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Tip of the hat to the Skins (all Hail!)


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The Skins flat outplayed a very good Texans team yesterday for much of the game, and Skins fans have plenty of reason to be optimistic. That wasn't a 4-12 team I watched Sunday and, barring injury, you'll continue to improve. I know from bitter experience that was a kick in the gut yesterday, but you sure can't say the game was boring. THAT was 60+ minutes of football!

Thank you, Skins fans, for a fun week. I enjoy football talk with knowledgeable fans and you guys provided that in abundance. This is a good forum. I'll definitely catch a few more Skins games this year and hope you don't mind if I check in with you from time to time to compare notes.

A couple of parting shots: Our teams have more in common than I'd originally thought. I've seen a several posts in here from frustrated fans pointing out more holes available for our runners than for yours. I'd suggest that is more a product of the system rather than a difference in talent. The ZBS works once you learn it and your team is already in the process. Patience will be rewarded.

There is plenty of reason to be hopeful for your defense. The Texans led the league in passing last year for a reason. But you beat up our QB pretty bad and held a good running game under 100 yds. Yes, the D needs work, but you could say the same about virtually any D in the league. But if you hit Manning that often you've got an excellent shot against the Colts, and I mean no disrespect to the Colts when I say that. They are NOT a team in decline.

McNabb is a good job of exploiting our CB corps yesterday. Contrary to some posts this not a "weak" position so much as it a young group. Talented guys, but the NFL ain't the SEC and they're learning that. They got a good lesson yesterday. It was a good game plan.

Of all the "reasons" posted here for the Skins loss, the one that jumped out at me hasn't been posted yet so I'll throw it out there and be on my way. Late in the third quarter the Skins stopped playing to win and started playing "not to lose." I recognize that because I've seen it too many times from my guys in the past. That is all about confidence. For the first time in their history the Texan won't stop believing they can win, and that the key Sunday. The Skins are adjusting to a new way of doing things and that confidence will come. Don't stop believing. Good luck this year.

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We had the Texans on the ropes and a lesser team would have sat back and taken the loss. Your team came back firing and we didn't do enough to hold you guys back. I think that the icing the kicker timeout was bush league and we should have won it right there, but what the heck we never should have put ourselves in that position in the first place. At any rate at least the rest of our division isn't looking very good right now.

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Thank you, Skins fans, for a fun week. I enjoy football talk with knowledgeable fans and you guys provided that in abundance. This is a good forum. I'll definitely catch a few more Skins games this year and hope you don't mind if I check in with you from time to time to compare notes..

Yeah, i'm sure you had alot of fun...:rolleyes:..Just make sure they beat the Cowboys next week.

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Glad to hear more people than just me had fun this week with the opposing team..... Intelligent fans of a texas football team who'd have thought. (something that will never be said about the cowboys) I had a lot of fun spent over on the Texans board even in a few posts when i ruffled a few feathers most of the responses thought provoking and on the money about football. It really bums me out that we play only once every 4 years. I made a few friends on the board not hard since their hatred of dallas burns slightly less than ours. I can't wait for our teams to play again and i hope the texans fans who were here on our board all come back. I for one really enjoyed the experience.

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We had the Texans on the ropes and a lesser team would have sat back and taken the loss. Your team came back firing and we didn't do enough to hold you guys back. I think that the icing the kicker timeout was bush league and we should have won it right there, but what the heck we never should have put ourselves in that position in the first place. At any rate at least the rest of our division isn't looking very good right now.

Icing the kicker is just one those "strategic" moves I can take or leave. I'd be fine if the banned it. It definately makes it tougher on the fan to watch his team win and then, oh, wait... arrrrrgh!!! Losing sucks, but losing like that is expecially gut wrenching. But some fans have singled out Kubiak for a "bush league" move, and that's just stupid. Every team in the league pulls that ****, and your current coach practically invented it. It is what it is.

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just beat the cowboys, eagles, and giants

I just checked in with the Texans and they confirmed that IS the plan. :) Colts played their part Sunday as well, but you guys would be doing us a favor if you'd take the Colts, Titans and Jags down. I can see you winning at least two of those games, and with any luck . . .

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Icing the kicker is just one those "strategic" moves I can take or leave. I'd be fine if the banned it. It definately makes it tougher on the fan to watch his team win and then, oh, wait... arrrrrgh!!! Losing sucks, but losing like that is expecially gut wrenching. But some fans have singled out Kubiak for a "bush league" move, and that's just stupid. Every team in the league pulls that ****, and your current coach practically invented it. It is what it is.

