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ES Soccer Thread


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why not? I'd probably move back to DC for that.


These uniforms with "ExtremeSkins" emblazoned on the front. Skins logo as our "crest"


When I saw this thread made that is the first thing I thought. Hell, I would travel into the city to join a league. If we could get enough people it would definatly be worth it.

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Sadly, West Ham lost again, Bolton beat them 3-1. But hey, at least they scored a goal this time. I'd like to thank Carlton Cole for missing a penalty, and Matthew Upson for scoring an own goal, contributing to this disaster.

So, 0-2 now with games coming up against Chelsea and Man U. This is looking like a poor start to the season.

*Oh, I should mention...there's a lacrosse thread on the 1st page of the tailgate right now. Maybe some of you should go in their and give rdsknbill crap about it since he likes to fire off his mouth in here.

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I had a girl tryout for my soccer team this past summer. She used to play soccer and had switched to play lacrosse but was now back. I asked her parents why she was coming back and the response was, "she didn't like all the running in lacrosse."

I was like WTF?? I cut her.

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I had a girl tryout for my soccer team this past summer. She used to play soccer and had switched to play lacrosse but was now back. I asked her parents why she was coming back and the response was, "she didn't like all the running in lacrosse."

I was like WTF?? I cut her.

So she picked soccer? I mean, was she a goalie? Otherwise that just doesn't make sense.

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I had a girl tryout for my soccer team this past summer. She used to play soccer and had switched to play lacrosse but was now back. I asked her parents why she was coming back and the response was, "she didn't like all the running in lacrosse."

I was like WTF?? I cut her.

You shouldn't have. There is much more walking in soccer than in Lacrosse. She would get a chance to catch her breath

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Somehow, I knew this guy would make his way back into the thread, with his predictable douchbaggery.

Douchebaggery? What are you? four years old? The girl made a point, I simply confirmed it. The ball moves much faster in lacrosse, therefore more running. Sorry to lay down the facts

Edited by rdsknbill
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What are you? four years old?

This coming from the guy who can't stay out of the soccer thread, but instead comes in just to throw out his dumbass little remarks and leave. It took you until page two to come into this thread with your little "see my signature" jab, which wouldn't be so bad by itself except that we had to listen to your whining throughout the world cup thread. 'I don't like this, I don't like that, soccer sucks." The **** is neverending with you.

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This coming from the guy who can't stay out of the soccer thread, but instead comes in just to throw out his dumbass little remarks and leave. It took you until page two to come into this thread with your little "see my signature" jab, which wouldn't be so bad by itself except that we had to listen to your whining throughout the world cup thread. 'I don't like this, I don't like that, soccer sucks." The **** is neverending with you.

Gee Forehead, I have been involved with lacrosse for over 20 years, and just get a chuckle when we get run down by the "soccer Mom mafia", like yourself. Yea, it's true, I HATE Soccer, and you want to know why? The supposed "pros" are nothing but drama queens that go down like they got shot if someone bumps into them, and the worst part is that they are coached to do this **** at a young age. You can't deny that this is rampant. What great life lessons you are teaching here!!!!!

It's also because there is this ****ing arrogance that Soccer is the latest and greatest. Guess what Soccer guy. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sport in the US!

I coach integrity, respect for the game and their opponents. I instill a brotherhood in my players that transcends the sport to their everyday lives. Many of my players play on summer club teams with other players that they see during the regular season. Many of these players will be playing together in college after I am done with them at the HS level.

You want to get pissed off because I drop in on your little soccer thread? You are just as good at throwing the barbs as the next guy so Good For You

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oh yea ren, did you and boysetsfire make it to the DC United game on Sunday?

Good to see them finally get a win for Benny. Vamos!

On a side note, Man City beat up on Liverpool yesterday.....

Yea we were there and had a blast! We still suck but so does philly and I can't think of a better way to spend my last home game of the season than to shut those ****ers out. It rained hard for like 20 min and nothing hypes up the barra (other than a goal of course) than a good rainstorm. Hopefully we'll see you at some games next year!

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Gee Forehead, I have been involved with lacrosse for over 20 years, and just get a chuckle when we get run down by the "soccer Mom mafia", like yourself. Yea, it's true, I HATE Soccer, and you want to know why? The supposed "pros" are nothing but drama queens that go down like they got shot if someone bumps into them, and the worst part is that they are coached to do this **** at a young age. You can't deny that this is rampant. What great life lessons you are teaching here!!!!!

It's also because there is this ****ing arrogance that Soccer is the latest and greatest. Guess what Soccer guy. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sport in the US!

