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If we lose on Sunday, does Zorn go?


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Absolutely. What has gone happened so far this year has NOT been any one person's fault; we've been all around bad. HOWEVER, I have seen some pretty boneheaded play calling in the past two weeks and we barely slipped by what's been deemed a "last-place team".

Don't get me wrong. Again, our problems have been throughout our team and we need some major changes, but Zorn will be the first scapegoat to go.

The Lions, our week 3 opponents, have lost 19 straight regular season games. If we're the ones that end that streak, we are going to be losing a lot more than the game.

Edit: Everyone seems to disagree, so I'll put some logic with them. It is still very early, and firing Zorn so early would be, as you said, a "knee-jerk reaction," and I can't honestly think of anyone who could make a noticeable difference throughout the rest of the season for us.

I think we all know though, the NFC East is the toughest, most competitive division in football, and it doesn't take long to fall out of it.

We have DET, TB, CAR, KC in the coming weeks. If Zorn can't AT LEAST break even on those, I just can't see how he keeps the job.

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No matter what happens next week, we should fire Zorn... and Vinny. Snyder, hire somebody who knows what the hell they are doing and get out of the way.
You have me shaking my head. Vinny has actually done a great job the last couple of years. And for all his previous warts, I have not heard a peep from Snyder in 2 years.
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I think firing Zorn now and hiring a new HC would 1.) allow the coach a free year in which he has time to learn the players strengths in real game time situations 2.) and assess what this team really needs for next year. I think it could actually be really beneficial to this team.

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I say no. If Snyder fired Zorn now, it would only show that he hasn't learned any more patience then when he fired Norv when Playoffs were still possible. I agree, that end zone playcalling was lame. I had no issue with going for it on 4th down, but why a sweep? I'd rather let Sellars try to punch it in and pray he keeps hold of the ball.

Back to Zorn...if anything, keeping him til the end of the season no matter what would actually make me feel better about Dan Snyder.

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If we lose to the Lions next week, and let's all be realistic for a minute, it is a possibility, Zorn will be gone. He may not be cut lose right then and there, but Snyder will know that he is in the market for a new coach next year at that point.

The writing is on the wall, and everyone from the players to the coaches are able to read it. This was THE make or break season for Zorn and Campbell. It was the put up or shut up year. So many have talked about players making things happen in their contract year, and coaches and players responding to the pressure of having their backs against the wall.

Well, guess what. We have seen absolutely NOTHING to show any positive changes or advancements in our coaching and QB play. Don't say it is only two weeks, either. It was the same the last nine weeks of the season last year, all of preseason, and in the first two weeks that they've had essentially since April to prepare for. Zorn has to turn this thing around yesterday. So, yes, he is on the hottest spot a coach can be on right now. JC has the luxury of only having one QB on the roster behind him, so he can't go anywhere until the end of the season. However, he will be gone come January.

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