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23rd Annual Discovery Channel Shark Week Thread


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The coolest thing I ever learned from shark week, was inner utero canabalization. Where the first egg that hatches devours their brothers and sisters as they hatch. And even the unhatched eggs. Only the strong survive, even in the womb. And they shoved a camera up the shark's hooha to film it.

But yeah, shark week has gotten stale. There's only so much you can do that's new when you've had new programming dedicated to the subject for one week out of every year for the past 23 years.

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I doubt they did, but I could very well be wrong. And AFAIK, they don't do well in captivity because of extreme sensitivity to the most minute amounts of electricity. It basically drives them nuts.

The Atlanta aquarium didn't have one but the Monterey Bay Aquarium had one for over six months before they had to return it to the wild. I saw a show on it; it was a juvenile, only about 5 feet long, in the 6 months they had it it had grown significantly putting on a couple of hundred pounds. Apparently it was exhibiting signs of increasing aggressiveness and they had to return it to the wild before it began preying on the other animals in the exhibit it shared.

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I think it's hard to beat the Chattanooga aquarium. We go every summer. Although I hear the Atlanta aquarium was an attempt to 1-up it.

The Georgia Aquarium is a little bit overhyped.

It's the world's largest aquarium, true, but basically the entire attraction is one gigantic tank that features a couple whale sharks and a few manta rays. They also have an exhibit with some beluga whales. Don't get me wrong, it's definitely cool to see these rare animals that you're probably not going to see at any other aquarium in the country (especially the whale sharks, they're really impressive), but outside of those two exhibits, there's not much else to see in the place.

In my experience, you get a lot more bang for your buck at the Monterey Bay Aquarium (the best one I've ever been to, hands down), the Baltimore Aquarium, and probably the Shedd Aquarium in downtown Chicago.

New Orleans had an excellent aquarium, including rare white alligators (not albinos, they had light blue eyes), but that was ravaged by Katrina when sadly, most of the animals died.

I'll have to hit up the Chattanooga aquarium one day to add to my list.

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