I would think it is bush league if he did it too, I think any coach and team that wants to win like that is bush league. It isn't right. What ever happened to flat out beating a team rather than rattling their kicker because you called a timeout right before he kicked a big kick. As I said though, we put ourselves in that position so we can only blame ourselves for the loss.

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I would think it is bush league if he did it too, I think any coach and team that wants to win like that is bush league. It isn't right. What ever happened to flat out beating a team rather than rattling their kicker because you called a timeout right before he kicked a big kick. As I said though, we put ourselves in that position so we can only blame ourselves for the loss.

Which was kind of the final point in my post. The Skins lost because they got back on their heels and started trying not to give up a 17pt lead insted of "bringing it" which had worked for them all game. That isn't something that the coach or players decided to do, it's just what happened. All things being equal, a confident team will beat a worried team every time. That's my opinion. Your milage may vary.

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Yea great game Bull. Andre Johnson is a BEAST. Can't say that enough. We had our fair share of slip ups as well...and we have NO RUNNING GAME. I'm gonna repeat that all day lol...we could have run out the clock if we did

And Schaub handled the pressure well. He's a quality player...can't hate on that at all. It's a real shame we won't play each other again for a while...was looking forward to a potential rivalry. Perhaps someday we'll meet each other in the Big dance...that would be something

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Yea great game Bull. Andre Johnson is a BEAST. Can't say that enough. We had our fair share of slip ups as well...and we have NO RUNNING GAME. I'm gonna repeat that all day lol...we could have run out the clock if we did

And Schaub handled the pressure well. He's a quality player...can't hate on that at all. It's a real shame we won't play each other again for a while...was looking forward to a potential rivalry. Perhaps someday we'll meet each other in the Big dance...that would be something

Yeah, I'm proud of the Texans for not quitting, and in years past that is exactly what they'd have done. Watching a team crawl out from the ashes is a long, plainful, frustrating process. But it sure is nice to see it all strart coming together. I'm not foolish enough to start thinking Super Bowl just yet, but this is the year we get up there in the hunt. It wouldn't surprise me at all to see the Skins hang around for a taste of the post season either. Here's to a fun year of football.

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Instead of blaming the Texans for doing what everyone else in the league does, why not blame whoever decided to throw that stupid bomb to Moss. We were carving them up through the air all damn day and had the mid routs pretty much anytime we wanted them. Complete one more of those and we're not even having this conversation right now.

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I would actually hope we would still be having this conversation, you expect other good fans to say "Good game, getcha next time!" the same way we would (or should).

Stop back by anytime Bull, we're always open and looking for people to talk football, no matter what their allegiance.

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Thanks for stopping by, and for not acting like so many other fans of the other team in Texas.

Going back to the "things that changed the game that weren't mentioned" comment. I too see something that may have changed the tide of the game, much earlier than everyone thought, and has not been mentioned in great detail.

I believe it was the 4th quarter, 8 minutes to go. We were still up by 10 at that point I believe, and just got the ball back. At this point I turned to my fiancee and stated the following:

"Alright, all we have to do is go on a long drive, 8 plays at least, and end with some kind of score, I'll even take 3 points, but a long drive culminating in a touchdown will put this game away."

And what was the very next thing that happened? Larry Johnson :doh: did his best Antwaan Randel El impersonation and lost 7 or 8 yards on the play. So rather than setting up for a long drive, we're now in the whole, all momentum shifted, and struggling to get out of our own end zone to convert for the first down. Of course we go three and out and have to punt. From then on it was all Texans.

Thats when I believe we started losing the game, but like I said, haven't seen it mentioned much.

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I would actually hope we would still be having this conversation, you expect other good fans to say "Good game, getcha next time!" the same way we would (or should).

Stop back by anytime Bull, we're always open and looking for people to talk football, no matter what their allegiance.

Thank you. It's fans like you and Oldskool among others that has me thinking I'll go exactly that. I love football (when I'm not busy hating it), and prefer to spend time trading ideas instead of insults. This group "gets" that, and it makes the experience much more fun. Of coulrse it's much more fun when you win :) I haven't had much experience with that, but I think I could get used to it.

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Thanks for stopping by, and for not acting like so many other fans of the other team in Texas.

