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Thank you Bruce Allen and Coach Shanahan..for respect.


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I would like to thank the new G.M and New Head coach for bringing a new found respect to the Redskins. Thanks guys for leaving me in the dark with the rest of the world.

Oh..of course the experts THINK they know what you are doing. The fans THINK they know what you are doing, but the reality is that NOBODY knows what you are doing or what you have planned, and that I thank you for.

In the past, EVERYBODY knew we were pursuing Albert Haynesworth a full 2 months before we signed him. Everybody knew we were pursuing Jay Cutler a month before he was traded to the Bears. Everybody knew we were targeting a trade to get Mark Sanchez, a month before the draft. In the Vinnie/Danny world there were no secrets Everything was transparent, and perhaps that is where the pattern was established so that defenses apparently knew what plays we would run a month before we ran them.

Thanks guys, for keeping a secret. Thanks for keeping me in the dark.

I have absolutely no clue who the Redskins will fly in on Friday, at the start of free agency. In fact, I have no clue if Mr. Snyder has even filled up the fuel tank. I have no ideas if Coach Mike will sleep late that day instead of pressuring the owner into a must have big dollar free agency signing on Friday. I have no idea if the Skins are going to draft a QB in the first round or if Coach Mike is completely sold on molding Campbell into an all pro.

I have absolutely no idea about anything you are doing and I THANK YOU for that. Because in the past, if we fans knew who we were going to sign , if we fans knew what play was going to be run, if we fans knew what our plans were, most experts and defensive coordinators could probably figure it out. Thank you for keeping us in the dark DESPITE the fact that all the "experts" and a few fans THINK they know what you are doing. I doubt we are going to trade Haynesworth and then draft Clausen or that we will draft Berry at #4 or etc etc. In fact I have no idea and nobody else does either....and that's VERY refreshing.

Thanks for keeping us all in the dark. I like it that way....for a change.

We will have gained new respect after this free agency period. Thanks.

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I have to agree...i second this

I dont think Shanahan and Allen will have a pre draft press conference (ala Vinny, Dan, and Zorn)

Much respect for Dan Snyder for hiring theses guys also, with Dans money and leadership at the top...we will be back


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Did you search on this before posting? I'm not trying to be a jerk - just saying that this is one of the forum rules and it helps keep the number of redundant threads down to a dull roar.

That said, I agree with you. It is refreshing to have some suspense. Let's hope it's worth the wait!

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Not to be a complete cynic, but I'll thank them when we start winning.

well obviously you cannot always control events in your life for the positive or negative. You can't control car accidents...that's why they are called "accidents". The only thing you can control are safety features or when you drive.

This is very similar to what Allen and Shanahan are doing. They can't control the win loss record directly or they would pencil in an undefeated season, but they can manage the QUALITY CONTROL features of their organization and the rest will fall into place. They can ONLY control the things that are under their direct control and THAT is what they are doing...and much better than Vinnie and Zorn every did.

And by the way..yes you are a cynic. Hope you enjoy your unhappy life.:)

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Did you search on this before posting? I'm not trying to be a jerk - just saying that this is one of the forum rules and it helps keep the number of redundant threads down to a dull roar.

That said, I agree with you. It is refreshing to have some suspense. Let's hope it's worth the wait!

noted...but there is not a thread on this board that cannot be merged with another thread somewhere. This thread was more about a thank you note as opposed to the other thread which has turned into a rumor thread.

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Not to be a complete cynic, but I'll thank them when we start winning.

I'm in that same boat. We've heard similar praise for Snyder hires somebody new as a revelation to fans that we've turned over a new leaf (cough Gibbs cough). If we start winning and operating like a respectable franchise, I'll send thanks, but if we go out and make offers for Peppers, Sprioles, Marshall, Owens, etc, then I'll think we haven't changed a bit.

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noted...but there is not a thread on this board that cannot be merged with another thread somewhere. This thread was more about a thank you note as opposed to the other thread which has turned into a rumor thread.

I agree about the potential to merge most threads, but that's the point of the rule.

And as for what differentiates this from the other thread, give it some time. This is headed for Rumor City too - it's just that time of year. :evilg:

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The previous regime has left the fanbase so gunshy that all anyone wants is bargain basement free agents and traded down draftpicks. Sometimes it's not the nature of the moves made, but whether or not they were made with the proper foresight, and that hinges on the people in charge.

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I thank them for not showing their hands, but Im not about to thank them for respect. Too early for that. I'll thank Bruce if we dont go out and offer billion dollar contracts to the top FAs available.

And I'll thank Shanahan for bringing back respect during the season.

I hope you're not one of these people that thinks the only way they can gain your respect is if the Redskins don't pick up any free agents, trade down and just draft 2nd and 3rd round guys, and then replace everybody on the offensive line....because that is NOT going to happen.

