scott are the only, "professionals," around him.

Varejao is also one of the most underrated bigs in the NBA. He's VERY smart while on the floor. Not only that, he can play. We don't have that here in DC. Like I was saying a while back, I wished we could have gotten him in return for Jamison.

And FWIW, Javale McGee is the same player (and not starting) in Denver as he was here.

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Again...McGee is the same guy in Denver. We'd probably still be 0-6 w/ him on the roster.

Probably would have been better to simply let him walk in FA as well.

Nene will do diddly squat for this team over his tenure except take up a large chunk of the cap. It's an excuse for this wussy owner and his pathetic little GM to not make any moves in FA.

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As I said, the real challenge is Ernie, how do we get Ernie fired.

stage a funeral for the franchise in front of the Verizon Center. Wooden box with the Bullets and Wizards logos on it. A few speeches by some older fans who remember the Bullets in the 70's. Then maybe mourn different eras that bombed since then.

That's the type of crap that Dan Steinberg needs to survive. Its air to him. He'd "bog" all about it.

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Honestly, I am at the point where I hope Ernie and Whitman isn't fired in the middle of the season. I want them to last the whole season. After the season is over, we need to clean house in management. The GM, coaches, and scouts needs to go. Bring in a GM whose been surrounding by winning cultures that were built and not given to. (i.e. Teams who didn't need to sign big free agents, but teams who scouted and drafted well and signed role players to compliment their top picks) .

We need to do something, I am tired of seeing this team suck like this. I don't care how we finish the year, we need to clean house for real and stop ****footing around.

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Probably would have been better to simply let him walk in FA as well.

Nene will do diddly squat for this team over his tenure except take up a large chunk of the cap. It's an excuse for this wussy owner and his pathetic little GM to not make any moves in FA.

You have to remember the conversations in this thread regarding what McGee was worth. Seemed like no one was comfortable with him making 10+ mil a year. If we let him walk, what do you think EG would have done to replace him?

I think the bottom line is as long as EG is constructing the roster, there will be problems.

*What I'm most perplexed about is that there was a chance (at least according to rumors) of landing Harden for the #3 pick and filler. Having a guy like Harden on this roster would have at the minimum helped us win 2/3 games by now.

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