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One Thing The Current Redskins Demise Has Shown? (RE:"Haters" label)


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I know this subject is going to bother a few people, but it's one that has bothered me for some time even though I claimed it hasn't. I'm talking about some fans being described as "haters."

The current situation has brought out all of the "haters" and shown a level of passion only seen during the "Glory years."

It really bothered me when my fellow "delusional" 'skins fans called the objectional and very observant "haters" just that....."haters."

One thing I've learned through all of this is that I would rather sit next to a "hater" on a bar stool because of that said passion because it just get's the juices flowing when we talk about how we want to return to the glory days.

I'm so proud of the "haters" because of the passion they have displayed instead of sitting on their hands and they are demanding a change NOW and will not settle for anything less.

My name is KingGibbs and I'm a "hater."

Kudos to all of the "haters.":cheers:

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Most of the time the "haters" aren't making objective observations as you say, though. Usually that title is designated to those who blindly post negativity. I am more inclined to just call a dumb post dumb before I actually call the poster a hater. Regardless everyone is entitled to their opinions; no matter how uninformed or tainted they are.

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I've been called a 'hater' more times than I can count. But that's ok...I've been called worse before.

I think every 'hater' would LOVE for the team to show them just how wrong they are. This steaming pile o' crow has been sitting on my plate forever just WAITING for me to pick up the fork.

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People incorrectly confuse "intelligent observation" with cynicism.

They used to be called "haters." And those who have no idea about football, management, or how to run any type of organization bashed them ignorantly for years on this site.

Now we just call them "right."

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Let's distinguish between the passionate haters, and the posters who said "hahaha, that guy you think is good is so awful, I don't understand how someone could be so stupid. lol."

Haters are fine. Idiots are not. **** the idiots. Congrats to the Haters for being right, I guess.

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there is and always has been a difference between "See? They suck" and "I just know they will suck. How? I just do"

Agreed. I can't stand the people who are jumping on the hater bandwagon now. I was a hater all along and now that I've been proven right, a bunch of people are acting like they've been hating all along. Turn in your hater card you foul-weather haters. You are not "true" haters.

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It really bothered me when my fellow "delusional" 'skins fans called the objectional and very observant "haters" just that....."haters."


I am with you -- I have one friend that cannot say anything negative about the Redskins. No matter how true it is. Drives me crazy. I cannot watch games with him, or even discuss the Redskins. He firmly believes Heyer can be a pro-bowl tackle and Mike Williams was a good move...ugh...

Everytime I point out a truth about the Redskins he doesn't want to hear, he retorts "Well why don't you just go be a Giants fan?"


I much rather discuss the Skins with someone who is rational and objective.

I am therefore a "hater" and proud of it!

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id love to ask him off record what he thinks about this team. i know hes paid to be the propaganda machine, but theres no way he thinks this is good right now.

although i wouldnt be shocked to hear his spin.

Off the record? He probably thinks the Skins are only in the position to win 3 or 4 Super Bowls in a row, instead of the 12 he normally discusses.

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I've been called a "hater" for a long time. It is one of the most stupid and immature things that any adult can call another adult for disagreeing with them and/or for being able to see through the BS that the caller unfortunately can't.

I'm not proud or happy that I was right as a "hater." All is says to me is that the team does suck, the QB sucks, and the people who are STILL refusing to see reality probably are not capable of doing so.

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I know this subject is going to bother a few people, but it's one that has bothered me for some time even though I claimed it hasn't. I'm talking about some fans being described as "haters."

The current situation has brought out all of the "haters" and shown a level of passion only seen during the "Glory years."

It really bothered me when my fellow "delusional" 'skins fans called the objectional and very observant "haters" just that....."haters."

One thing I've learned through all of this is that I would rather sit next to a "hater" on a bar stool because of that said passion because it just get's the juices flowing when we talk about how we want to return to the glory days.

I'm so proud of the "haters" because of the passion they have displayed instead of sitting on their hands and they are demanding a change NOW and will not settle for anything less.

My name is KingGibbs and I'm a "hater."

Kudos to all of the "haters.":cheers:

I think a lot of fans that deem us "haters" haven't yet seen the big picture. Us "haters" realize that there is only one victory that we need this year and it ain't on the field. And when (not if) it happens it will be the greatest victory since '91. Then I can see everyone thanking the "haters" for bringing about the change we so desperately needed. I could NEVER bring myself to "hate" on my team if I didn't LOVE them so much. And I'm sure you feel the same way KingGibbs.

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If I "Hate" anyone it is not the players or the coaching staff, it may well be the people who hired these people without the thought of consequence, Vinny needs to be sacked simply because he is no good at what he does, he probably uses madden to make his FA picks, and as madden doesnt do draft picks that could explain why we trade away all our draft picks, JZ should never have been appointed HC another vinnyism, this franchise will flounder in the NFL until danny gets rid of him, and appoints someone who knows what they are doing.


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