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Treating Heroin With Heroin


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Destino posted this in the alcohol/cannabis thread, but I thought it was interesting enough to deserve its own (and nothing showed up in a search).

LONDON, England (CNN) -- If treating heroin addicts by giving them heroin seems counterintuitive, having the government fund that addiction to the tune of more than $22,000 per patient per year comes across as downright radical.

A newly released British study, however, found that daily heroin injections given to hard-to-treat addicts as part of a comprehensive program succeeded in treating those addicts and reducing crime. The use of street heroin was reduced by three quarters and the crimes committed trying to get drugs were cut by two-thirds, the study found.

Taking heroin off the streets seems to be making a difference. Researchers injected heroin in a safe, stable environment at medically supervised clinics. They crucially paired that with intensive counseling and addiction treatment.

The researchers reported that benefits were evident just six weeks into treatment among users who had failed at other kinds of treatment.

The treatment is relatively expensive, about $22,000 per patient, per year. But in Britain many are coming to terms with the fact that keeping a person in prison can cost three times that.

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We now have a heroin thread, wine thread and a pot thread on page one and we wonder why the annoying things people say thread is so long. :D

Funny too, people around here have been putting Meth into their Coke, so cheap Coke seems better than what is the better stuff and people have no idea why they like it better or want to do it more.

It's sad to watch a coke head turn slowly into the lowest of the low, tweaker.

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I have a friend who has been addicted to heroin for about a decade now.

He's a functioning addict.

He would love nothing more than to quit but it is one of THE hardest drugs to quit.

Methadone helps sometimes.

I feel bad for him.

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I have a friend who has been addicted to heroin for about a decade now.

He's a functioning addict.

He would love nothing more than to quit but it is one of THE hardest drugs to quit.

Methadone helps sometimes.

I feel bad for him.

One of the owners of the bar I work at just quit after, well, I don't know, but he is clean now for 4 years and he is 76.

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Not sure if this is true, but I heard that MDMA was actually created to treat addictions and OCD's. No idea if it's true, but it does somewhat match your statement.

I watched people do MDMA last saturday night and even when I was yelling at them to stop having sex in my basement on inner tubes, they still loved me. I hate that drug.

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