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WPC: Midseason Grades: Jason Campbell


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I miss Boonell. The original king of checkdowns at least had the occasional threat of a deep ball.

As for this assessment, it's solid, though nothing that hasn't been said on this board before. It's amazing that everyone here seems to recognize what the professionals in the FO don't.

you mean the FO that went hard after Jay Cutler and Mark Sanchez in the offseason? yes i agree, the FO was very comfortable with Jason Campbell this season..

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It started off fairly accurate then delved heavy into opinion and speculation.

Yeah, stats don't tell the whole story.

-Your right because any objective viewer can see that plenty of his good statistics came at garbage time.

The whole story would involve:

The importance of the OL and lack of a running game which are huge factors in any QB performance, that was glossed over.

-The OL is important and everyone is aware of the OL situation, why isn't Campbell? Why doesn't he step up? Why does he act like there is pressure when there isn't? This doesn't help and already bad o-line

-Funny how you complain they gloss over the running game, yet you did it all summer long.. Campbell had had the luxury of a top 5 back his whole career, now that he doesn't have a running game all of a sudden you bring it to the discussion

Coaching/playcalling is also a big factor that was completely left out.

-All plays executed well were called well... Also Campbell has the ability to call an audible at the line, why doesn't he do so? Wouldn't you love to see Campbell actually come up to the line perform a hard count see where the pressure is coming from, and then change the play? 75% of the QB's in this league can do it, why can't Campbell?

No mention of the young receivers that have yet to make an impact.

How much would the team benefit if Devin or Kelly had 1/4 the impact of DeSean Jackson or Eddie Royal?

-It has nothing to do with the offenses surrounding those players? You put Devin/Mitchell/Kelly in IND, they do twice what Collie is doing I bet.. You put Austin Collie on the skins? he goes to our practice squad.

Also JC's QB rating is in the same ball park as Eli Manning and ahead

of Kurt Warner he's also ahead of all the QBs members of this board lusted after Jay Cutler, Matt Cassel, Mark Sanchez

-For the one millionth time, PR isn't the end all be all.. And can easily be misleading because it is so heavily based on comp %. Chad Pennington was like the 2nd rated passer last seaon, guess why?

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JC has proven that he can be a game manager with everything else in place. That's not what a franchise QB is and that is not the type of team we have, nor is it the type of QB we need on this team.

Having a banged up OL has been a blessing in disguise, because we have all witnessed with our own eyes that JC has not been able to will this team to a victory (any victory, at least one would have been nice), he has not lead this team on the field to play at a higher level, he has not made any game changing plays at all this year that I can recall.

The 2 games we have won this year have been despite JC, not because of him. I've seen all I needed to see. There is never going to be "perfect" pass protection. Not suggesting that he needs to be Big Ben and scramble every play and make ridiculously awesome throws on the run ... but an OL works hand in hand with the QB. There are only a certain number of opportunities to make plays in a game ... and there have been numerous times that JC did not connect when he had the time and the receivers in place to make a play.

He has no confidence in himself, it is so blatanly obvious he can barely whisper into a microphone during an interview. I don't care about all the other "off the field" issues that have surrounded him, our FO and this entire team. Great QB's rise above, JC stays medium.

I wish him the best of luck wherever he may go, and hope that maybe he can resuscitate his career like Trent Dilpher somewhere ... and can be put in a position to succeed.

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So, the entire offense, as well as the coaches, are at fault? Great...this team is 10 players and an entire coaching staff away from being good.

The free pass one man who's play is so abject, to be kind, continues to get from so many. :doh:

Seriously man, you couldn't make this **** up if you tried.

As regards the OP: Nice, impartial, on the nail piece as per JP.


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JC is playing "scared to make a mistake" and "scared to be clocked".

I really don't believe he has gotten over the Chicago game a few years ago when he had the knee dislocation.

Now he seems to be caught in a no-win situation, which can't be blamed on the o-line, backs, or receivers, but blamed on his mental strength and confidence. He is afraid to be hit and afraid to take chances, and it has affected his ability to throw accurately and timely. bad part is, he probably will never get over it...

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Strong Arm? Jason Campbell? Yeah, right.

You know how he just tore it up at Aurburn before he came here. Oh wait. He didn't tear anything up. He's never had a strong or accurate arm. Large frame doesn't mean he has a cannon. Who would ever know really? Does it take a cannon to throw 3 yard passes to ARE?

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Stop being ridiculous.

3 stellar receivers a strong running game a defense that could get turnovers and time to throw? Hater, Please

Behind that O line with those weapons and in that scheme he would have excelled.

Finally someone who understands how the game is played :applause:

you only forgot a play caller at the top of his game :)

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Finally someone who understands how the game is played :applause:

you only forgot a play caller at the top of his game :)

A.Rogers has a pathetic O Line and has been sacked 31 times and hit tons more......The D in G.B and Washington are tied for 4th best in the NFL.....

Rogers does not have a great running game either, he just makes plays. You go out of your way to make it everyone's fault but JC's meanwhile, he is exactly what he is a bad QB.......If A.Rogers was on this team do you really think they'd be 2-5?

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A.Rogers has a pathetic O Line and has been sacked 31 times and hit tons more......The D in G.B and Washington are tied for 4th best in the NFL.....

