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Things That Were Cool When You Were 14


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So I was REALLY into radio control when I was 14. But I had no money and nobody wanted me to mow their lawn.

So based on saving allowance for a million weeks on end, I ended up with a

, followed by a
, followed by a
hovercraft (bad decision), and then finally I got a job. This led to a nice, enjoyable 2-meter
which I still have. My younger brother also eventually gave me an electric powered-flight trainer, but let's pretend that never happened.

I pretty much stopped there, when the allure of going to college and getting many more girls and having space constraints put an end to R/C fun.

What was your 14-year-old self's Thing?

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R/C is still fun. I've got an old car around here somewhere that I want to fix up. I've actually always wanted to put one together. It bummed me out that the battery on em would only last for a few minutes though.

Sega Genesis was it for me, I guess. I remember getting NBA Live '95 for Christmas and ****ting my pants.

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