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A great quarterback makes a bad O-line look good


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it's effing stupid when people think Campbell is the SOLE problem. He's not even the MAIN problem. The Skins have MANY problems. Campbell haters want nothing more than for Campbell to make mistakes so they can keep their boners. SHUT UP about Campbell already! We need to fill MANY holes and YES, QB is one of them. A new thread is started every effing time Campbell even has an incomplete pass.

-Is your temper tantrum over yet? If it is maybe you'll start to realize no one thinks Campbell is the SOLE problem, they think he is one of the main problems, which he is.

-If you took the time to read the OP, you might have understood that these thread was created by person who didn't understand the logic that a good QB can make a bad o-line look good.. Which sounds like someone from the pro-Cantball camp

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Does a great quarterback makes a bad O-line look good?
Its really difficult to have a bad online in front of a great QB.

A great QB means a stable offensive system, competent leadership of the team in and out of the huddle and a the ability to make the correct reads, adjustments, and audibles against the defense.

All these things make an O-Line serviceable.

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What temper tantrum? So I can't make a statement towards whomever blames Campbell as the main problem, but you can claim definitely that "no one" thinks he is the sole one? Please. If you haven't noticed, we are getting slaughtered by Dallas right now so I am going crazy. No need to police me.

Number 2, I agree with the OP. I'm not bashing this thread at all.

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Its really difficult to have a bad online in front of a great QB.

I agree because a 'great' QB behind a bad OL won't look or perform like a great QB.

The criteria for a 'great' QB is debateable.

But i'll figure its requires: good YPA, good completion percentage, good QB rating, good RZ rating, good blitz rating and good 3rd down rating and Wins.

Alot of the above stats like YPA hinge on pass protection the ability to throw downfield that solid pass protection affords; and a solid running game helps.

A bad OL provides neither pass protection nor a solid running game.

Imo you cannot be a great QB while getting hit and sacked constantly and relying mainly on a short 3 step based passing game.

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WHAT? What the heck are you talking about? Point? What points? Several lines each bashing Campbell in a different way? Please tell me what "points" I missed out of that post. Was it his "point" that our OL has been blocking "good most of the night"? Are you kidding me??? Are you just sticking up for your 'bashing brother'? Believe me, I AM NOT a Campbell supporter OR basher. I used be soley in the pro-Campbell camp but I am 100% neutral now. More so leaning towards us moving in a new direction. Do NOT misunderstand me.
You fail at reading posts like Candle fails at reading defenses. Highlighted the things wdcreskins said you obviously missed. BTW- The rest is not "bashing" since it's accurate, like what 'skins said:
HOw many games has this loser candle lead us to 0 points going int o the half time? another one tonight. it seems like every otehr game, we have no points going in to the half. what is the record by the way? regardless, this guy sucks so bad. im kind of glad that collinsowrth is blasting candle tonight.

this guy candle stil has a starting job int he NFL. un freaking real. how does he still have job/. this guy sucks so bad.

good protection most of tonight and still cant do anything. that is why it is useless to waste good preotction on this useless QB. so inaccurate as well. this guy just sucks.

15th ranked QB rating? this is what im takling about . just like tonight's game. no points in the first half. has to play catch up, and pad stats. last week against the giants, this loser couldnt even pad his stats. LOL

when u r yards come in useless time, same with TD, comps...etc, its uselss and manipulates canlde homers.

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That is it. This piece of crap jason candle sucks like i dont know what. Thank god, one more game left. Unreal that this loser still has a starting job in the nfl. And that loser zorn. No adjustment at the half, continues to play that loser candle.......

One more freaking game left. This guy candle is so useless.... Can somebody look up the record for 0 points going in to the half time? How many 0 points did candle lead us to goin in to half time this yr?

This guy even when he has time cant do anything, causes his own sacks. I mean that one play collinsowrth is like, levi jones isnt going to know where candle is, candle created that himself....

So embarrassing.

Hey cnadle homers, since you like stats, did ya see taht one stat where 77% of his comps come less than 10 yards from the los? And through 18 passing attempts tonight , they stated taht only one pass went for more than 10 yards. Rest were under 10 yards.

There you go homers. U know why his comps% is what it is? Cause nothing goes for more than 10 yards. God this guy sucks. Cant throw, inaccruate as hell, cant throw intight coverage so he holds the ball longer than usual.... Slow release, cant read the defense

did ya see that one sack where he gets hit hard from the blind side and the ball comes lose , his arm going forwrd.. Where heyer gets hurt on that play. If you watch the replay, right before the ball is snapped, candle looks right at the corner that blitzs , and he still turned his head making himself vulnerable. Folkds, seriously, u cant make these stuff up. He cant read defense prior to snap even if his life depeneded on it. Literally, right before the ball was snapped, he looked right at the corner.

