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David Donovan (Redskins C.O.O.) on Mike Wise Show (Merge)


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He's a lying sack of you know what. They won't stop spinning. I was in the stadium last night and they were attempting to chuck folks left and right for T-shirts and banners security didn't approve of. I can only imagine what is discussed at their operations meetings at the beginning of each week.

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It was mostly a joke but the one host was like "If you think the Post is causing the Redskins to have a bad image you should take some time to read the official team message board over on ExtremeSkins, you'll be surprised at some of the things you read."

Reading how quickly Snyder and Co. shut down the discontent at FedEx I wouldn't be totally shocked for this place to eventually be effected.

lol, if this place ever got shut down id expect some internet saavy person to start another board so we could all move over there and just continue the board.

or the original guys who built this place just took "official" off of the site.

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Er...for those not able to listen,how about a bit more of a recap of what he's saying. Appreciate it.

Sorry, don't type fast enough to transcribe all the nonsense spewing, I'll try to give a recap. Thought I'd give an opinion on one point.

Basically, it's been one long segment of him and UnWise Mike going at it about the Post's coverage.

He characterizes the post's coverage as "relentlessly hostile" and vitriolic.

Says the Post sits around figuring out ways to pile on the Redskins because they know that's what sells newspapers.

Said the John Kent Cooke story last week was a non-story and piling on. Said the ticket stories, about the brokers and suing fans, were false. On this point, every defense he brought up (that selling to the ticket brokers was an isolated incident, that the team sues very few fans) was included in the Post's original stories.

Defended his statement, that ran in the Post on Sunday (?) I think, that the fans are not behaving any differently.

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Some of the highlights, in my opinion:

Best local TV ratings of the year last night. He specifically cited that it beat the local ratings for the pre-season opener.

In his opinion there was "nary an Eagles fan at the game" last night.

He disputed the Post's assertion that merchandise sales were down (not on the numbers but on the fact that they don't release sales data from their stores).

He said when teams visit they're surprised by the negativity of the local coverage.

He disputed the Post's story about ticket brokers and claimed only a few hundred tickets were sold to brokers for last years' Steelers game.

He disputed the story about suing fans. Not so much that it wasn't true but was blown out of proportion.

All in all, it was a curious interview. The level of paranoia out in Ashburn would be frightening if I were a Redskins' fan. The media, and when Redskins' employees refer to the media they seem to mean the Washington Post, isn't out to "get you" and continuing to insist that their on a vendetta against you won't make the Redskins or Daniel Snyder more sympathetic.

I think the Skins need to put a freeze on ALL interviews, except for those that are required by the league.
For a team run by a man who made his money in marketing they are terrible at controlling the message and putting people out in front of the media who are able to handle the media. Cerrato loves to cite Super Bowl rings and dismiss people who don't have them but instead of actually discrediting the team's critics this kind of message just serves to make him look petty and juvenile.

Likewise, Donovan's continued assertions and implications that the Post is out to get them doesn't make the Post seem less credible to most fans but instead makes the Redskins seem paranoid.

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I got to where I was going so I didn't hear all of it but a brief recap:

1) Says the media is completely wrong (particularly the Post) about

a) the drop off in merchandise sales (he claims its only 12%, consistent with economic downturn, as opposed to the 47% reported)

B) the attendance at games....he claimed 79000+ showed up to the chiefs game, and that they had 10k more than that last night....can't speak to last night, but he is on crack if 79k were at the chiefs game i watched

2) Says that the stadium has never asked people to turn inside out T-Shirts, in spite of Wise and Roland citing specific callers. Says there were "like 6" dumb and dumber shirts in the whole stadium...says they tell people to take down banners regardless of the content, and don't go after fans with shirts that are negative to the owner (B.S.)

3) Blames the Post for everything. Says the Cooke article was "the biggest non-newsworthy story ever". Says that the Redskins found the fan pictured in the Post article about discontented fans last night and that he still supports the team, blah blah blah


When talking about the Cooke article he revealed that he was the lead counsel in the Cooke estate.

So...let me get this straight...the attorney RESPONSIBLE for administering Cooke's estate (and helping ensure little Cooke didn't get the Redskins) IS NOW THE C.O.O. for Snyder???? Good Lord, how has THAT not been looked at????

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These Snyder henchmen are clowns. Its like they are excluded from the world.

This is what I've been saying about Vinny. People don't realize ALL the people who survive around Snyder in all his businesses are like this. It's not just Vinny.

