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I Love Chad Johnson


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He's a douche. Sorry. This week he reportedly tried to bribe an official to change a call. Yet another stupid thing on his resume. And his "gift packages" are about the dumbest thing ever. I can't believe so many people like this guy. He's a clown.

Dude, lighten the **** up. Chad is great for the game. Yeah he's a bit of a knucklehead but we have enough "teh NFL is srs bsness" players to more than make up for it.

Bribing the ref with a $1 bill...hillarious. It would probably work if he were in the NBA though. ZINGER! :D

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Only fitting, coming from a joke. I wonder what stunt the clown will pull this week.

New NFL rules:

"4.21a Any player who attempts to bring laughter and mirth to any fans through on-field performances shall be fined $30,000 and be forced to attend a Seminar on NFL Seriousness.

4.21b Any player who invites random fans to dinner, or who purchases hundreds of tickets for random fans in order to prevent a blackout of a game to the local area, shall be fined $22,000 and be forced to participate in the Player Aloofness and Selfishness Program."

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Ocho is loco but I like the guy. If he were offensive or somehow mean-spirited I would feel differently but he's cool. I thought he'd completely lost his mind right before this season started. I saw some segment on him (NFLN? HBO? ESPN?) and pronounced him mentally unstable in a sad way. I didn't think he'd do well at all this season but he proved me wrong. He still might be crazy but he can also still play.

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Chachie, part of it was Palmer was out last season.

Ha! Yes, that's absolutely right, AC. Like I say, I was wrong but I also had trouble calling him a top 5 receiver even before that offense broke down due to Palmer's absence. I thought TJ was better. I was combining this flawed perception with the segment I saw on him that truly showed a shaky, insecure guy who was afraid he was losing his grip. The network didn't slant it that way, it was all coming out of his mouth. After that I had basically (somewhere in this forum, btw) pronounced him virtually over.

Crow, anyone? No? Just me? 'Kay. (Nom nom nom)

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Did Ocho steal candy from you when you were young or something?

I'm older than Chad. And obviously alot more mature.

Bubble is bitter. Must not be getting any poon

I get plenty. Trust me on that one.

You sound like an insecure hater.

Are you jealous because he has what you can't have??...its ok


I don't like the guy because of all the idiot stunts he's pulled, and continues to pull. He's an egomaniac. As the old cliche goes, "act like you've been there". He's a punk.

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haha I saw that piece the other day on Fox where he kept saying that to the little kids. I have to admit that was pretty funny. I'm sure he's a riot with kids, as he acts like one himself.

If you dislike OchoCinco so much.....Why. Do. You. Keep. Coming. Back. To. This. Thread? Time to kiss da baby!!

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I don't need to know him personally to know that he's a douche. His actions are enough.

Actions such as......? Him crying about being on the team he was on and wanting out?

I'd say him....

- flying fans in for games

- taking fans out to dinner

- buying tickets and giving them away to avoid a blackout

- taking fans out to movies

- coming down to Miami every week to see and spend time with his children

- avoiding clubs and going out and drinking to stay out of trouble

....says a ton about his character....

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Actions such as......? Him crying about being on the team he was on and wanting out?

"On May 5, 2007, Ochocinco was sued for allegedly not giving away a Lexus that was supposed to be raffled off. The suit added two plaintiffs that claimed that they have won trips from Ochocinco (one to Europe; one to Hawaii), that Ochocinco never awarded."

How is that for character? :doh:

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