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Thomas Claims Starting Spot from Kelly


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Who ever is starting needs to get that vote of confidence the QB (of another team, since we don't seem to do it) gets when they start. I would much rather see Devin Thomas be given a chance to judge how his defender is going to play him and get into a rhythm. Our coaches need to stop switching out our receivers as often as they do, it just takes the whole offense out of rhythm. The QB has to keep adjusting to a different player, so the timing isn't as precise as I'd like. The WR can't get into a groove and really get sparked/warmed up.

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Good point. Last week I was at the game and I was sitting above the endzone and I would try to watch the recievers and see how they got open, the view was kind of like you were playing madden so you got a good look. And the only person who was consistently open was Cooley. So maybe its just something the coaches are telling these guys because its hard to believe we drafted the two worst recievers out of that round.

I vaguely remember one play where cooley was wide open down the seam and JC missed him, i think they still got a first down anyways but that would have been a huge gain.

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This is why I am really starting to loose respect for Zorn .... He seems WAAAAAY over his head .. he seems to have no ideas anymore rather than moving people up and down the depth chart ... why not simply play Thomas in different packages..... although that kind of assumes our playbook is more thana pamphlet ...

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This is why I am really starting to loose respect for Zorn .... He seems WAAAAAY over his head .. he seems to have no ideas anymore rather than moving people up and down the depth chart ... why not simply play Thomas in different packages..... although that kind of assumes our playbook is more thana pamphlet ...

Is Zorn in over his head? Or are Vinny and Snyder pushing him under the water every time he comes up for breath?

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See, I still think that Sherm is gonna be doing Hixon's job. Maybe not yet, but when he sees that they can't run a slant or a fade route, I can see him getting more active in practice and saying WTF are you teaching them.

I really hope so. If there's anyone I blame for not prepping them correctly, it's Hixon. That man has done jack crap for our receiving corps since he's been here. :mad:

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one problem with our beloved bend dont break, our offense gets the ball 20 minutes a game. And some wonder why our young guns can barely even show up on the stat sheet. Our red zone continues to be our problem, its our personnel in goal to go.

ARE + MOSS = FAIL. Will Sherm figure it out, does he have say in packages? Or blindly plays? It appears only Thomas can save us, good luck kid. I will be amazed if he is even on the field in the red zone.

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positive: both WRs are starting to emerge and pushing each other for the starting spot

negative: neither WR is contributing much, Kelly is now regressing so Thomas once again looks better, though he isn't really

useless: If they had a QB to throw them the ball....

pick your angle

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Does anyone know the real reason why Mitchell has not been able to play?

He's stuck at the bottom of the depth chart and the team wants to develop it's 2nd rounders. But also he is a 7th round rookie who looked great in preseason against 2's and 3's, so there is going to be hesitation by coaches to play him.

However, if Thomas does nothing with this opportunity and the team gets even further in the hole, I wouldn;t be surprised if Marko saw more time over one of him or Kelly.

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As i said in the other thread about the young receivers. You have to have the ball thrown to you if you want to produce.

One thing i heard from Zorn, i think on the Monday segment with Chick a couple weeks ago, that i found kind of irritating was when he said of Thomas and Kelly not stepping up : paraphrasing - "Well, Devin is out there to run routes to get other guys open"

I mean i thought that was just a stupid comment to make.

Also take in to account that DT and MK are probably like the 3rd or 4th options for the QB so we have a ****ty line and our options go from 1-4 to 1-2 ..checkdown.

I keep hearing these two young guys need to step up but they cant do anything when no balls are coming their way. Kelly has shown ability to make good grabs (the one in Detroit was nice) and Devin thomas, while he "dropped" that TD, he has caught the ball ever since when it was thrown his way. (even the diving grab out of bounds). The diving attempt in Carolina, he had his legs taken out from under him right before he laid out.

Also Kelly is/was not used in the redzone where he would be most effective.

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I dont follow

The positive angle follows the belief that both WRs are stepping up this year. With all the injuries this is kind of like a rookie season, playing time wise, for Kelly, yet he was able to land the #2 job. He's been injured again recently, but also had some "rookie" struggles. Devin Thomas was ahead in preseason at the start, but then lost to Kelly, but now coaches are saying he's doing better, and he's taken the #2 spot back. In other words, both WRs are improving, Kelly's been hampered by injury.

The negative angle follows the belief that Thomas lost the #2 spot to Kelly due to lack of focus, but Kelly hasn't contributed a lot on the field, and now he's been demoted so we're essentially stuck with Devin as the #2 WR, and both WRs aren't very good.

Two viewpoints which will undoubtedly be expressed and have somewhat already, so I figured I'd simply show both sides, as well as the side likely to pop in here at some point, so people could compare and contrast, and see that this is all a matter of persepective.

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