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Latest News: Mike Florio and O'Halloran on "Crazy Circus" (Blache, Lewis, Gray, Zorn)


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but they are not the stupid clowns that so many people seem to need to believe they are.

I give them credit for reasonable intelligence

Reporter: "What has Mr. Smith been doing the last several years?"

Cerrato: "Uh... um.... well... his son is an Assistant Linebackers Coach at NWE Middle Idaho St!"

Yeah, such reasonable intelligence. Not a stupid clown at all.

having learned from past mistakes.

This lie again? We can go through all the stupid decisions and it is self-evident these clowns have not learned from their mistakes.

And what a joke of an excuse that it. Because no matter, you can always throw it out.

Mistake # 132.

"Well, I think they've learned from their mistakes. They won't make those mistakes anymore.

Mistake # 133.

"Well, now I think they've really learned from their mistakes. They won't make those mistakes anymore.

Mistake # 134.

"Well, now I think they've really learned from their mistakes. They won't make those mistakes anymore.

Rinse, repeat.

These guys are walking embodiment's of mismanagement to anyone with an ounce of sense. But they've learned from their mistakes, eh?

Of course, after they prove you wrong, you'll just say they've really learned next time. Par for the course.

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Dan and Vinny are cunning ****s that I wouldn't trust as far as I can throw them, but they are not the stupid clowns that so many people seem to need to believe they are.

I give them credit for reasonable intelligence and having learned from past mistakes.

Enlighten us on what they have "learned from the past."

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So what?


90% of everything going on in the media right now is nothing pure speculation, based on bias perception.... no real proof or facts of what's really going on at Redskin Park

we seen it all before.....

Going to hire Fassel

Going to sign Micheal Vick

Going to trade next years #1 for Sanchez


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This team was "running on a treadmill" for six years before Snyder bought it. I must be one of the VERY few here who hated the 90's after Gibbs left lol...

The difference is that before Snyder got here, we were just in the post-dynasty hangover down period that every dynasty suffers from due to years of crummy draft picks and staying with the same players and not having the ammo develop for the future.

Snyder took our "down period" and turned it into a "laughingstock franchise that has a culture of mediocrity and ineptness." There is a difference.

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This team was "running on a treadmill" for six years before Snyder bought it. I must be one of the VERY few here who hated the 90's after Gibbs left lol...

I'm not disputing the six years prior too Snyder. They were bad. We're in year ten with Snyder and what has changed?

I didn't hate the 90's because it took me a while to get over the numbness after Gibbs retired.:D

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This team was "running on a treadmill" for six years before Snyder bought it. I must be one of the VERY few here who hated the 90's after Gibbs left lol...

Say what you want about the 90s...but at least they appeared to have a plan. From 3-13, 6-10, 9-7, before a couple of down seasons. I found it MUCH easier to root for a team that may be having a down time, as long as it APPEARS they are on a positive track. I'd even say its MORE fun this way, because you can grow along with the team.

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Because hiring him when there were already questions about Zorn's future is like throwing kerosene on a lit fire.

In Snyder's shoes, do I give a damn about the media's speculation about Zorn's future? Do I hesitate making a move which might help my team? Of course not.

And then you march out the idiot GM, and he doesn't know what the guy's role is and doesn't know what the guy has been doing. This is abject mismanagement.

Why do we care about Lewis's retirement activities exactly?

A well run organization would have had all this nailed down. And would have said something like "This is in no way reflective of Zorn's position. He is completely in charge. And he is guaranteed to be our head coach for the rest of the year. We are 100% behind Zorn. This move was only to help him out. Mr. Lewis will be tasked with watching practices, games and offering advice in the formulation of the game plan and designing of schemes. Beyond that, Mr. Lewis will have no say or control over anything."

Response from the fans and media: "Did you hear how that clown went out of his way to deny the obvious? That's the kiss of death.

But whatever. I'm done wasting my time discussing anything with you. I should have learned my lesson when you said Joe Montana was not a great QB.

Ken Anderson was better, but Ken never had the outstanding support system Joe had, so he never won rings and never was thought of by the typical clueless fan as great.

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Say what you want about the 90s...but at least they appeared to have a plan. From 3-13, 6-10, 9-7, before a couple of down seasons. I found it MUCH easier to root for a team that may be having a down time, as long as it APPEARS they are on a positive track. I'd even say its MORE fun this way, because you can grow along with the team.

you mean like 6-10 to 10-6 and a playoff win, to 5-11 to 9-7 and the playoffs to 8-8

oh wait that was under Snyder

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Lets not forget, Florio turned Randy Moss' back injury into "Randy Moss is taking plays off again" into "Randy Moss is purposefully dogging it so he can be released from Patriots" into "Favre will push for Minnesota to sign Randy Moss".

He also predicted the Skins to win the Super Bowl.

He also reported that Terry Bradshaw had died.

I love profootbaltalk but it is the TMZ of the sports news world. You read it, digest the facts, and disregard everything else. It's fun to read but aside from the hardcore facts I do not dwell on what is posted there.

