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Thank you Bruce Allen and Coach Shanahan..for respect.


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Did you search on this before posting? I'm not trying to be a jerk

i have a suggestion for all of the "there is already a thread on this" people....

get another hobby.

It's no hobby. It's a forum rule:

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as far as not trying to be a jerk, it must come naturally.

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And let me just say that I am on here a lot, but it is ExtremeSkins a place for Redskins fanatics. So what's the problem? :)

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I don’t understand this thread....The Redskins are rumored to be after every big time FA that’s available starting from Peppers, Sproles and Dansby. Carlos Rogers is ****ing he doesn’t want be here anymore and earlier this off season Portis threw dirt on Campbell's leadership abilities. Other than the fact the Redskins have hired a GM it would seem not much has changed with this organization.

Now if Redskins make smart moves in FA and don’t give aging big time players who hate the game big money (i.e. Peppers) than maybe they have changed. But I think its still very much a wait and see approach.

Well let me help you understand this thread.

First of all, as already explained, nobody has any idea what the Skins are up to.

Second of all, you seem to think nothing has changed because there are rumors from experts on what the Skins will do or should do. How is that affecting Allen or Shanahan? It doesn't affect the Skins. You are assigning negative value from OTHER people OUTSIDE the organization INTO the organization. That is incorrect logic. What other people are saying has NOTHING to do with how this new regime is operating. Let the rumors continue because it has nothing to do with reality.

THIRD...Case and point TODAYS cuts were surprising. A.R.E. was released and that is totally different. Nobody in the last 2 years has been willing to cut a worthless punt returner adn average receiver. THAT is a H-U-G-E change. Can you not recognize that? HUGE change. Also, Griffin is not longer around and the backup QB is gone which alludes to a probablility to drafting a QB and keeping Campbell. Campbell, Colt, and Bradford? That is another change.

As David Bowie once sang: "CH CH CH CHANGES" Just recognize it.

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I have to agree...i second this

I dont think Shanahan and Allen will have a pre draft press conference (ala Vinny, Dan, and Zorn)

Much respect for Dan Snyder for hiring theses guys also, with Dans money and leadership at the top...we will be back


How many teams today had a pre free agent press conference?

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It is hard to say that we've gained respect so far if the media still assumes that the team will behave in the same way. As others have said, respect will come with wins.

This is the right attitude. The Skins are still on proving ground until we get results. Hiring Allen and Shanahan were two steps in the right direction though.

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I really don't see a difference yet. At this time last year we were connected to every big FA and we denied it. When the league year started we went wild. This year we are connected to every big FA and have denied/chosen not to speak about it. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm a big fan of ShanahAllen so far but they haven't done anything yet.

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I really don't see a difference yet. At this time last year we were connected to every big FA and we denied it. When the league year started we went wild. This year we are connected to every big FA and have denied/chosen not to speak about it. We'll see what tomorrow brings. I'm a big fan of ShanahAllen so far but they haven't done anything yet.

where did the Skins go WILD last year. Haynesworth was the only big name free agent signing that I know of. EVERY BIG NAME?

This year...how is this team CONNECTED to every big time free agent? They have had no known CONTACT with anyone. They haven;t flown anyone in. There are no rumors about secret meetings with agents like there were with Haynesworths agent last year.

You are paranoid, negative, and looking for failure when there is nothing but hope and optimism based on the hiring of a 2 time Superbowl coach and a GM who is the son of a HOF coach. go pedal that negative attitude in Philadelphia where they apppreciate pessimism and negativism.

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where did the Skins go WILD last year. Haynesworth was the only big name free agent signing that I know of. EVERY BIG NAME?

This year...how is this team CONNECTED to every big time free agent? They have had no known CONTACT with anyone. They haven;t flown anyone in. There are no rumors about secret meetings with agents like there were with Haynesworths agent last year.

You are paranoid, negative, and looking for failure when there is nothing but hope and optimism based on the hiring of a 2 time Superbowl coach and a GM who is the son of a HOF coach. go pedal that negative attitude in Philadelphia where they apppreciate pessimism and negativism.

