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AP - Lions blacked out on local TV


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DETROIT -- The Detroit Lions failed to sell all their tickets for Sunday's game against the Washington Redskins, meaning there will be a TV blackout in some local markets.

Team spokesman Bill Keenist said Thursday the game will be blacked out in the Detroit, Lansing, Saginaw-Flint and Toledo, Ohio, markets.

More than 10,000-plus tickets were available on Wednesday.

Last week, the Lions were able to sell 1,700 tickets for the home game against Minnesota. No such luck this time.

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I think this kind of sucks.

That area of the country has really been hit hard by the economic downturn.

I think it's wrong to black the game out. Maybe that's just me, though.

No... I agree with you too...

It's sad really when you think about it, because at this point, all these fans can afford is to watch their team on TV and now that is being taken away...

Dad: Sorry kids... we really can't afford to go to anymore games.

Kids: oh man (sorrowfully)

Dad: We can still see them play on TV

NFL: (swoops in) Sorry folks... your community is too poor to sell out your stadium, so to punish you for the bad situation you are in, we aren't going to let you see your team on TV. Have a nice day!

Dad & Kids: You suck!

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Can someone tell me the purpose of the blackout? Why do they do this? Another reason I hate the NFL as a business.

The idea behind blackouts is that fans who live within the team's locality will be forced to buy tickets if they want to see a game that is undersold. Stadium attendance is a more valuable source of revenue to teams than the local broadcast.

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No... I agree with you too...

It's sad really when you think about it, because at this point, all these fans can afford is to watch their team on TV and now that is being taken away...

Dad: Sorry kids... we really can't afford to go to anymore games.

Kids: oh man (sorrowfully)

Dad: We can still see them play on TV

NFL: (swoops in) Sorry folks... your community is too poor to sell out your stadium, so to punish you for the bad situation you are in, we aren't going to let you see your team on TV. Have a nice day!

Dad & Kids: You suck!

I won't lie pez, that made me laugh a little on the inside. But, I can share the sympathy.

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The idea behind blackouts is that fans who live within the team's locality will be forced to buy tickets if they want to see a game that is undersold. Stadium attendance is a more valuable source of revenue to teams than the local broadcast.

The blackout rule was instituted back in the day when attendance was much more important than it is today. Back then, attendance was the only way teams made money. Now with these billion dollar TV contracts and the popularity of the games, there's really no need for this blackout rule.

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No... I agree with you too...

It's sad really when you think about it, because at this point, all these fans can afford is to watch their team on TV and now that is being taken away...

Dad: Sorry kids... we really can't afford to go to anymore games.

Kids: oh man (sorrowfully)

Dad: We can still see them play on TV

NFL: (swoops in) Sorry folks... your community is too poor to sell out your stadium, so to punish you for the bad situation you are in, we aren't going to let you see your team on TV. Have a nice day!

Dad & Kids: You suck!

That's horrible and I feel you. I think the NFL should lift the ban for this game and every game until they win one. Detroit deserves that

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This has more to do with the team being one of, if not the, worst teams ever than the poor economy around here.

Regardless, most of the fans still left will just watch it on the intraweb anyway.

You figure that alot of folks in those areas are tight for cash... alot of them are most likely NOT shelling out for broadband right now...

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I think this kind of sucks.

That area of the country has really been hit hard by the economic downturn.

I think it's wrong to black the game out. Maybe that's just me, though.

It feels wrong to me, too. You'd think the powers the be within the NFL might relax those blackout rules during these rough times-- especially in Detroit.

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Stadium attendance is a more valuable source of revenue to teams than the local broadcast.

Not all teams. The Redskins and Cowboys don't care about selling every ticket the way the Lions, Raiders, and Bengals do. The wealthy clubs would lose way to much $ if they were to black out a game. Look at the teams and the owners who enforce/take advantage of the blackout rule option. It's the smaller market, lower revenue clubs who like to pocket that extra money from the ticket sales. Club owners like the Fords and the Browns.

The Fords will gladly take their 1/32nd share of the leagues TV revenue pie, but they don't care about contributing to their 1/32nd share to the pot. Why should they care when their tv revenue welfare checks are gauranteed from teams like the entire NFCE.

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