Respect is going to be in the eye of the beholder. You may never respect the Redskins unless they do what YOU want them to do. I was personally thanking them because in my opinion, I respect them more for conducting themselves in a professional covert way. No company will release their secrets or plans AHEAD of implementing them....except that is the way Vinnie and Zorn did things.

I expect the Skins to sign SOMEBODY, and I expect that person to become a multi-millionaire. If YOU are expect the Skins to sign somebody for minimum wage and play for $7.25 per hour, keep dreaming. You are setting yourself up for being a cynic and for unhappiness. The Skins still play by the rules and they will still be forced into market prices, but I expect them to simply OPERATE in a more professional manner which is what they have done so far. I could care less WHO they sign or for how much because HOW MUCH has no bearing on my house payment or on how well the QB plays. So don't sweat the insignificant stuff that you are preconditioned to react to.

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I hope you're not one of these people that thinks the only way they can gain your respect is if the Redskins don't pick up any free agents, trade down and just draft 2nd and 3rd round guys, and then replace everybody on the offensive line....because that is NOT going to happen.

Hell no, Im one of the very few Dan Snyder FANS on this site. I LOVE that we spend money, we just have not been spending it wisely for the most part. I just dont feel that Julius Peppers is worth a max out contract, mainly because he is going to be playing a position that he has never played full time. Plus he has a history of shutting down, and I dont want him to do that here if we decide we want him on the line full time.

Like I said, I give Bruce/Shan for keeping their pie holes shut. I thank Dan the man for making the move to clean up the entire FO. We are on a great start, but Im not gonna start giving all of this respect when nothin has be proven.

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Not to be a complete cynic, but I'll thank them when we start winning.

Bingo! It just shows how far we've fallen and how low the bar has been set.

Let's just hope we do indeed start winning. Until then? It's the only way to gain and earn respect.

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This will likely upset many of you but I also think we need to thank Snyder as well. Yes, he's made mistakes, any of us, diehard fans, given his riches and the opportunity to own the team probably would make the same mistakes as well.

But how great is it that as FA opens in 10 hours and with the draft looming we can debate personnel moves and know with full confidence we have an owner willing to do and spend whatever is necessary to improve our team.

It's great that we can debate Peppers or Dansby or Sproles, it's a lot better than being all those teams out there who have owners who are tight in the wallet and lobbying for a new CBA with no salary floor in place.

As a Skins fan I think we do need to show some appreciation to Snyder just in the sense that he has proven he'll do whatever needs to get done to win.

here's the sticking point though, it hasn't happened YET!!!!! But I believe with no cap, Shanny and Allen in place and FA about to open I really believe things are starting to look up for us and considering the 4-12, Zorn, Vinny debacle it's about TIME!!!!!!

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well obviously you cannot always control events in your life for the positive or negative. You can't control car accidents...that's why they are called "accidents". The only thing you can control are safety features or when you drive.

This is very similar to what Allen and Shanahan are doing. They can't control the win loss record directly or they would pencil in an undefeated season, but they can manage the QUALITY CONTROL features of their organization and the rest will fall into place. They can ONLY control the things that are under their direct control and THAT is what they are doing...and much better than Vinnie and Zorn every did.

And by the way..yes you are a cynic. Hope you enjoy your unhappy life.:)

I said COMPLETE cynic. :)

Anyway, after decades of Redskin fandom I've come to realize that the two most popular people on the team are:

1) The brand new coach

2) The backup quarterback

In both cases, sadly, performance on the field rarely justifies our expectations. After 18 years of watching both of these fan favorites contribute to our chronic and embarrassing wheel-spinning, you'll have to forgive my 'prove it on the field' approach.

Not acting like a 15 year-old fantasy football player is a good first step. But our respect around the league has eroded so far down into nothingness that I suspect it's going to take longer than a few months in the offseason to earn it all back. A winning season would be a good place to start.

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I don’t understand this thread....The Redskins are rumored to be after every big time FA that’s available starting from Peppers, Sproles and Dansby. Carlos Rogers is ****ing he doesn’t want be here anymore and earlier this off season Portis threw dirt on Campbell's leadership abilities. Other than the fact the Redskins have hired a GM it would seem not much has changed with this organization.

Now if Redskins make smart moves in FA and don’t give aging big time players who hate the game big money (i.e. Peppers) than maybe they have changed. But I think its still very much a wait and see approach.

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Did you search on this before posting? I'm not trying to be a jerk


i have a suggestion for all of the "there is already a thread on this" people....

get another hobby. if you are aware that there are mutiple other threads on the "same" topic, then YOU ARE ON HERE WAYYYYY TO MUCH!!!

call sherm he may have a spot open at the bingo hall

as far as not trying to be a jerk, it must come naturally.

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