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23rd Annual Discovery Channel Shark Week Thread


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I love shark week but it's beginning to become repetitive. I love when Mike Rowe hosted but honestly how many times do we need to watch Great Whites jumping out of the water.

I havent checked the program listing yet but I am hoping they spend some time on tiger sharks, or makos those are my favorite.

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I havent checked the program listing yet but I am hoping they spend some time on tiger sharks, or makos those are my favorite.

Mine too, especially Tigers.

Sharks are easily my favorite animals, but I agree that Shark Week has gotten a little....I don't know....boring isn't the word, but something like that. Stale?

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Mine too, especially Tigers.

Sharks are easily my favorite animals, but I agree that Shark Week has gotten a little....I don't know....boring isn't the word, but something like that. Stale?

Yup repetitive/stale I think is dead on. I feel I know way too much about great whites. Yes they are awesome but I think it was 3-4 years ago they documented a makos speed it was fascinating.

Or when they cut open the stomach of a dead tiger and finds all sorts of interesting things.

I want to say Atlanta Aquarium had a great white but they've never been able to survive long in captivity. I wonder if they could go more into detail on why that is.

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Well maybe next year Discovery will have the sharks jumping through some flaming hoops for you guys.

All I want are sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads ... GET ON IT DISCOVERY!

My only point while fascinating to watch great whites breach is that has been their big show for like 3 years now. Let's learn about the other sharks a little more and their special feats.

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I want to say Atlanta Aquarium had a great white but they've never been able to survive long in captivity. I wonder if they could go more into detail on why that is.

I doubt they did, but I could very well be wrong. And AFAIK, they don't do well in captivity because of extreme sensitivity to the most minute amounts of electricity. It basically drives them nuts.

Well maybe next year Discovery will have the sharks jumping through some flaming hoops for you guys.

Nah. But maybe they could cut an ES smartass and use him for chum. Now THAT would be interesting. :pfft:

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Mine too, especially Tigers.

Sharks are easily my favorite animals, but I agree that Shark Week has gotten a little....I don't know....boring isn't the word, but something like that. Stale?

I agree. I like sharks, but it's the same old stuff we see every year. I'd like for Discovery to expand, in addition to shark week, have a "big cat" and "bear week."

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I agree. I like sharks, but it's the same old stuff we see every year. I'd like for Discovery to expand, in addition to shark week, have a "big cat" and "bear week."

I'm not much of a bear fan, and I sure ain't a Bear fan, but I would watch the hell out of a Big Cat Week. Great idea.

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I doubt they did, but I could very well be wrong. And AFAIK, they don't do well in captivity because of extreme sensitivity to the most minute amounts of electricity. It basically drives them nuts.

It was actually done in Monterey Bay aquarium. Apparently they got them to live for several months. Fascinating.

I need to get up to the Baltimore aquarium again.

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I think they should do more on other species also I agree, like the Bull Shark and how it interacts with people in the Mississippi or something. But the footage is always breathtaking. Those seals get manhandled.

In addition to the electricity thing, Great Whites are massive and need huge amounts of space, which out aquariums do not provide.

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All I want are sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads ... GET ON IT DISCOVERY!

now you're talkin! :munchout:

Nah. But maybe they could cut an ES smartass and use him for chum. Now THAT would be interesting. :pfft:

It would be more dramatic to troll off the coast of South Africa with him tied up. Go for the aforementioned great white out of the water effect

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One of my favorite quotes ever... "Live every week like it's Shark Week!!!"

This is always my favorite TV week of the summer. I'm so stoked! The Tivo is programmed. :D

All I want are sharks with freaking laser beams attached to their heads ... GET ON IT DISCOVERY!

Will Sea Bass do?

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It was actually done in Monterey Bay aquarium. Apparently they got them to live for several months. Fascinating.

I need to get up to the Baltimore aquarium again.

Baltimore Aquarium is one of my favorite places on earth, strictly for their sharks. Damned impressive.

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I think they should do more on other species also I agree, like the Bull Shark and how it interacts with people in the Mississippi or something. But the footage is always breathtaking. Those seals get manhandled.

In addition to the electricity thing, Great Whites are massive and need huge amounts of space, which out aquariums do not provide.

When they showed that one host getting his leg attacked by that bull shark when they were filming will always stick with me. Gruesome and how that guy can get back into the water and still appreciate sharks.


There was also some crazy footage one year of this woman swimming btw 2 cruise boats and you see like a 15 ft great white come up and attack her. I was at the beach that week and didn't go near the water.

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When they showed that one host getting his leg attacked by that bull shark when they were filming will always stick with me. Gruesome and how that guy can get back into the water and still appreciate sharks.


There was also some crazy footage one year of this woman swimming btw 2 cruise boats and you see like a 15 ft great white come up and attack her. I was at the beach that week and didn't go near the water.

You remember the "Summer of the Shark" back in 2001, I went to the beach in Florida that year, right where all those sharks were.

But nothing would compare to trying to swim the the Summer of '75. That will forever be the summer of shark fear.

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How can anyone hate on shark week? Repetitive? So what? The technology advances are impressive every single year. And these guys get real ballsy every year.

Raise your hand if you'd go out on a seal sled, <10 feet away from a straggler seal decoy, laying on the water, in the middle of the Hot Zone with the threat of a breaching White coming and flipping you out of the sled or perhaps landing on you when going for the decoy...

I sure as hell wouldn't.

Thank you Discovery. Awesome week.

They should expand though, I'd watch so many more Discovery Channel shows if they did more "weeks".

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Baltimore Aquarium is one of my favorite places on earth, strictly for their sharks. Damned impressive.
Yeah, my aunt and uncle have family passes to that place; their kids love it. I had a great time when I went with them a few summers ago.

Monterey Bay Aquarium is fantastic too.

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