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Nazi's sucessfully tested two nuclear bombs during WWII?


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Ever hear of the Hitler Diaries? They had documents and witnesses to support that claim too. This is likely in the same vein.

Actually they didn't. They didn't have any documents or witnesses to support the Diaries. The claim was they found the books in a barn barried in hay..... for fifty years!!!...

I remember watching Ted Kopple on Nightline one of the best interviewers of his time. One of his rare times(2 times) Ted fell flat on his face in an interview landing on his face with a thud....

They had this old crusty FBI handwriting expert on nightline, and gave him samples of the diaries and known samples of Hittlers writting like 5 minutes before airtime. Ted get's on the air with the guy gives hims this huge introduction about how he's the formost handwritting expert on the planet who pioneered handwritting identification blah blah blah....

and the first thing out of this guys mouth is.... These are a fake... Ted who has about another 57 minutes of show to fill says to the guy, that that is irrepsonsible that all these other handwritting experts have Sorbougn, Scotland yard, interpol etc... have reviewed the diaries and non could say conclusively they weren't Hitler... blalh blah blah

The old FBI guy sticks to his guns and says, I pioneered the field of handwritting identification, I tought all those other guys all they know, I'm the formost expert in the world and I'm willing to stake my reputation on the fact these are frauds, not good frauds either.

Ted never returned to him for the rest of the show. Three days latter they figured out the ink and paper was all wrong to be pre war. And the diaries were dismissed as frauds. Nightline ran a few adds saying... "You heard it on nightline first".... Until somebody had the good graces to remove them.

On the bombs..... You are probable right, I didn't know the military channel was part of the discovery channel. I used to watch armed services TV over in Saudi during the war, and I equated the two. I haven't come up with any subportive data they detinated a nuclear bomb as the program said which quotes a different source than the program. I do think the U-234 boat is pretty interesting though. That German Uranium ended up in our early nuclear program.

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There is a huge jump between step A (refined uranium) and Step B (fissionable material). A massive, enormous effort that takes years and billions of dollars to get between the two points.


Clearly, the Germans were dabbling in the area, but we already knew that. They had Heisenberg, after all. But they had no Manhattan Project, like we had. They had no Enrico Fermi plus Robert Oppenheimer plus Glenn Seaborg, plus Compton, Bethe, Serber, Manley, Teller and all the rest that were needed to get the basic theory to a practical reality.

Remember the German Nuclear program started in 39 three years before the Manhattan Project. It didn't appear on our radar until 1941.

They had a few hundred tons of uranium, and about a hundred tons of it were never accounted for. I always heard Heisenberg was their top gun when it came to the German nuclear program, and I always heard it had been closed down years before the end of the war (January 1942) when the Nazi's decided it was to theoretical to aid in the war effort..

I never heard Himmler and the SS had backed a parellel program to Hiesenburg under Kurt Diebner or that Diebner had surpassed the progress made by Hiesenburg.

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Well the proof is in the pudding.. If Hitler had any weapon of such mass destruction he'd of used it

The thought is they exploded a few prototypes, but never produced an operational bomb because they didn't have enough Uranium 235.

They reached the Trinnity Test Phase is what the show I saw said, but they never produced enough fisionable material to produce operational bombs.

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Fusion bombs are also possible. They're neutron bombs which release radioactivity with a much shorter half life than fision bombs.

Neutron bombs are just a type of fusion bomb, but most fusion bombs are not of that type. Neutron bombs are designed to allow the neutrons created by fusion to escape which greatly reduced the explosive power of the bomb allowing it to target biologicals in the target area while leaving infrastructure intact.

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Not sure if they tested nukes or not, probably not, but remember, The space program wouldn't exist if not for the nazis. You can't deny the fact that they were doing some pretty advanced things.... Rockets, jets, stealth fighter (history channel special), and zombies...

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Fusion bombs are also possible. They're neutron bombs which release radioactivity with a much shorter half life than fision bombs.
wait, you're not suggesting the German's made a Fusion bomb are you? those use hydrogen isotopes, not Uranium. not to mention the US didn't make the first one until the 1950's...
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True but uranium bombs are used as part of fusion bombs (ie Hydrogen Bombs) while plutonium bombs are not.

Yeah ... I worked in fusion research for a little while, so you might consider my knowledge of the subject above average for a football message board. :)

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The thought is they exploded a few prototypes, but never produced an operational bomb because they didn't have enough Uranium 235.

They reached the Trinnity Test Phase is what the show I saw said, but they never produced enough fisionable material to produce operational bombs.

That doesn't make any sense either. It's the equivalent of saying "They had enough U235 to make a few operational bombs, but not enough U235 to make one operational bomb."

The Trinity test WAS an operational bomb, and we "operated" the hell out of it. It just wasn't in a pretty aerodynamic package.

The more I read about this "Nazis got the bomb" theory, the more it smells like total :pooh:. It flies in the face of all existing evidence about the Nazi atomic bomb program that I know of, but in return it's supported by basically nothing of substance.

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