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"IT WAS A VERY SOLID PLAY..." -zorn. not.


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Part of it is luck. There is definitely luck involved. OldFan touched on this last week. You can increase your odds slightly by out-smarting the defense with a call they didn't anticipate, but a call doesn't exist that is guaranteed. There is risk involved with a 4th and one play, regardless of how much faith you have in a particular play. Just because the play failed doesn't mean Zorn is an idiot or the team didn't do their best. There is luck involved.

The bottom line is, the Redskins are not as good as many had hoped. But they're not as bad as many are saying, either. The Redskins are a mediocre football team who got beat on the road by another mediocre football team.

That may be true. But I think thats true in the case of ONE play. When it happens over and over and over again, its no longer an issue of luck, its proof that it is completely Zorn's fault. Being outscored by a combined -3 points by teams with a combined 0-31 record leading up to the games does NOT make the team mediocre.

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The "weak spot" you talk about is certainly an assumption as you clearly state. So thats out the window. I would think the coaches and the team would know well enough that someone sucks on the left side thats the reason. Not to mention they dont just play against the scout teams in practice.

This is also an assumption. Out the window.

The 2nd part of your statement I totally agree with, and he needs to get it together. Im not defending Zorn per say, Im explaining the rational side of why he continues to call this play. The way people describe it around here its like its madden, its a no brainer, just click x and do a "HB dive" instead. There is reasoning behind it.

Now that hes 0 for everything on that play, as stubborn as he is, it will take a bunch of times for him to go back to the drawing board. I bet he doesnt do it again.

It has nothing to do with Madden. I coach the game in real life. Run the ball up the gut. We got more yards there yesterday than anywhere else. Do what works, not the best play that you run in a practice situation. Practice and games are entirely different animals.

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This is also an assumption. Out the window.

It is not an assumption. The first teams practice against each other...fact.

It has nothing to do with Madden. I coach the game in real life. Run the ball up the gut. We got more yards there yesterday than anywhere else. Do what works, not the best play that you run in a practice situation. Practice and games are entirely different animals.

Hindsight is 20/20, and easier said than done - pick your poison.

A coach calling a play that works 99.9% of the time in practice is always going to be a "solid play" - until its proven in a game that it works 0% of the time. Now that it has, if he calls that play again on the goal line, I will agree...time to adapt, wake up. Its week 3, not week 14, he is still identifying what his guys can and cant do.

Would I have made that call? No. Do I see why he made it? Absolutely. Should he make it next time? No way.

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I agree with Zorn, it was a solid play, just not when we use it 8 times out of 14 rushing plays. The announcers called that play 20 seconds before we ran it, Zorn needs to get his head out of his you know what and understand that you can't run the same play in the same situations all day. people have figured him out, and we are figuring out Zorn is not ready for prime time.

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Zorn tried to show faith in Portis and the O-line to get half a yard. They should be able to do that no matter what the play call. If CP wasn't already falling forward before he even got to line of scrimmage, he probably would have gotten the ball over the line. Point blank, the players were challenged and they failed to get it done.

That being said, I agree that he should have called something different to be less predictable, but he didn't. Hopefully next time they're in that position he will.

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From John Riggins twitter (riggo44) about this play.

11:31 'If ur competent u say "here we cum,stop us!"RT lucasm014th n 1 for TD and they call CP sweep, with no Sellers block or fake bootleg sumthin.'

11:34 'Cooley slow off ball, gave away the edge, knocking Dockery off, jamming Sellers, leaving CP no where 2 go. RT lucasm01 4th n 1 for TD etc.'

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