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NJ.com: Running back Brandon Jacobs says he hates the Cowboys as much as DeMarcus...


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Running back Brandon Jacobs says he hates the Cowboys as much as Dallas' DeMarcus Ware hates the NY Giants

by Mike Garafolo/The Star-Ledger


In news that doesn't quite rank up there with "Man Bites Dog," DeMarcus Ware hates the Giants.

Oh, hey, whaddaya know? Brandon Jacobs hates the Cowboys.

Tuesday, during our first in a series of weekly interviews for SNY (the video is right here), I asked Jacobs about Ware's comments (he's only the latest in a long line of players on either side to use the "H" word when talking about the other team) and if the feelings were mutual.

"No question," he replied. "I hate the Cowboys with a bloody passion."

I asked him what the difference between a "regular passion" and a "bloody passion" was.

"You want to go into the game as being assassins," he said, referring to the feelings of bloody passion, "instead of tough football players in a game like that."

As an aside, I wonder how automatic this hate is. What I mean is, do you think Chris Canty now fully hates the Cowboys after signing with the Giants? I'd imagine he has some sore feelings after Dallas refused to pay him, but will his hate only fully mature when he sees his former teammates lined up across from him? I wonder...

Anyway, Jacobs and the Giants will be the Cowboys' first opponent in the opening of their new stadium. (I jokingly told the 6-4 Jacobs he'd better be careful not to bump his head on the video board.) Though I'm not sure how much input Jerry Jones & Co. had when it came to scheduling, Jacobs apparently took the Giants' being the first visiting team in the regular season to mean the Cowboys set their date the way colleges do for homecoming.

If that was the case, I would've thought they'd have lined up a cupcake like the Raiders (or SMU) to make sure they'd leave victorious. But it's Jacobs' time to chat, so I'll let him go.

"I'm really, really, really excited for the opportunity to be able to open up their new stadium and play against them," he said. "I'm glad they picked us. I guess it says something about them playing a certain team I guess they thought were the perfect ones to go in there and get their first win (against)."


Jacobs said plenty of interesting stuff during our 5-minute sit-down. He shared a conversation he had with Redskins DT Albert Haynesworth after Sunday's game in which Haynesworth said he didn't mean to take a shot at Jacobs last week and was surprised how his comments were portrayed. Jacobs said he told Haynesworth the most surprising part of the situation was Haynesworth (who's listed at 350 pounds) said he was only 250 in high school.

Jacobs and I also spoke about how he's been able to tone down the trash talk in situations like that. He's been able to get his point across in the past couple of years, but he's not the loose cannon he once was.:rolleyes: He said a major reason for that is coach Tom Coughlin. "When you've got a coach in your face all of the time, asking, 'Why did you say that...'" Jacobs said. He also said some of his teammates have told him he's only making himself a target by firing back like that.


But I thought the most interesting part of the conversation came when I asked him about the injury to RB/KR Danny Ware, who dislocated his elbow on the opening kickoff on Sunday.

"It's tough to see somebody like Danny go down, as close as we are and me knowing how hard he worked," Jacobs said. "But he did a no-no he wasn't supposed to do and I always tell him not to do and he did it. You can't brace yourself for a fall. Nothing good can come of that in the National Football League. Either you fumble the ball or you hurt yourself. He got the worst part of it; I'd rather him fumble the football than have happen what happened to him.

"But it's a learning experience. He saw green grass, he was going down and he tried to stop himself from going down. He tried to put his hand down to stop him from going down and get into the hole he saw, and it didn't work out for him that way."

Finally, he concluded, "He'll be better. He's rehabbing his arm and he'll come back strong."

9 p.m. UPDATE I've been trying to think of examples of guys getting hurt the way Ware did - by putting their arms down when falling. I had been coming up completely dry until I recalled former Eagles quarterback Koy Detmer's dislocating his elbow against the 49ers on a Monday night in 2002. It wasn't identical to Ware's play because Detmer was falling backward, not trying to stay up like Ward, but it was similar and the result was the same. Anyone who saw that play remembers how ghastly the replay was. And what I'll always remember was the way almost all of the San Fran players came out to console Detmer because he had led the Eagles to a stunning upset. They were more than a touchdown underdogs coming in because they had just lost Donovan McNabb to an injury. Nobody thought Detmer could have done what he did in McNabb's absence.

