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Movie: Youth in Revolt


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It stars one of the most untalented people in the world, I'm hoping that it tanks so I never have to see another movie with that kid again.

Are you kidding? Michael Cera taught us that

Check out the talent in that video. It's incredible.

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Are you kidding? Michael Cera taught us that

Check out the talent in that video. It's incredible.

It isn't the slightest bit funny. He plays the same unfunny character type in every movie he plays in. Whether you watch Superbad, Juno, or Year One, you know you're getting the same talentless hack and are about to watch a god awful movie.

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It isn't the slightest bit funny. He plays the same unfunny character type in every movie he plays in. Whether you watch Superbad, Juno, or Year One, you know you're getting the same talentless hack and are about to watch a god awful movie.

Are you aware of the origin of that video?

("Doesn't matter" is not a valid response in this case, btw.)

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Are you aware of the origin of that video?

("Doesn't matter" is not a valid response in this case, btw.)

I'm aware that it's a spoof video and I've watched the video which it attempts to spoof. The spoof is poorly executed, and it isn't funny whether you know the origin of the spoof or not. Michael Cera is less talented than your average reality show personality.

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It isn't the slightest bit funny. He plays the same unfunny character type in every movie he plays in. Whether you watch Superbad, Juno, or Year One, you know you're getting the same talentless hack and are about to watch a god awful movie.

Nick and Nora's Infinite Play List was a good movie, but yeah he's pretty much the same guy in every movie.

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Speaking of Arrested Development and Cera, he was reportedly the only actor out of the entire cast who was allowed to ad lib most of his lines while filming.

Which is ridiculous if you consider that cast.

He may play pretty much the same guy in all of his roles (although the idea behind his Youth in Revolt character looks a little different), but he's pretty good at it. He might not be someone's individual preference as an actor, but nobody can say he isn't talented.

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Every movie that guy has been in has sucked.........badly. Same cliche lines, same cliche attitude, same god-awful scripts, and the same morons who laugh at the stupid jokes and think Seth Rogen is funny. He's not.

I'll hand it to him, however, for thriving on the stupidity of people.

Superbad was great. However, his best work was as George-Michael on Arrested Development.

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Superbad? I cannot imagine a more accurate title for a movie. Super.....bad. I'm convinced if you like Michael Cera or anything remotely associated with him, your IQ is in the sub-100 region.

I'm not kidding.

I'll let your statement speak for itself. It says more about you than it does me.

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Superbad? I cannot imagine a more accurate title for a movie. Super.....bad. I'm convinced if you like Michael Cera or anything remotely associated with him, your IQ is in the sub-100 region.

I'm not kidding.

You're talking about him as if he's Carlos Mencia or Larry the Cable Guy.

Could we please get h4r's top comedic actors?

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That my IQ is genius and Michael Cera and the imbeciles that write for him are no-talent hacks?

Ok. Fair enough.

I take it then, that you did not like Arrested Development. If that is the case, then you, my friend, are the one with a sub-100 IQ.

I will agree though, that he does play the same character in most of his movies. However, Superbad was a good film, as was Juno.

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