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So, My Dad just told me he is going to get Married


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Going through a situation like this really has to open your eyes. I sure couldn't imagine ever having to deal with something like this and I bet you didn't expect to. What has been the hardest part for you?

I have known he was gay for a long time, but it was always something said and not scene, ya know. This will change all of that.

When I was young, I fought it for a long time. I'm a rednecked, race car driving, tobacco chewing AC/DC rocker type, so I am not the usual type to be getting all excited about dudes having sex with one another. I spend a ton of time around so many gays now, some don't even use their real names and go by their drag names. I mean gay. Gender has no meaning around here.

I came to terms with it when I was about 30. My sister had a baby and I moved home from Vegas and stopped trying to be a hard ass and getting into fights to prove it. I'm much happier now, since I've accepted this, but this is a speedbump, I guess I always knew was coming.

I mostly say whatever, life is hard enough, without having those who will love you unconditionally trying to judge you like others do.

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I don't know truly what to say, other than it's great of you to be so supportive of your fathers decision. It means the world to him to have the support and backing of his family. I know the awkwardness level will be pretty high at times, but it seems like you are coping really well with this, while other people in todays society would disown their parent or child if they were gay/lesbian.

Kudos to you KB!!!

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Good for him for findin someone who makes him happy, and good for you accepting him and being honest with yourself about how you feel, your dad's lucky to have you...

I mostly say whatever, life is hard enough, without having those who will love you unconditionally trying to judge you like others do.

& ain't that the truth...

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First off, I think it's great. He hasn't has anybody in his life, since my Mom died in 87' and I worry about him being alone as he gets older (64).

The thing is, and I know some of you have heard me say this before, but he's Gay.

Now, that's not really something that has any bearing on anything in my life, because it's his choice and whatever makes him happy, should make me happy, but it's still pretty ****ing weird to understand.

I fought it for a long time, but in the past 8 years or so, we have become great friends and I've learned to accept this fact about him. I don't completely agree with it, but again, not my choice to make.

He has never thrown what he does in my face and I've never seen him with a boyfriend (an odd term to use for your 64 year old father)before, so him getting married and living with another man, is going to be yet another of lifes little challenges for me.

I just wanted to vent a little about this and I think I can handle it, but it's still throwing me for a bit of a loop.

You'll be fine man. You seem like a pretty cool & level headed guy (most of the time :silly:) and it sounds like you already have a good relationship with your dad so all you can do is support his decision and be happy that it makes him happy and just hope it all works out.

Going over to his house for dinner and seeing him with his partner might be weird at first but I'm sure they'll be respectful about it around you and everything will work out and before you know it you'll be telling them all of the gay jokes you know. :pfft:

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