Going back to the "things that changed the game that weren't mentioned" comment. I too see something that may have changed the tide of the game, much earlier than everyone thought, and has not been mentioned in great detail.

I believe it was the 4th quarter, 8 minutes to go. We were still up by 10 at that point I believe, and just got the ball back. At this point I turned to my fiancee and stated the following:

"Alright, all we have to do is go on a long drive, 8 plays at least, and end with some kind of score, I'll even take 3 points, but a long drive culminating in a touchdown will put this game away."

And what was the very next thing that happened? Larry Johnson :doh: did his best Antwaan Randel El impersonation and lost 7 or 8 yards on the play. So rather than setting up for a long drive, we're now in the whole, all momentum shifted, and struggling to get out of our own end zone to convert for the first down. Of course we go three and out and have to punt. From then on it was all Texans.

Thats when I believe we started losing the game, but like I said, haven't seen it mentioned much.

If that idea catches on here you might want to consider spending the next week or so in hiding. LOL

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Thanks for the kudos. I knew Houston was going to be a tough match up for us.

I still don't know if Arian Foster really is "the real deal" but I do know this, Schaub and Dre certainly are. Mario Williams is a man child as well, but we knew that going in. Kevin Walter shredded us.

Great game by Houston. They're a team that it's tough to hate.

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RagingBull, I love it when knowledgable opposing stop by to actually discuss football instead of mindless trash talk. If you guys were like Dallas, Philly or NYG fans the conversation would have devolved into "The skins suck because the were 4-12, it's going to be a blowout" followed by, "The Texans suck because they've never made the playoffs, it's going to be a blowout". I hope you guys stop by every once in a while to talk football, it's been nice having you around.

I'll be rooting for you guys to kick some NFCE ass the rest of the year, and while it may be early, I think the Texans could definitely win the south.

And what was the very next thing that happened? Larry Johnson :doh: did his best Antwaan Randel El impersonation and lost 7 or 8 yards on the play. So rather than setting up for a long drive, we're now in the whole, all momentum shifted, and struggling to get out of our own end zone to convert for the first down. Of course we go three and out and have to punt. From then on it was all Texans.

Thats when I believe we started losing the game, but like I said, haven't seen it mentioned much.

I said the exact same thing when it happened. First play of the drive and Larry Johnson lost 10 yards. He would have only lost two if he just got as much as he could, but by turning around he ended the drive before it started.

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RagingBull, I love it when knowledgable opposing stop by to actually discuss football instead of mindless trash talk. If you guys were like Dallas, Philly or NYG fans the conversation would have devolved into "The skins suck because the were 4-12, it's going to be a blowout" followed by, "The Texans suck because they've never made the playoffs, it's going to be a blowout". I hope you guys stop by every once in a while to talk football, it's been nice having you around.

I'll be rooting for you guys to kick some NFCE ass the rest of the year, and while it may be early, I think the Texans could definitely win the south..

Thanks, and I promise you the Texans will do everything possible to give you guys a little help in the division race. The season's young, but it looks it's there for the taking.

The Skins DON"T suck. They have some work to do, but thats true of every team out there. Steve Slaton, for instance, needs to grasp the concept of returning kickoffs :(

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Thanks for the kudos. I knew Houston was going to be a tough match up for us.

I still don't know if Arian Foster really is "the real deal" but I do know this, Schaub and Dre certainly are. Mario Williams is a man child as well, but we knew that going in. Kevin Walter shredded us.

Great game by Houston. They're a team that it's tough to hate.

Yeah, it's hard for a losing team to get well known, but Andre is a force that cannot be ignored. That miracle catch Sunday is something we just expect of him.

Bad news is Schaub and Andre came are both hurting (ankle) thanks to some harsh treatment by the Skins D, and now you've got problems at LT, at least for the short term. I know injuries are just part of the game, but ****.

Thanks for not hating on us. There's a lot to like about the Texans unless you have a vested interest in seeing us lose. Sunday's game rocked. Both teams get credit for that.

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I never really joined in much on the conversation this week as it was pretty hectic at school and I was sick all week but I read your stuff and it was good you are a knowledgeable fan who while he has a bias towards his team also knows football and whats going on. Like others have said man you are more than welcome to come back and just talk football we love to do it here that's why we are all apart of Extremeskins :ols: anyways good game you all have one heck of an offense and you pulled off a great win in what was a great game

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