Connected as in "sources claim blah blah blah." Rumors. That's all it was last year and that's the same thing that has happened so far. I didn't say we signed every big name, just that like every year agents rumor Redskins interest to drive up prices. It happens every year whether its true or not. In addition to Haynesworth we threw $25 million at Dockery and locked up Hall for what, $60 million? I'm not complaining about the signings but it's the truth.

I'm expecting different results tomorrow just like everyone else but it hasn't happened yet so I think we should hold the applause untill something happens.

I'm not sure where I've been paranoid or negative. I'm not saying ShanahAllen are going to sign every free agent tomorrow I'm just saying that since FA hasn't even started yet we don't know whether we should be thanking them for a new approach. I've brought absolutely nothing negative to this thread I've just stated fact. Relax comrade.

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I will reitterate for those who simply do not understand yet the respect and professionalism that Allen and Shanny have brought to this franchise.....ALREADY.

I just watched Allens Press conference and he said sooooo very much, but without saying a thing. Gawd he is GOOD. He went out to say exactly what he wanted to say and nothing more. He was courteous and polite and friendly with everyone but without giving in to stuttering or stammering when asked a point blank question.


"Bruce, did age factor in the release of a number of players...you want to get younger"

Allen: "well, we had a plan going into free agency and we are carrying out that plan"

Simple answer. Its not evasive its just a fact.

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I just watched Allens Press conference and he said sooooo very much, but without saying a thing. Gawd he is GOOD. He went out to say exactly what he wanted to say and nothing more. He was courteous and polite and friendly with everyone but without giving in to stuttering or stammering when asked a point blank question.

I'm not saying this is a bad thing (I agree it's good) but I find it funny that Zorn's honesty was something fans loved while we were winning and now berate him for after the team collapsed.

As a fan it's interesting to hear a coach/GM speak the truth to the press but I'm much more interested in actually winning games. Hopefully ShanahAllen's tight lips will deliver us a few wins.

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we should have kept zorn if jc was gonna stay all those fumbles 4th qtr chokes overthrows you jc lovers are blind and gonna be sad all year

I agree that JC sucks but we invested too much in him to just toss him away. Hopefully, we get a decent trade for a veteran who can mentor Colt Brennan and any rookie QB that we happen to draft. If we do keep JC, I think he will end up riding the bench.

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It was crazy watching Bruce's press conference and how different it was from the past, how the media was definitely pushing him for answers but he still wouldn't budge just giving them a bunch of misleading, vague answers. In other words, our Front Office just got a whole lot smarter and stealthier. I have a feeling teams will have a new found respect for us and we will no longer be taken advantage of in trades and whatnot.

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It was crazy watching Bruce's press conference and how different it was from the past, how the media was definitely pushing him for answers but he still wouldn't budge just giving them a bunch of misleading, vague answers. In other words, our Front Office just got a whole lot smarter and stealthier. I have a feeling teams will have a new found respect for us and we will no longer be taken advantage of in trades and whatnot.

Obviously you get it. You see the change and feel the movement upward.

So much different than some of the other fans on this site like the guy who posted this gem: "Respect? The first game is 6 months away."

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I don't know if it's respect or just a perception that our new front office is competent now.

I particular don't care if they are repected as long as they are in command, making smart decisions and sticking to their plan. I hope what they're doing brings in quality talented, team players hungry for winning (not just the big pay) in our need areas and keeping our known talented players, that can help make us a winner again.

I like the purge yesterday. These players, for the most part have helped us in the past but are now past their prime and it's time for new, younger talented players to compete for those spots.

I hope CP and AH are taking notice.


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vin, and zorn, god bless his heart, were clowns.

plain and simple. as footnote, zorn never got a fair shake here and was on the titanic but in the end he did not command much respect.

here's the thing - Shanahan and bruce are ALL BUSINESS.

I too thank them for taking the "laughing stock" title off of us.

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