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ESPN SC:Fletcher says we are not a "great" team


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Geez!!! If the Skins argued back and forth as much as some of you guys here, they would be 3-0 right now!

Fact is the Skins suck right now, and LF admits this

{ THIS IS NOT A DIRECT QUOTE }, so where do they start and when?

I hope they make a QB change, and soon, not wait until we are out of the playoff picture, which we are not as of yet, only in spirit...

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Whether he said good or great is irrelevant. Everyone knows we aren't great, and by now everyone should know we aren't good.

The reason why people listen when London speaks is because he is probably the only player on this team that nobody has ever had a reason to gripe about. He plays hard every Sunday regardless of the circumstances, it'd be nice to have 52 more just like him.

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They just showed a clip on him on Redskins Nation. He was asked about the captains roll and he said getting guys to stay together, understanding it's the 3rd game of the season but can't allow the snowball effect, that could multiply losses.

I think his ESPN message was to check certain peoples ego's. Like D. Hall said, that was replayed on the Chic/Zorn interview, "there's a lot of guys running around here that think they have arrived and haven't done a thing in this league".

I think London is playing the "Captain" roll.

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If LF said we were not a 'good' team, that would be quite a horrible slip and I would expect him too be disciplined for it by the coaches. He did not...

he said we were not a 'great' team, meaning that they have to fight hard to win.

Quite a difference. This has been discussed ad nauseam.

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Fletch said they havent been a "great" team...He never said that they werent a good team...... The way this post sounded at first is like he was fryin the team. He was just stating that they have to stay hungry and work hard to win..

Don't waist your time! A lie flies around the world before the truth can tie It's shoes!

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At least the players are admitting it now. We are a 5-11 team.

Not trying to be a smart ass but right now we are 1-2 team. As this thing plays out we may dream of being 5-11 or we may end up much better than that.

My point is we have played 3 games which leaves 13 to go and lots can happen. Of courses that could be lots more bad as well as good but lets not all bail just yet.

Folks are venting about players quiting on the team well there is a fair bit of that happening in the fan base as well. We need to support the team and the team needs to give us something to support.

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he has a point though. that's the problems with the people on this board (and the owner), they believe this is a championship team year in and year out.

we're not. and the leader of this team just told you that.

Find any of my posts in here that I've claimed we are a championship team. I've been a member on this board since 2005 and I can guarantee you I've never posted it. Hell, I'd just like to win more than 8 games. I don't need him to tell me that. I've been watching this team on the field to know what the deal is.

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Find any of my posts in here that I've claimed we are a championship team. I've been a member on this board since 2005 and I can guarantee you I've never posted it. Hell, I'd just like to win more than 8 games. I don't need him to tell me that. I've been watching this team on the field to know what the deal is.

chill out dude, i know times are tough. i never said you believed it, i just said that people and snyder believe that this team is better than it is and the expectations are the reason people get so upset.

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I do not assume that you are a hater, kind sir, and I do not care. I have already said everything I need to say here.

It seems like personal attacks and name calling are rampant in this thread.

By your own admission we suck, so where are all these ASSumptions you speak of?

the assumption I am speaking of, is your claim ... "But you don't care about the truth ... because the skins suck anyway."

The assumption that I am speaking of is you are implying that somehow you know the truth and I don't. You are enlightened and I am ignorant?

My original comment was that it doesn't matter to me whether he said "we're not good" or "we're not great" ... b/c in my mind there is a fine line between "good teams" and "great teams" ... therefore it make no difference to me which he used. It's just my personal opinion, and I didn't comment negatively on anyone else's opinion of that ... I only stated my own.

You then decided to inform me, that you know, what I do and do not care about and that my interpretation of his comments were wrong, and yours were right. That's where my issue is. I have nothing against you personally and you are entitled your opinion. In no way did I initiate a debate with you or anyone else or their opinion of the matter (whether different or alike) ... that's what you decided to do towards me.

And here is all I have to say, so if you respond to this just know that I probably won't see it, so if you feel the need to say something directly to me, please PM me and we can chat offline.

I don't think LF was mouthing off about the team, i think his comments were warranted and that he is one of the few real leaders we have on this team. I took no offense to his comments, and I agree with everything he said.

"Right now" ... I think we suck as a team. That does not mean I don't think it can be turned around, and it doesn't mean that I am less informed or less knowledgeable about this team.

If you want to argue/debate linguistic semantics ... i am not your man. Hail.

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Here's the difference.

CP would say it in a quote where he's not just saying they're not a "great team" but is ripping people, and is doing it in such a way that its not including him but instead is talking about how much better HE'D be if it wasn't for everyone else and how much better HE is than what it all seems like. He'd be saying it only in regards to how it makes CP look better.

Fletch is being brutally honest, not trying to pump himself up, or make excuses for his own play, but simply being honest.

LlMFAO this guy is trying to make his point so hard...Call a spade a spade...The truth is you like LF more ..or you feel he is a better player than CP is today...there is nothing different in LF or CP comments...ITs Called Double Standards:doh:

Fletcher said we were never a great team...ok thats true

BUt CP said his Oline Isnt the FREAKING Hoggs and got hell for that..:mad:

did you forget LF played for the Buffalo Bills?....Did he ever say how sorry they were? so dont give me that crap about what he means...I am not mad about what he said.. I am mad at these Fluke ass fans that are Hypocrties:chair:Like i said if CP said what Fletcher said Word for Word it would be a problem for fans on here:doh:

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LlMFAO this guy is trying to make his point so hard...Call a spade a spade...The truth is you like LF more ..or you feel he is a better player than CP is today...there is nothing different in LF or CP comments...ITs Called Double Standards:doh:

Fletcher said we were never a great team...ok thats true

BUt CP said his Oline Isnt the FREAKING Hoggs and got hell for that..:mad:

did you forget LF played for the Buffalo Bills?....Did he ever say how sorry they were? so dont give me that crap about what he means...I am not mad about what he said.. I am mad at these Fluke ass fans that are Hypocrties:chair:Like i said if CP said what Fletcher said Word for Word it would be a problem for fans on here:doh:

Misquoting! Fletch said we have not been a great team in a long time. He did not say we were never a great team and yes, quoting people correctly is very important. Also as important, is HOW you say something. Looking at Fletch talk, you can tell that he is trying to convey the message of determination and hard work. Sorry, but Clinton was just ripping on his guys!

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