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Put Peyton Manning behind any offensive line in football and it will look serviceable by mid-season.

Well that's where we disagree.

Peyton is a great QB, one of my favorites of all time.

But if you put Peyton behind our OL he wouldn't look like the Peyton Manning we all know.

The Colts passing game is heavy on 5 and 7 step drops routes and play-action he needs good pass protection.

BTW- Sonny, Joey T and Aikman all disagree with your assertion:

Listen to Aikman(after the Dallas game) on Jason Campbell and playing QB under the Skins current situation:@1:00 mark

“The Redskins could have Peyton Manning back there and it wouldn’t matter behind THAT offensive line,” Jurgensen said.

Bart tried his best to convince the Hall of Famer, but daddy wasn’t buying it. Mind you, Jurgensen is the same man who said the Redskins would have been 4-0 to start the year if they’d have gone with backup quarterback Todd Collins instead of Campbell. He’s by no means a blind homer or even a Campbell supporter. Jurgensen simply believes that the front office has neglected the offensive line for too long and the team is now paying the price.


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Hey cnadle homers, since you like stats, did ya see taht one stat where 77% of his comps come less than 10 yards from the los? And through 18 passing attempts tonight , they stated taht only one pass went for more than 10 yards. Rest were under 10 yards.

There you go homers. U know why his comps% is what it is? snapped, he

LOL! Did he have time to throw those long passes? Did you watch that part of the game? The offense is HORRIBLE! Its EVERYBODYS fault guy!

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Look at the difference at times when Collins is in. He makes quicker decisions and the line doesn't have to block as long. This is really critical for us because the line is so bad. The less time they have to block the better for everyone. JC just takes too long for the wheels to turn. Not on evry play, but you can tell the difference.


JC can't see open receivers even when he has plenty of time. He panics and throws the ball away. I know I'm beating a dead horse here, but JC has to go. If you watch the replays in slow motion you almost always see a Skins player waving his arms wide open when JC throws the ball away or throws into traffic. It's ridiculous!

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LOL! Did he have time to throw those long passes? Did you watch that part of the game? The offense is HORRIBLE! Its EVERYBODYS fault guy!
I seem to recall a similar situation... oh about 6 days ago, we were in a similar situation. Then a different QB came in, and somehow somebody threw something that looked like a long pass.

But that's impossible, cause aside from one pitiful throw early, redskins QBs cant throw long ALL GAME TONIGHT, right? :doh:

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I only going to say this game tonight against the cow girls... JC seems to have a Tunnel

Vision, cause he only stares down whom ever he plans to make a play on never even look

on the other side of the feild and most scary thing never look behind to see if there is a

blitze... This is dangerous you need to protect yourself at best you can from getting pouch from behind... I know anything can happen without seeing a blitzes from blindside,

but never once he look to see if anyone coming or if a receiver open on other side of bal tonight... Zorn need to start Collins or 3rd string Qb next week game...

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Look at the difference at times when Collins is in. He makes quicker decisions and the line doesn't have to block as long. This is really critical for us because the line is so bad. The less time they have to block the better for everyone. JC just takes too long for the wheels to turn. Not on evry play, but you can tell the difference.

Collins took 2.47 seconds to make the throw to Moss in the Giants game. JC was sacked in 2.36, 1.24 and 2.18 seconds in three of the sacks in the same game. JC didn't even have 2.47 to throw the ball. The line blocked longer for Collins, not less.

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LOL! Did he have time to throw those long passes? Did you watch that part of the game? The offense is HORRIBLE! Its EVERYBODYS fault guy!

WHAT ARE YOU BLIND? was he runnign for his dear life literally eveyr paly? he had good protection tonight. i mean even his first sack, he had all day man. what freaking game are u watching? and u dont need freaking 7 seconds to go vertical. Collins came in lst week and his first 2 throws were for more than 10 yards in the air. wake up. open ur eyes or drop the pipe. u know what im talking about?

and as the offense, its bad and no one is saying it's just candle's fault. so either u stop putting owrds in peoples mouth or pay attention. candle plays the most important position on offense and he sucks at it. what part of that do u not understnad?

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Collins took 2.47 seconds to make the throw to Moss in the Giants game. JC was sacked in 2.36, 1.24 and 2.18 seconds in three of the sacks in the same game. JC didn't even have 2.47 to throw the ball. The line blocked longer for Collins, not less.

Maybe they like playing for Todd better.

