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WP/RI: Malcolm Kelly misses practice for court date (NOVA Cops at it again)


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(in reference to the thread title) So...the guy broke the law, missed a court date in the off-season, and its the cops fault he has to miss practice for court?

Kinda sounds to me like NOVA cops are waiting outside the gates of Redskins Park for these guys. Really want the "big catch" and are targeting them. I think we all know that if a cop wants to pull you over they can always find something if they really want to. (Just my opinion) That being said, these guys probably have the word spread that everyone needs to watch thier back, NOVA cops are on the prowl.

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When i pointed out Cooley getting stopped while doing a radio show everyone was saying "Big-deal" "Stop over-reacting".

It is a big deal, and once you have had an accident where the other guy was at fault and just about took out you and yours due to speed, or sit down and have a quiet conversation with some first responders and you will change your tune if you have a lick of common sense or any sense of humanity.

These guys are examples to the community, and yeah it's nice and good that they are giving back with their hard earned $$, but their example speaks to more kids and youth around the region than their $$ does.

Clean it up guys, and save the speed for the field.

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OK, the one thing I am noticing here about all these court dates with our players is that they are all BS speeding tickets. It seems as though viriginia cops and Loudon County are hurting for cash and pulling over anybody who is going over the speed limit. That's all well and good, but having driven there many times it seems like everybody is going 20 MPH over the speed limit. So basically they pick and choose who they are going to pull over since they can legally pull everybody over because everyvbody is going at least ten over. They of course are going to go after the nice cars especially when driven by black guys because they are cops and its what they do. Great job, cops; and you wonder why people look at you like parasites rather than heros.

Seriously, I get it they were driving fast, but when it keeps happening I have to question the entire thing especially since that area consistently drives 10-15 over. Seems like a whole bunch of BS to me. It's like 301 in Florida around Gainesville. The speed limit is 55 and then it randomly with no notice drops to 25. The cops sit there and pull everybody over. Gainesville and some small towns that 301 runs through do the same crap. They make a huge amount of money off of predatory speeding enforcement. Coincidentally the Gainesville cops have been known for targeting out of state plates (in a college town there is no shortage of those), and people in nice cars who don't "fit the mold". I know because I got pulled over back when I owned a Lexus GS300. The cop was so dissappointed when it came back as my car. I was not shaven and looked like I was on vacation (because I was...).

Predatory cops give the entire job a bad name. With all the crime in this world, do we really need cops preying on the innocent working people?

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Seriously, I get it they were driving fast, but when it keeps happening I have to question the entire thing especially since that area consistently drives 10-15 over. Seems like a whole bunch of BS to me.

I find your location ironic :D

Seriously these 3 guys are simply 3 out of probably a 1000 that will get pulled over this month alone. The only reason you don't hear about the other 997 is because they don't have their own message board.

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the last few months, fairfax / nova cops have been ALL OVER EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE. they're always bad but it was ridiculous earlier this summer. i don't think they were targeting redskins. i just think when redskins get speeding tickets, we are somewhat likely to hear about it (which is kind of messed up, really, unless it's a serious offense like a dui).

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I find your location ironic :D

Seriously these 3 guys are simply 3 out of probably a 1000 that will get pulled over this month alone. The only reason you don't hear about the other 997 is because they don't have their own message board.

Exactly my point. When everybody is doing 70 in a 55, maybe it's time to change the speed limit to at least 65? But when local authorities are asked to do such a thing they typically are against it because they lose revenue. This is why it took Florida many years to raise the speed limit on I95 and I75 to 70 from 55. Predatory municipalities held that back. As a result traffic in Florida was worse 20 year ago when the population was far smaller than it is today.

As far as my location being somewhere between reality and delusion, that's because I usually never think we are going to be as bad we are and rarely think we will be as good as we are. Somewhere between reality and delusion in other words

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Not sure how people blame cops for doing their jobs by pulling over and ticketing people who break the law?