I coach integrity, respect for the game and their opponents. I instill a brotherhood in my players that transcends the sport to their everyday lives. Many of my players play on summer club teams with other players that they see during the regular season. Many of these players will be playing together in college after I am done with them at the HS level.

You want to get pissed off because I drop in on your little soccer thread? You are just as good at throwing the barbs as the next guy so Good For You

Oh goodness, the "fastest growing sport" argument. It's just 'cause your sport has room for growth since it's been sequestered in the northeast for the past 80 years. Yeah, small start-ups businesses are growing faster than say Coca-Cola. A sapling grows at a faster rate than full grown oak.

Are you so ignorant that you think every soccer coach in America coaches their kid to pull that crap that you see the Italians and hispanic players do? Are you so arrogant that only a lacrosse coach has the capability to teach integrity, camaraderie etc to his players. Get over yourself. Everything you said could be flipped around and boiled down to "I get a chuckle every time a meathead, rapist/murderer lacrosse player is in the headline." Is that what you coach young lacrosse players to do?

One of my most respected "mentors" was a lacrosse coach. He played at Army and coached the top HS team in the NoVA Area in the 90s. He respected soccer and had no gripes about it. But you just have a complex about it. Inferiority?

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Looking forward to the Blackburn/Arsenal game this week. Nervous that Blackburn will get lit up, but I haven't seen them play in 5 years now. Will be good to catch a glimpse of them outside of highlights.

And this soccer sucks mantra is old. Some don't like it, we get it. End of.

Edited by Old Bay
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Oh goodness, the "fastest growing sport" argument. It's just 'cause your sport has room for growth since it's been sequestered in the northeast for the past 80 years. Yeah, small start-ups businesses are growing faster than say Coca-Cola. A sapling grows at a faster rate than full grown oak.

Are you so ignorant that you think every soccer coach in America coaches their kid to pull that crap that you see the Italians and hispanic players do? Are you so arrogant that only a lacrosse coach has the capability to teach integrity, camaraderie etc to his players. Get over yourself. Everything you said could be flipped around and boiled down to "I get a chuckle every time a meathead, rapist/murderer lacrosse player is in the headline." Is that what you coach young lacrosse players to do?

One of my most respected "mentors" was a lacrosse coach. He played at Army and coached the top HS team in the NoVA Area in the 90s. He respected soccer and had no gripes about it. But you just have a complex about it. Inferiority?

Oh HERE WE GO! "Meathead Rapist murderer". Want to talk about ignorance? A very respectable coach in Mike Pressler, who I know personally, was thrown to the wolves after the Duke incident that turned out to be a witch hunt by an irresponsible DA along with an idiot Athletic Director (Think you would have heard a PEEP if it was a Duke Basketball issue?). As you know, if you took the time to know the facts, the case was found to be absolute BS and the accuser was arrested for crack possession and prostitution a few years later. Meanwhile Coach Pressler is enjoying rebuilding the program at Bryant University. Unfortunately, it gave our sport really bad press and damaged the lives of some young men that weren't given fair due process.

Now if you are referring to the Yeardley Love case at UVA, it was a terrible tragedy where a psycho, that happened to be a lacrosse player, committed a horrible crime over a a broken relationship. Could have been any sport, so give it a rest.

Shall we talk about Bruno the Murderer in Brazil? OR Pablo Escobar's funding of soccer in Columbia with drug/blood money?


I get frustrated with the treatment of the youth lacrosse program by the soccer mafia. Over 60% of our youth players live in Windsor Township with their huge complex of fields, yet the Youth sports director refuses to give the lax program use of any of those fields. Half the time they sit empty, while we scratch and claw for field time on the fields that she doesn't control.

NO arrogance there, right?

No inferiority complex here, just enraging frustration at the ignorance of certain people in the soccer community.

My point is that this area has never produced a Div. 1 Soccer player, while one of my seniors from last year was named All-American and is attending VMI as a freshman attackman on their lacrosse team. I have many rising seniors that are also being heavily recruited to play in college. Some by D-1 schools.

As for your "respected mentor" being a lacrosse coach. Good for him. His thoughts on soccer differ from mine. My former coach is in the Maryland High School Sports HOF. Maryland Football Coaches Assoc. HOF and the Anne Arundel County Sports HOF. The field at the HS is named after him. So what is your point here?

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Let's just answer this piece by piece, shall we.

Gee Forehead, I have been involved with lacrosse for over 20 years, and just get a chuckle when we get run down by the "soccer Mom mafia", like yourself.

