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Riggo calls Snyder "ultimately a loser" via Twitter (MET)


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Shotguns to air plane crashes, come on people don't wish death on people.

Look I hate the way DS runs this team as much as the next guy. John Riggins was the face of this franchise for a long time along with Gibbs. His opinion is allowed here and should be respected like any other extreme member.

Danny and Vinnie have this team where it is right now, and they are both losers. There I said it, go to town.

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Do we really care that Zorn was talking to Tom Cruise before the game? I mean it was probably a five minute discussion AT MOST.

I'm all for ripping Zorn, and getting rid of him. I think he's clueless, but the TomKat comment by Riggo is petty.

I don't think Riggo's comment about Cruise was directed at Zorn so much as it was directed at Snyder. Snyder seems to love the glitter and glamor of celebrities, and the fact that owning the Redskins gives him an intro to this circle.

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The very fact that Snyder is hobnobbing with a pariah like Cruise, who is box office poison due to his constant comparing of psychiatrists to Nazis, should tell you something about Snyder's lack of wisdom. Cruise is a bug-eyed zealot who hasn't made a movie in two years, and Snyder's money isn't going to help change that.

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Wow Ax.

Hate everything Redskins related, I like it.

John Riggins, is a former Redskin. While he certainly has the right to voice his opinion about the guy who fired him, that opinion, is worthless, and therefore, useless. It does nothing, NOTHING, to help this franchise. It's just putting a crying baby into a room of babies looking for a reason to cry. Now, they're all crying. How is that going to get coaches and players to do WTF they're being paid, very well BTW, to do?

NewsFlash: It's not.

Maybe John Riggins taking his own life would serve the greater purpose of the organization, and the fan base, by bringing us all together in one, giant, group, hug. I think, if he really cared about the Redskins, he'd consider this option. But, being a nobody now, he has to find a way to get people talking about him.

Shaving his hair into a mowhawk, getting drunk, and then blowing his brains out on the steps of the Supreme Court, would be a good diversion to keep the fanbase busy during what is going to be one of the longest weeks in the history of the world.

John's 3:16 ~ John so loved the Skins, that he gave his only misbegotten life, that whosoever shall believeth in him, shall not perish, but have perpetually everlasting strife.

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I said it last year in January when Gibbs stepped down and had nobody to take over the team and left it with Danny and Danny proceeded to hire his good buddy Vinny to lead the FO, this organization is no different now than it was before Gibbs came in here and was given the keys to the kingdom and had the chance to truley reshape it into a winner.

What we see now is a direct result of the failure of Gibbs 2.0 to do what he said he wanted to do and that was to "right the ship" and point the organization in the right direction.

He did none of that. We're back exactly where we were in 2003. Maybe a little more talent in some areas, but the same aura of "losers" and no coherent plan to actually build a team.

We are once again going from season to season trying to plug holes here and there and hope that we somehow make the playoffs.

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He is a loser. I hate his ass. If the innocent pilots would not get hurt or anyone else on the ground I would wish for his stupid jet to crash!

Wow, you're a loser. I hope you don't have children because you're terribly immature. Wishing ill will on someone because they bought you're favorite professional sports team and are doing a less than admirable job running it is pretty ****ed up. You're 34 and you need to grow up and get a grip. Embarrassing, is what you are.

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It is hard to admit this, but what coach with any respect for himself would want to come to the Redskins now? Snyder tries to micromanage every situation. Hell, he tried to put together a crew of assistant coaches even before he had a head coach. That shows me enough about Snyder. and whats with him and tom cruise? are you serious?

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John Riggins should put a loaded shotgun in his mouth, and pull the trigger.

It would be just as helpful to this team, as his worthless opinion is. John serves no purpose now, and he knows it.

That may be true but I'll bet MORE people think this of Dan Snyder than John Riggins. JR has contributed infinitely more to the Redskins organization then DS ever will.

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I can only hope it makes him cry himself to sleep in a withered fetal position.

screw that evil troll.

Being that Snyder is ego driven and has a Napoleon complex, I'm pretty sure hearing his childhood hero call him a loser had to affect him.

I wish we could get Gibbs to confirm through the media that Snyder is definitely a LOSER just to add salt to the wound!!!!

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Do we really care that Zorn was talking to Tom Cruise before the game? I mean it was probably a five minute discussion AT MOST.

I'm all for ripping Zorn, and getting rid of him. I think he's clueless, but the TomKat comment by Riggo is petty.

I was standing right in front of them and watched this go on for something like 20-30 MINUTES. Then another Skins fan next to me yelled some comment at him about priorities and getting back to what he was really here for (paraphrasing - he was much more blunt). 10 seconds later he was trotting back out on the field - so I am sure he heard this.

I kid you not....

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