They don't make a pole long enough for any intelligent, honest person to touch that man, let alone work for him for long. To borrow a phrase from John Kent Cooke. :)

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Yep another embarrasment to this franchise. Why can't we get good people in there. If your so afraid of Snyder receiving critcism, we do you care what T Shirts people wear please.

Then my friend again was told he can't bring his camera in that place. I'm fed up with it:saber:

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Seriously, the weasels in this organization really make it hard for me to continue supporting the team. If it weren't for the fact that I enjoy this site and genuinely like a lot of the players on the team I don't know if I'd even bother watching the games anymore.

The guy was saying that no other team has to deal with the negativity in the press like the Redskins do from the Post.

Has this guy never read a New York newspaper when the Jets or even moreso the Giants aren't playing well?

Let's get serious. The guy came across as a total asshat - not surprising considering the team is owned by the biggest asshat in the world of sports.

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Not to threadjack...but whatever.

Too late....

If the team was unable to resell these tickets, then fine. Perhaps it's justified. But the team WAS able to resell them and still makes 10s of millions of profits every year. Does the amount of a season ticket really make a difference to them? And is it worth the cost of losing at LEAST one fan for life, and perhaps dozens more?

I understand both sides to the argument. I'm in the "be responsible for yourself and your responsibilites" camp. Every person that was sued ignored calls, etc. from the ticket office. If those delinquent ticket holders had responded to the calls from the ticket office, a deal would have been struck to end the contract early. Ignoring your problems doesn't make them go away.

But enough with the ticket scandal. There's so much more to debate today. The t-shirt thing is ridiculous.

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Can the team be sued for ejecting fans out for signs, chants, clothing etc? Can somebody with a legal background shed some light on this.

After all, this is not North Korea, right?

Can the team be sued? Sure. But you wouldn't win. FedEx is private property and they can generally place any limits on speech they want.
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When talking about the Cooke article he revealed that he was the lead counsel in the Cooke estate.

So...let me get this straight...the attorney RESPONSIBLE for administering Cooke's estate (and helping ensure little Cooke didn't get the Redskins) IS NOW THE C.O.O. for Snyder???? Good Lord, how has THAT not been looked at????

There is a terrific book to be written about the last ten years of JKC's life and the sale of the Skins.

It will make "Positively Fifth Street" read like a Nancy Drew book.

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Can the team be sued for ejecting fans out for signs, chants, clothing etc? Can somebody with a legal background shed some light on this.

After all, this is not North Korea, right?

They own the stadium, and can throw people out whenever they want.

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This organization is filled with weasels.

It's a trying time to be a fan.

I've just detached caring about management/coaching entirely for now and am strictly trying to navigate the mess most of the players are offering up as "pro talent and serious effort" and appreciating the players (Carter, Fletcher, etc) who still make an effort or even a good play (Thomas) while wearing B & G. I'm watching my beloved team all strung out on dysfunction and in a bad environment to boot, just hoping they'll get into rehab soon and then find a "new place to live" when they get out.

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Too late....

I understand both sides to the argument. I'm in the "be responsible for yourself and your responsibilites" camp. Every person that was sued ignored calls, etc. from the ticket office. If those delinquent ticket holders had responded to the calls from the ticket office, a deal would have been struck to end the contract early. Ignoring your problems doesn't make them go away.

But enough with the ticket scandal. There's so much more to debate today. The t-shirt thing is ridiculous.

2 years ago I lost my job and couldn't afford the tickets. I immediately called my representative at the Redskins and explained the situation to him and asked for a 1 season deferment of the tickets. He said no and that if I did not pay in full by April 1st or sign up for the 3 month payment plan (which includes an extra fee) I would be taken to court.

There were no phone calls to ignore, simply a point blank answer on the first phone call that I made about 3 months before the money was due. I had to empty out an IRA to pay for them that year.

Thankfully I got a job where I could pay for them the next year and this year.

Explain how that works.

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Can the team be sued for ejecting fans out for signs, chants, clothing etc? Can somebody with a legal background shed some light on this.

After all, this is not North Korea, right?

Basically, the stadium is private property and a place of business and the Redskins reserve the right to refuse anyone for any reason. The freedoms the constitution affords each and every American apply to PUBLIC places and/or venues. A football stadium and surrounding grounds owned by the team are technically private property. An individual may be "in public" but in those areas the business that owns the property reserves the right to deny, refuse or "kick out" anyone for any reason they deem as a threat to their business or safety.

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What?!?! Was he even at the game?

Can the credibility of this organization go any lower?

I mean, come on. "nary an Eagles fan." What the hell is wrong with him?

Wise should of asked him to explain the massive cheers for the two Jackson TD's along with the Defensive TD and the loud raucous after sacks.


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