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David Donovan (Redskins C.O.O.) on Mike Wise Show (Merge)


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Ok, I'll give you taht. But I refuse to say that snyder orchastrated it - which is what many people have been saying.

I'll conceed he probably did it with snyders knowledge/permission, but to think Snyder set it up is laughable.

Not at all.

The owner would be 100 percent involved whenever his lawyer goes out to speak to the public on behalf of the Washington Redskins

To think otherwise is simply delusional.

Lawyers representing big time rich clients would never do this without their client fully knowing what is going on

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yeah. you think snyder would let him if he knew about it? are you at all aware of the relationship between 106.7 and the redskins?

Donovan is trying to save his job.

Get real. Donovan is a bright guy, his job is safe. He probably approached Snyder about doing it, not vice verse, but either way he had to get permission.

Plus, he did not go on any show but UnWise Mike's because the real beef is with the Post.

Both guys lied through their teeth in certain circumstances, but it was entertaining.

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This is like the final days of the Nixon administration, when the Washington Post brought down a President and all he could do was whine about unfair press coverage, lol. As far as Washington-area institutions go, I love the WaPo more than anything (though I could take-it-or-leave-it when it comes to the sports section), and it's great to see them going after the current Redskins front office and exposing Snyder.

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they are replaying this now.

Donovan doesn't believe the fans stories on the shirts not being allowed- defended the "no signs" due to "poking people in the head and blocking the view."

Listening to it again, he sounds even more of an ass.

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I just read the transcripts and I gotta say, the Redskins corporate machine is in full PR war mode. Donovan is nothing but a corporate tool (and so is Mat Terl, SHEESH was an asshat) who is absolutely unconvincing. This organization is in deep trouble and have no answers to their problems other than being mean and nasty to anyone who disagrees with them. Reference Cerrato's recent interviews. These guys are totally delusional.

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Ok, I'll give you taht. But I refuse to say that snyder orchastrated it - which is what many people have been saying.

I'll conceed he probably did it with snyders knowledge/permission, but to think Snyder set it up is laughable.

While I think you're mistaken on this one point, I tend to agree with the larger issue I think you're hinting at - that people tend to attribute every action, large and small, of the Redskins organization to Dan Snyder. "Danny sued a grandma, OMG!", "Can you believe Snyder kicked out fans wearing T-shirts!", etc.

There's enough to criticize Snyder about, but with the pitchforks sharpened and the torches lit, the demonization has reached epic proportions, out of scale to any sense of reality.

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This is ****ing unbelievable -


To his lasting credit, Bill Rohland asked Donovan about this exact quote during his Tuesday appearance on 106.7 The Fan.

"Well, the question I was asked by the Post reporter was whether we were seeing different stuff in the media, ok, and I answered the question," Donovan said. "Aside form the sort of relentlessly hostile coverage in the Washington Post, which I can only characterize as relentlessly hostile...."

Etc. Rohland came back

"But Mr. Donovan, with all due respect, your quote says but in terms of the way our actual fans are behaving, we don't see any difference. Your fans weren't wearing Dumb and Dumber t-shirts with Snyder and Cerrato pictures on there [in the past]."

"Were you at the stadium [Monday] night?" Donovan asked.

"I see the picture right here," Rohland responded.

"Were you at the stadium [Monday] night?" Donovan asked again. "I saw about six of those. And I was out in the parking lot for about an hour and a half beforehand."

It is crazy. The entire front office is delusional.

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I find one part of a quote particularly...disturbing.


"But Mr. Donovan, with all due respect, your quote says but in terms of the way our actual fans are behaving, we don't see any difference. Your fans weren't wearing Dumb and Dumber t-shirts with Snyder and Cerrato pictures on there [in the past]."

It is crazy. The entire front office is delusional.

My question is...what is an "actual fan"? I thought there were fans, (and maybe fair-weather fans), and people who weren't fans....but WTH is an "Actual fan"?

I agree with you BTW the entire front office is delusional.

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"I see the picture right here," Rohland responded.

"Were you at the stadium [Monday] night?" Donovan asked again. "I saw about six of those. And I was out in the parking lot for about an hour and a half beforehand."

It's as clear as day. The Post obviously photoshopped these images to make the team look bad.

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they are replaying this now.

Donovan doesn't believe the fans stories on the shirts not being allowed- defended the "no signs" due to "poking people in the head and blocking the view."

Listening to it again, he sounds even more of an ass.

dude, donovan is not an ass. he knows what hes talking about.

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dude, donovan is not an ass. he knows what hes talking about.
That's all well and good, but its kind of like defender a lawyer for getting a murderer off on a technicality.

You could start a course on PR.

Chapter 1: Damage Control

"We've heard the anecdotal reports that some stadium personnel were being over-zealous in their handling of this matter Monday night. We apologize to any fans who were inconvenienced as well as fans who were distressed by the reports, and we'll be working with all stadium employees to be certain that the policy is correctly enforced at future games at FedExField."

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"I just think if you can resell them, find a way to make 'em pay their transfer fees and give 'em to someone else if they lose their business or they obviously have a medical condition that prevents them from paying."

"Sure, that's what we do. That's what we've always done. But your original question was, are we more discriminating this year. No. We are doing the same thing this year that we've done every year--"

You're suing them again?

"--which is to work out arrangement with everybody if they can't afford to pay, we drop them."

Sorry to contradict you Mr. Donovan after reading what you said. For 4-5 years I approached the team to modify or cancel my contract. I was told that the team doesn't do that. I requested that the ticket office let the next person who wanted to buy club seats to call me and I will sell them mine. Again the ticket office told me they don't that ever especially since they have unsold inventory themselves. When I asked what would happen if I didn't pay since it is difficult now to afford the club seats, I was told that I would be prohibited from attending games, that the balance due on the contract would be accelerated and payable in full immediately and if I still didn't pay the renewal, I would be sued in Prince George's County Court. Never once did anyone say that since it is hardship to pay for the tickets, that the ticket office would 'drop me' (and what did you exactly mean by that?)

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