Go drive in DC, NOVA, or MD and try to not speed. After people have almost run you off the road, spit at you you, flicked you off, and thrown small objects at you, then tell me honestly if you were going 55 the entire time Saint Frostyj;)

For what it's worth I am not blaming the cops entirely here. I am just saying that they are predatory in Virginia. Our players were driving very fast which is stupid and dangerous. But when everybody is going 70-75, going 90 seems like you were just trying to pass somebody rather than trying to win the Daytona 500 which is what the cops make it sound like. I am sure there is plenty of other crime in Virginia besides sitting on the interstate and picking which car you will pull over next since everybody is legally speeding hoping it will be stolen, the guy will be drunk, or have drugs so that you can maximize the revenue brought in by the county. It's like a cop's version of fishing and we are the bass. I try to obey the speed limit in Virginia, but it's hard because it's like going 20 in 55 in most places in this country.

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Not sure how people blame cops for doing their jobs by pulling over and ticketing people who break the law?

QFT. I know everytime I hop in my truck to go somewhere, that there are people out there in blue crown vics with lights on top that are being paid to pull me over if I speed. I've been driving for 17 years now and never had a speeding ticket. Its real simple, I dont speed. Have no need to get somewhere faster than somebody else, it doesn't matter if i'm a few minutes late. You wanna do 70 in a 55 and risk it, good for you, but its not for me. Plus I can't afford to pay a speeding ticket :D

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QFT. I know everytime I hop in my truck to go somewhere, that there are people out there in blue crown vics with lights on top that are being paid to pull me over if I speed. I've been driving for 17 years now and never had a speeding ticket. Its real simple, I dont speed. Have no need to get somewhere faster than somebody else, it doesn't matter if i'm a few minutes late. You wanna do 70 in a 55 and risk it, good for you, but its not for me. Plus I can't afford to pay a speeding ticket :D

Well in a truck it's less dangerous to have people plow into your rear end so good for you.

Seriously, Virginia cops are known as the most predatory cops in the country. Even people in Texas are like, "At least we don't live in Virginia..."

I'm done having this debate. For what it's worth they needed to do something about the aggressive driving up there. If having them go after everybody that they can works to do that, then great. Then my point about everybody going 70 in a 55 is a moot one and I will shutup. But I know both NOVA driving and cops too well to buy that. But if it works, then great.

And yes, the Redskins need to learn how to drive or at least spot the speed traps.

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I hear everybody is jumping off the 14th street bridge too...

Argumentum ad populum.

Ya, I haven't heard that. I just know when somebody is riding my ass and I'm already going 60 in a 55 and everybody else is passing me like that scene in Dragnet, I speed up a little. Has nothing to do with the lame argument you just put up there. Has everything to do with keeping that ford F-350 out of my trunk.

So we should institute a different form of government than democracy? After all isn't that argumentum ad populum? See busting out the lame, completely first grade argument about the jumping off the 14th street bridge doesn't really fly in the adult world. We have mob rule in government. We have mob rule when we panic. We have mob rule when we have an election. But when the mob wants to change the law, the 14th street bridge fable comes up? My grandfather used that line on me in 1982 and it didn't work then. It sure isn't going to work from you today. Because the fact is that mob rule is the rule more times than not. Argumentum ad populum est argumentum ad claudus lame. See the fact that I don't follow the masses is also why the same people have said I am antisocial. I hate pop culture. So again, the 14th street bridge argument is kind of funny being used against a person who has spent his entire life ignoring the masses.

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Either the cops in northern VA are out to get the team or the team badly needs a driving instructor on staff. Can't these guys carpool?

I'd say it's a mix of both. The cops in NOVA are on a mission to pull over as many as possible and the Redskins are young men with fast cars who want to drive fast. It's a marriage made in heaven. If anything they need to find a different route to practice than the Dulles Toll Road.

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