Zorn was credited with turning Hasselbeck into a Pro Bowl QB in Seattle. They were obviously hoping he could do the same thing to Campbell. Combine that with the craze of hiring young and hungry head coaches and you have the two biggest reasons why Zorn and Vinny loved the guy.

Everyone is searching for the next Mike Tomlin, what they don't know is that he is probably the exception, not the rule.

edit: Then again, we do have Harbaugh doing quite well just 30 miles east.

I think the major reason Harbaugh and Tomlin are doing so well is because they coach for 2 of the more stable, well run organizations in the league.

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The difference is that before Snyder got here, we were just in the post-dynasty hangover down period that every dynasty suffers from due to years of crummy draft picks and staying with the same players and not having the ammo develop for the future.

Snyder took our "down period" and turned it into a "laughingstock franchise that has a culture of mediocrity and ineptness." There is a difference.


The difference is, our mediocrity was achieved the "standard" way...with a "GM" and one coach (almost) the entire time, and an owner (or owners, I guess I should say) who had reputations for "just signing checks" and not getting involved.

Other than that, we BLEW! lol...we had a crappy coach, average talent, a severely incompetent GM, lousy drafts, teams melting down after starting hot, teams starting horrid and somewhat turning it around, missed playoff chances due to disorganization and no discipline...and on and on and on.

I love how we NOW want to chalk it up to "hey, it was just a normal down time for a proud franchise"...No, it was incompetence by the head coach, by the GM, and by the owner's son, along with limited talent. Nothing more, nothing less.

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uhhh... what if the Redskins win?


what if blache just hates the media (like he always has, quotable or not) and sherm is here to help take some of the load off of zorn who is in over his head?

but no, it has to be some elaborate scheme for snyder to ruin the season.

i'm with bubba, they're throwing and hoping for a stick so they can say "you heard it here first, listen to 106.7!!!"

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Snyder took our "down period" and turned it into a "laughingstock franchise that has a culture of mediocrity and ineptness." There is a difference.

Of the many moves made by Dan Snyder since taking over control, can you give us a list of those that were NOT enthusiastically applauded by the majority of Redskins fans at the time they happened?

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Because hiring him when there were already questions about Zorn's future is like throwing kerosene on a lit fire. And then you march out the idiot GM, and he doesn't know what the guy's role is and doesn't know what the guy has been doing. This is abject mismanagement.

A well run organization would have had all this nailed down. And would have said something like "This is in no way reflective of Zorn's position. He is completely in charge. And he is guaranteed to be our head coach for the rest of the year. We are 100% behind Zorn. This move was only to help him out. Mr. Lewis will be tasked with watching practices, games and offering advice in the formulation of the game plan and designing of schemes. Beyond that, Mr. Lewis will have no say or control over anything."

That is being definite and quelling questions.

But whatever. I'm done wasting my time discussing anything with you. I should have learned my lesson when you said Joe Montana was not a great QB. So I'm not going to spend any more times discussing this with you because no matter what, you will excuse everything and say that everything is perfectly normal out at Redskins Park, despite the fact no sentient person with an ounce of skepticism would believe that garbage.

Didn't Jerry JOnes bring in a Consultant to help fix the organization at some point? Houston did it too a while back, and their coaches are still there I think. (Dan Reeves I think it was)

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can you give us a list of those that were NOT enthusiastically applauded by the majority of Redskins fans at the time they happened?

No. They all are. We have idiots here who think signing Mr. Nobody McNeverheardofhim is a great move and bringing us the Super Bowl.

And Snyder knows it and exploits.

But there are plenty who criticize it, too.

Pointing to their moves being initially accepted by our fans in no way reflects any competence in making the decision. Remember, these morons made Arch the highest paid safety ever and there were plenty of people here who applauded it as genius and how the Bash Brothers were going to ruin every WR in the game. That homers drink the koolaid doesn't make the people calling the shots any less of idiots.

So please, do better if you want to defend this incompetent front office. You are reaching there.

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Its a sure sign of a loser's mentality to justify a bad situation by pointing to a potentially worse one.

"Hey...at least Snyder's 10 years are better than the 5 before him! YAY Snyder"

"Well, at least we're not the Raiders! AL Davis SUCKS!'

It's sad that this franchise has even entered into the discussion.

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90% of everything going on in the media right now is nothing pure speculation, based on bias perception.... no real proof or facts of what's really going on at Redskin Park

we seen it all before.....

Going to hire Fassel

Going to sign Micheal Vick

Going to trade next years #1 for Sanchez


But just like those stories, we'll see what comes out in the days ahead. Some of these rumors turn out to be true, some not. Cutler was true, Sanchez was true (and Snyder said he wouldn't trade the number 1 for him).

This whole Lewis/Blache/Gray thingie is just funny to listen to. I can't help but laugh cause its keeping me entertained during the season. I wish I were entertained by winning, but when you can't win, at least put on a good show. I guess thats the lesson they taught at Snyder Communications. Wasn't that a billion dollar company?

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Of the many moves made by Dan Snyder since taking over control, can you give us a list of those that were NOT enthusiastically applauded by the majority of Redskins fans at the time they happened?

Do you have the 89% approval rating of the Jason Taylor stat all queued up?

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