You've been involved in Lacrosse for 20 years...so what? What point does this have with you acting like an arrogant **** towards another sport? I also find it odd that you would refer to me as a soccer mom when I am A) quite obviously male, and B) have no children old enough to play sports at the present time. But whatever, I'm used to your logic by now, and it makes just as little sense as always.

Yea, it's true, I HATE Soccer, and you want to know why? The supposed "pros" are nothing but drama queens that go down like they got shot if someone bumps into them, and the worst part is that they are coached to do this **** at a young age. You can't deny that this is rampant. What great life lessons you are teaching here!!!!!

Again, you have erred, but I will correct you. I am teaching no such life lessons because I don't coach soccer. I have no issues with your complaints because I myself have spoken out against them, I did so in the World Cup thread. This is something that is much more rampant on the world stage and in other countries, it was very rare when I played in youth and adult leagues, and is in fact not taught at a young age, at least not where I grew up playing. Of course, I only played/was involved in soccer for 11 years, not "over 20" in lacrosse like you. Using basic math and your style of logic, that probably makes my opinion only 55% as valid as yours, right?

It's also because there is this ****ing arrogance that Soccer is the latest and greatest. Guess what Soccer guy. Lacrosse is one of the fastest growing sport in the US!

It might interest you to know at this point that soccer is not even close to my favorite sport, though I do appreciate the game. So referring to me as soccer guy...again, another mistake on your part. And as Elessar pointed out, is doesn't take much to become the "fastest growing sport in the U.S." when no one gave two ****s about it ten years ago.

I mean hell, let's say that 50% of the U.S. played baseball, and ten years later, 55% did. Well hell, baseball made a 10% gain. Let's say 5% of the U.S. played lacrosse and ten years later, 15% played. Why, you just made a 200% gain!! That's awesome!!! You must be so much more popular that all the other sports!!

Sounds kind of stupid huh? Go back and read what you wrote again, as if being a fast growing sport gives you carte blanche to dump on things other people like. I haven't seen anyone dump on Lacrosse on this board that wasn't in direct response to something you (or one of the other lacrosse folks on this board) said first.

Oh, it might interest you to know that I dated a girl in high school for two years who was a lacrosse player. Though I understand there are some differences in regards to level of contact, you'll find I understand your sport better than many on here.

I coach integrity, respect for the game and their opponents. I instill a brotherhood in my players that transcends the sport to their everyday lives. Many of my players play on summer club teams with other players that they see during the regular season. Many of these players will be playing together in college after I am done with them at the HS level.

See, this is one of those bull**** paragraphs I just love reading. You coach integrity and respect for the game and opponents? Yet you turn around and disrespect another game and its participants? I shudder to think what kind of brotherhood you're instilling in these players with this kind of attitude. Do you have them walking around looking smug, beating up soccer players?

And frankly, who gives a flying **** what you coach or instill? How does any of this translate into you thinking it's okay to come dump on another sport, over and over, to satisfy some inferiority you have in regards to your own?


Now that that's over with, let's talk about something else. I have actually read a number of your threads, and I realize that you care very much about coaching your kids, and you seem very genuine in your wishes to promote the sport and help your players achieve something in it. I find that admirable, though I still think you have a major issue/inferiority complex.

I also have a long memory, and I remember awhile back when you posted on here asking for money and support for your program after it has been approved by the PIAA (I have family from PA, I know what that is). If you need a refresher, here it is.

I was going to say "begging for money" but upon re-reading, you were not doing that, merely asking for help. Now I realize the timelines are all off, and that thread came maybe two years ago, before you decided to go on your soccer hating rampage, but I've seen you get into it with people in other threads, on other topics, and I wonder, is this the way you think people will help you? I consider myself to be a pretty charitable person, I have helped a few people on this board with various things, but I can't imagine sending you a dime with the attitute you project on here.

Maybe your league has been doing well in the past two years, sustaining itself, and you don't need the help anymore. I'm just saying, maybe you ought to think a bit more about how you dump on the very people who were part of your target audience when you were asking for help. Frankly, I'm surprised you had to come on here and ask, being the "fastest growing sport in the U.S." and all, but you sure as hell aren't doing yourself any favors if you ever need to ask again.

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No inferiority complex here, just enraging frustration at the ignorance of certain people in the soccer community.

Sounds like you have a local issue to fight. So again, why are you coming on this board to argue with people who are, for the most part, discussing a sport occuring in Europe. Our particular fandom, views, and posting have absolutely zero to do with the issues your program is facing locally, yet you're coming on here and giving us crap?

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