Rogers does not have a great running game either, he just makes plays. You go out of your way to make it everyone's fault but JC's meanwhile, he is exactly what he is a bad QB.......If A.Rogers was on this team do you really think they'd be 2-5?

yes, probably worse

Rodgers sacks are more his fault than the OL.

did you watch the game yesterday? Aikman pointed out over and over Rodgers was taking useless sacks, when he shouldn't.... even his coach said most of his sacks are on first and 2nd down, that shouldn't happen unless the QB is taking sacks instead of running or throw it away. and that of those sacks all but 2 were Rodgers fault, and more than 2/3 of all his sacks are AR's fault, and almost half of his sacks are in 2 games against the Vikings (14 of 31)

out of the 17 most sacked QB in the NFL only 6 have better QBR than JC, 4 of which are the most notorious for holding the ball too long trying to make every play work.... Rodgers, Big Ben, Favre, Rivers (only Rodgers has been sacked more often than JC )

and the numbers most don't see is pressures and hits a QB takes not just sacks. Campbell is at the top in all categories.

weak reply TRPB :nono:

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8 TD's, 7 int's, and 10 fumbles through 7 games are hardly B- make. He's on pace for a 20+ fumble season.

what could you imagine he gives A.Rogers, who he thinks the skins would be worse then 2-5 if he was the QB???

There is not telling what Bubba would say in defense of JC, its actually unbelievable at this point!

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yes, probably worse

Rodgers sacks are more his fault than the OL.

did you watch the game yesterday? Aikman pointed out over and over Rodgers was taking useless sacks, when he shouldn't.... even his coach said most of his sacks are on first and 2nd down, that shouldn't happen unless the QB is taking sacks instead of running or throw it away. and that of those sacks all but 2 were Rodgers fault, and more than 2/3 of all his sacks are AR's fault, and almost half of his sacks are in 2 games against the Vikings (14 of 31)

out of the 17 most sacked QB in the NFL only 6 have better QBR than JC, 4 of which are the most notorious for holding the ball too long trying to make every play work.... Rodgers, Big Ben, Favre, Rivers (only Rodgers has been sacked more often than JC )

and the numbers most don't see is pressures and hits a QB takes not just sacks. Campbell is at the top in all categories.

weak reply TRPB :nono:

WOW!!!!! Your at all time high level of head in the sand Bubba, if you think this team would be worse then 2-5 with Rogers as the QB????

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Stop being ridiculous.

3 stellar receivers a strong running game a defense that could get turnovers and time to throw? Hater, Please

Behind that O line with those weapons and in that scheme he would have excelled.

Not a member of the Mark Rypien fan club, are you? :)

Rypien was no stellar QB himself, but he showed two traits I've never really seen from Campbell.

Rypien saw the field well and he had one of the prettiest, most accurate long passes that year. Very nice touch on the ball.

Outside of a decent long pass once in a blue moon, I've never really seen those traits in Campbell.

You may want to dismiss my belief that the 1991 Redskin QB position was not 'one size fits all' as "hater" nonsense, but with what Jason has shown the last 3 years, I don't think he would've been as successful as Rypien was.

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A.Rogers has a pathetic O Line and has been sacked 31 times and hit tons more......The D in G.B and Washington are tied for 4th best in the NFL.....

Rogers does not have a great running game either, he just makes plays. You go out of your way to make it everyone's fault but JC's meanwhile, he is exactly what he is a bad QB.......If A.Rogers was on this team do you really think they'd be 2-5?

And if you compare Rodgers stats to JC's...

Rodgers is throwing for 284 yards/game compared to JC's 211. Rodgers has 1,989 yards. JC has over 500 less, at 1,481.

Rodgers has 14 TD's to JC's 8, which by the way is more TD's halfway through the season then JC has ever thrown in an entire season in his career.

Rodgers has 2 int's. JC has over 3 times that many, 7.

Rodgers has 2 lost fumbles. JC has 3. And JC has twice the amount of total fumbles as Rodgers despite Rodgers getting sacked 11 more times.

Rodgers has 27 completions over 20+ yards, almost twice JC's 15. Rodgers also has 9 completions over 40+ yards, over four times JC's 2.

Rodgers QB rating is 110 compared to JC's 85.

The only stat where they are comparable is completion percentage. Rodgers is 65.3% and JC 66%.

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Wait, let's get this straight. Bubba listens to the announcers on-air when they blame OTHER Qbs for taking sacks by holding the ball too long (and he agrees with teh assumption that it's wrong for the QB to do so and doesn't blame the receivers for running poor routes or taking time to get separation) but when it's an AWFUL Redskins QB--those announcers aren't right (like last Monday,) Jason's sacks are qualitatively different from Rodgers (or others') sacks, announcers don't know football, former football players and QBs like Steve Young don't know what's going on.

Bubba, not that anyone was taking you that seriously before but really? You're pointing to broadcast dissection of Rodgers but you think Jason is somehow not holding the ball, running into sacks or doing anything poorly? Really?

Not that you had any credibility after your spirited Saddam deadender like defense of Brunell but JEsus, this is bad even for you.

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Strong Arm? Jason Campbell? Yeah, right.

You know how he just tore it up at Aurburn before he came here. Oh wait. He didn't tear anything up. He's never had a strong or accurate arm. Large frame doesn't mean he has a cannon. Who would ever know really? Does it take a cannon to throw 3 yard passes to ARE?

it would have been better if you said JC was Asian ... i mean that would have been more accurate than the totally irresponsible statment above.

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8 TD's, 7 int's, and 10 fumbles through 7 games are hardly B- make. He's on pace for a 20+ fumble season.

and he led the NFL in fewest turnovers..... didn't have any until????

the OL started having injuries.

most of his fumbles are directly linked to getting hit due to poor OL play.

take Monday, his int was off a tip, because Montgomery allowed his man on a 3 step drop push him into JC, and getting his hands up as JC threw the ball, the fumble lost was when JC was forced out of the pocket and hit from behind when trying to pass, if Heyer had stayed with his man JC would have gotten the pass off.

The last fumble was on Rabach.

take the OL problems away most of his turnovers don't happen, he is still #1 in int per att. ratio in NFL history. Campbell has always been safe with the football

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