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Eyes/Headaches: Affects of office lights/extended computer use??


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Need some help figuring out if the lights in my office, or extended use of the computer is causing my eyes to hurt, and giving me headaches.

I've never been one to have many headaches in my life, but in the last 2 weeks I've started to get a really bad headaches in the afternoon, and it will last for several hours after I get home. Its a headache I can feel behind my eyes and along my temple.

I had my eye sight last tested about 5 years ago and my vision was 20/15 (or 15/20). I've worked in the office enviornment for 4 1/2 years now, and for the last 3 years in my own office in front of the computer all day (amazingly not every minute on ES:silly:). I recently moved offices, to a smaller office and one that does not have any windows. I have no idea if this makes any difference.

I don't currently have vision on my medical plan, but we are about to start open enrollment to make updates. I figure that it would be worth it to add for this year as it's pretty cheap and I should prob have my eyes checked again.

Anyone else have this problem? or have ideas on how to combat it? I can't think of anything else that has changed in my enviornment to cause this. Thanks!

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I have heard you should take a break about every 15-30 minutes and just kind of close your eyes and look around you away from the computer. It has helped me and from personal experience, eye strain can cause headaches but I am no doctor. Maybe it was cuz I was dropped on my head as a kid...hmmmmmm?:silly: Also check the height of your monitor, you could be straining your neck if it is not level with your eyes and that could contribute. For headache pain I reccomend Excedrin Tension Headache. Always works like a charm for me.

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thanks guys, i'll try those things and see if it works. I'm thinking my monitor is the right height, but we do have some ergonomics worksheet at work that I can follow to make sure.

I can get into a mode at work and not really take a break. I think I just need to make sure I do that more often. Most of my work is on the computer, so even when I do break away from that, I end up reading news online, or get on ES...need to walk instead. Damn ES addiction!

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Need some help figuring out if the lights in my office, or extended use of the computer is causing my eyes to hurt, and giving me headaches.

I've never been one to have many headaches in my life, but in the last 2 weeks I've started to get a really bad headaches in the afternoon, and it will last for several hours after I get home. Its a headache I can feel behind my eyes and along my temple.

I had the same problem....would start to get a headache in the after noon and by the time I got home from work I was ready to puke. I thought it was food poisoning from lunch. After a while I finally figured out that staring at a computer display all day at work was causing them. I turned down the intensity on the display and it took care of the headaches. Now, if I feel any signs of getting a headache I get away from the computer, or TV, for a while.

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Well I've heard looking at porn can make you go blind...

IN all seriousness, there are a lot of things about looking at a screen all day that can cause headaches. I've had to give up on contacts at work because contacts+monitor for 9 hours = headaches and dizzyness. Glasses work much better.

As said above, breaks are key. Even if it is only to look outside or go talk to the person in the cube next to you, take them. No, playing around on the internet or looking on extrememskins does not count as break.

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Couple of things:

I use a custom add-on for Firefox that turns my Google page dark. Boy does it help if you use internet for work a lot.

Also, do you have allergies? Ever try Zyrtec?

Or, do you take herbal supplements like St. John's Wort? It can cause photosensitivity and headaches. I had to stop taking it.

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You may also want to get your eyes checked for astigmatism. Its really not something to worry about, but it is just a condition where your eyes shake - extremely quickly, not visible - when trying to read something. The shaking is caused by the muscles around your eye contracting violently in an effort to focus... the muscles cause the headache.

They have contacts that help with astigmatism now. Do you wear contacts already?

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Just go to this page and stare at it for an hour. You'll be fine.

Calming page

Once the paramedics get your seizure under control that is.


No, playing around on the internet or looking on extrememskins does not count as break.

Also, do you have allergies? Ever try Zyrtec?

Or, do you take herbal supplements like St. John's Wort? It can cause photosensitivity and headaches. I had to stop taking it.

no on both of those- no allergies and I don't really take supplements, once in awhile a multi vitamin (but its' been awhile)

You may also want to get your eyes checked for astigmatism. Its really not something to worry about, but it is just a condition where your eyes shake - extremely quickly, not visible - when trying to read something. The shaking is caused by the muscles around your eye contracting violently in an effort to focus... the muscles cause the headache.

They have contacts that help with astigmatism now. Do you wear contacts already?

I've never had to wear glasses/contacts- always had great vision. As I mentioned before, I'm going to add the vision on my medical this year-open enrollment is next week. I should be able to get my eyes checked soon and I'll ask them about the astigmatism.

thanks again for the ideas. I put a reminder on my calendar at work to take a break. I can at least walk around the building for a few minutes.

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