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Jacobs is a quote machine this week:

Brandon Jacobs doesn't see the wisdom in the Cowboys wanting to host the Giants in the first regular-season game at Cowboys Stadium: "They should've put Detriot in there instead of us," Jacobs told me as he left the stadium Sunday evening.

Brandon Jacobs on LaRon Landry:

"They had one salty guy there who just couldn't let go of what happened to him. But you know, live life....Who's still talking about last year? Who cares about that? Not me. I was trying to get him again this year. I wasn't caring about last year. I had forgotten about that."

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Jacobs is a *****. I'm sorry. Did you see that **** he pulled with Laron on Sunday? Hits him late in the play, then when Laron pushes him away he falls down like he just got hit with a chair on WWE. He did the same thing to Bradie James a couple of years ago and James got penalized. I hope the fact that the refs kept the flag in their pocket means they're on to his soap opera, lucha libre bull****.

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Jacobs is a *****. I'm sorry. Did you see that **** he pulled with Laron on Sunday? Hits him late in the play, then when Laron pushes him away he falls down like he just got hit with a chair on WWE. He did the same thing to Bradie James a couple of years ago and James got penalized. I hope the fact that the refs kept the flag in their pocket means they're on to his soap opera, lucha libre bull****.

Totally remember when he pulled that with Bradie James. You're right, it was the exact same situation with Laron Landry. Jacobs is nothing but a dirty player who will never keep his mouth closed.

He's going to have to keep it closed if he keeps up that 2.9 YPC.

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I just hope he throws another ball at their playclock and breaks some more bulbs, that was so random lol.

As far as the injury from trying to brace yourself goes, one happened in the Giants last preeaeason game against the Pats. The guy returning the kick for the Pats tried to brace himself and his elbow bent the wrong way, the replay was disgusting.

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Jacobs is a *****. I'm sorry. Did you see that **** he pulled with Laron on Sunday? Hits him late in the play, then when Laron pushes him away he falls down like he just got hit with a chair on WWE. He did the same thing to Bradie James a couple of years ago and James got penalized. I hope the fact that the refs kept the flag in their pocket means they're on to his soap opera, lucha libre bull****.

Yup, you won't see him approach Big Al like that though....Honestly, he wasn't even up in Fletch's face like that and Fletch was smacking him all over the field.

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Jacobs is a quote machine this week:

Brandon Jacobs doesn't see the wisdom in the Cowboys wanting to host the Giants in the first regular-season game at Cowboys Stadium: "They should've put Detriot in there instead of us," Jacobs told me as he left the stadium Sunday evening.

Brandon Jacobs on LaRon Landry:

"They had one salty guy there who just couldn't let go of what happened to him. But you know, live life....Who's still talking about last year? Who cares about that? Not me. I was trying to get him again this year. I wasn't caring about last year. I had forgotten about that."

Why would we do that when we have won 4 out of the last 6 against the Giants and one of those losses had Brad Johnson at the helm....

We actually have lost our last two against the Lions if memory serves...

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I seriously hate the giants more this season than the cowboys. I hated the eagles more last season but that's what I love about this division there is plenty of hate to go around. Here is to the giants and cowboys game ending in a tie so I can talk some trash

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I seriously hate the giants more this season than the cowboys. I hated the eagles more last season but that's what I love about this division there is plenty of hate to go around. Here is to the giants and cowboys game ending in a tie so I can talk some trash

I don't even hate the Cowboys, like, at all. I think especially after last year, they've been humbled a bit.

The Giants have gotten really ****y since the Super Bowl. They are easier to hate at this point.

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I don't even hate the Cowboys, like, at all. I think especially after last year, they've been humbled a bit.

The Giants have gotten really ****y since the Super Bowl. They are easier to hate at this point.

Okay buddy. Youre done. Turn in your fan card. Do not pass go. Do not collect 200 dollars.

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We had the losing streak to the Cowboys for like 6 years, then we had the losing streak to Philly for like 4 years, now we're on a mean losing streak with the NYGmen. Can't we just split with everyone this season? :(

For the record, I hate Dallas and whichever other team is currently owning us. Right now it's NY but it could be all 3 this year. Yikes.

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Its a shame that the Giants have passed the Redskisn as the Cowobys bigget rival. The Giants know the Cowobys can make a game out of it. Sadly the Redskins **** the bed whenever they play the Giants. Especially when we go to there stadium its like we never even get off the bus.

Sadly you continue to peddle yourself off as a Skins' fan.

Too bad you can never say anything positive about 'your' team.

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