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I only going to say this game tonight against the cow girls... JC seems to have a Tunnel

Vision, cause he only stares down whom ever he plans to make a play on never even look

on the other side of the feild and most scary thing never look behind to see if there is a

blitze... This is dangerous you need to protect yourself at best you can from getting pouch from behind... I know anything can happen without seeing a blitzes from blindside,

but never once he look to see if anyone coming or if a receiver open on other side of bal tonight... Zorn need to start Collins or 3rd string Qb next week game...

I had to listen to the game on ESPN at work. The announcers made the comment several times that with the way JC was getting harrassed (the word the announcer used), he had to know where he was going with the ball as soon as it was snapped. And he could only look at one receiver because he didn't have time to go to plan B.

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Collins took 2.47 seconds to make the throw to Moss in the Giants game. JC was sacked in 2.36, 1.24 and 2.18 seconds in three of the sacks in the same game. JC didn't even have 2.47 to throw the ball. The line blocked longer for Collins, not less.

what? LOL

candle had 6 seconds tonight on his first sack. that one sack, candle created his own pressure. the one where he gets stripped, he had time to fake pump dude. ur takling about collins taht made that throw less than 3 seconds. u got homers talking about you cant throw deep less than 3 seconds . that is why candle always throws less than 10 yards from the LOS. get outta here.

and what about when candle does have tim e. listen , not just tonight, every game, he aint running for his dear life every play. when he has time, he still throws less than 10 yards from LOS. he cant make plays even when he has time.

tonight, collinsworht said that one play, levi jones doesnt know where candle is, candle created it himself. so embarrassing. this is a 5th veteran QB that has started over 50 games?

U gotta be kidding me. why is this guy still QBing in the nfl? oh man, this pisses me off so much that this uselss ineefective QB still has a starting job. what th ehell man.


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I had to listen to the game on ESPN at work. The announcers made the comment several times that with the way JC was getting harrassed (the word the announcer used), he had to know where he was going with the ball as soon as it was snapped. And he could only look at one receiver because he didn't have time to go to plan B.
Fail on you and the announcer.

(Don't blame you for working, just blame you not realizing it's the same old same old. Candle had time as the pass pro improved during the game as usual, and he kept making short dump-offs as usual even though many plays he had plenty of time, as usual)

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Well, if you're going to risk your body, there's no point in doing it for Candle. Collins OTOH has led the team to playoffs before.

Been so long I kinda forget what these "playoff" things are. How long ago were we eliminated this season? :(

dude, it aint a secret taht when candle is not starting for the Redskins, we ahve made it to the playoffs. This guy just sucks. yes, we have problems with our offense. oline is bad. but this guy sucks as QB. he sucks so bad. this guy in his 5th yr, over 50 starts, still making rookie mistakes, inaccurate as hell. this will never change. he will always be inaccurate....

oh did ya see that one pass to rock? LOL in the pocket, no pressure, he just throws like 10 ft over Rock's head. LOL rock holds his arms like " what the F was that"

oh man, this guy is useless. ONE more Freaking Game with this loser.

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I can't wait for Campbell to leave, not only for his average to poor play, but also so I don't have to hear that STUPID "candle" name anymore.

Newflash: it's played out and adds nothing to these back and forward diatribes.

End rant/

I feel great frustration seeing the team keep Candle as our #1 QB with no competition. That's been played out since 2007, maybe before then.

So maybe we'll both be happy next season. Cheers!

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same old story from everyones favorite loser:

- multiple poorly thrown passes

- 0 points generated

- turnovers and sacks

- inability to read a pressure defense

- his stat padding in the 4th quarter was about all that kept his numbers from looking like helen keller playing madden on xbox.

did anyone also see the blurb they ran about his throws? he leads the entire NFL in percentage of throws thrown 10 yards or less (77% it was). i already know the fan clubs answer to that one though.

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Well, if you're going to risk your body, there's no point in doing it for Candle. Collins OTOH has led the team to playoffs before.

Been so long I kinda forget what these "playoff" things are. How long ago were we eliminated this season? :(

dude, it aint a secret taht when candle is not starting for the Redskins, we ahve made it to the playoffs. This guy just sucks. yes, we have problems with our offense. oline is bad. but this guy sucks as QB. he sucks so bad. this guy in his 5th yr, over 50 starts, still making rookie mistakes, inaccurate as hell. this will never change. he will always be inaccurate....

oh did ya see that one pass to rock? LOL in the pocket, no pressure, he just throws like 10 ft over Rock's head. LOL rock holds his arms like " what the F was that"

I swear to GOD, he was trying to throw it away and not make a throw to ROck. fortunate that Rock was there becasue if he wasnt, it wouldve been intentional grounding. LO i guess it worked out for this patheit c5th yr qb with over 50 starts huh?

oh man, this guy is useless. ONE more Freaking Game with this loser.

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