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Anybody Else Feel like Zorn Is Starting To Get It?


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I wanted to post this now before our 1st game because WHEN we win it would be easy to say that he is starting to get it after a victory.

I ask this question because I just see a completely different Zorn from a year ago. I see it in his interviews, his body language and I hear it from the mouth of players.

I also noticed it in his demeanor on the sidelines during the preseason. If a player missed his assignment or drew a yellow hankie, his facial expression told us how he felt about it.

With the stories about Shanny coming to DC before the first snap of the season, I can't help but to root for this guy. Nothing would make me happier then having a long-term coach and I am hoping that Zorn is the guy.

Edit-Seeing those downfield shots doesn't hurt either.

Your thoughts?

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Why don't you ask the same question after the 9th or 10th game of the season?

Right now it's like telling us that the taco's look and smell better at the local taco shop recently since the manager has fire under his ass for serving undercooked product.

We haven't tasted them yet, but they sure look better than last year.

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The first year in any poisiton is tough. Not just football but i mean in life, like your first real job out of college.

After that first year though most people make huge strides and have a much better understanding of how to do their job well, plus more confidence. I think Zorn will be a much better coach this year

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i think so.

what i also think is that if they don't make the playoffs and look strong, both campbell and zorn are gone.

i normally defend campbell, but iw ont if they get rid of him after no making the playoffs.

but i'll be upset if zorn is gone. we need a young coach, one that can be here for 10-15 years. and the revolving door (and overpaying of old coachs who won superbowls in the past) needs to stop.

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i think so.

what i also think is that if they don't make the playoffs and look strong, both campbell and zorn are gone.

i normally defend campbell, but iw ont if they get rid of him after no making the playoffs.

but i'll be upset if zorn is gone. we need a young coach, one that can be here for 10-15 years. and the revolving door (and overpaying of old coachs who won superbowls in the past) needs to stop.

for us to maintain a coach and winning, we need a young coach that was a coordinator somewhere else, and a franchise QB. get those two things in place and we'll be fine.

i honestly dont think zorn has changed at all. his interviews all sound the same to me, i think hes just gotten a little wiser in terms of coach speak. kinda hard to see any real changes based on preseason games and some offseason interviews.

i agree with skinsFTW, bump this in november.

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Tough to tell right now

We'll know during the regular season when the team is down by 10 in the 3rd quarter of a game.

Is this a guy a leader that can rally a team and get them re-focused under adverse conditions?

It started off swell last year (the Saints game comes to mind) but the collapse down the stretch really hurts. In particular the Bengals game

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for us to maintain a coach and winning, we need a young coach that was a coordinator somewhere else, and a franchise QB. get those two things in place and we'll be fine.

i honestly dont think zorn has changed at all. his interviews all sound the same to me, i think hes just gotten a little wiser in terms of coach speak. kinda hard to see any real changes based on preseason games and some offseason interviews.

i agree with skinsFTW, bump this in november.

thats why i said 'i think so', focus on the think part of it :)

i'm basing what i've seen in preseason, which is a big pass attempt on the opening drive every time.

the bottom line is that if you're going to base your coaching decisions on 2 years - you're going to never be successful. This idea that a new coach, wish rookie QB, can come in and take a team to the playoffs is a farse - and flukes happen.

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I'll reserve judgement KG until we see him under pressure when the real stuff commences Sunday.

I'll leave it as saying I'm cautiously optimistic he's slowly improving after the pre-season, than I was at the end of last year. But still everything yet to prove.


I understand what you are saying. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I feel much more comfortable with him wearing the headset and I really believe he is going to be much more aggressive this year providing our health allows it.

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I think there has been some changes. I loved his more aggressive play calling in the preseason. He stopped calling out players in the media. He seems to really watch what he says and how he acts. I don't know if it means he "gets it" but I think it definitely seems like a step in the right direction. But who knows until the reg. season.

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The first year in any poisiton is tough. Not just football but i mean in life, like your first real job out of college.

After that first year though most people make huge strides and have a much better understanding of how to do their job well, plus more confidence. I think Zorn will be a much better coach this year

They put me on fries after like two months and I never looked backed. :silly:

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thats why i said 'i think so', focus on the think part of it :)

i'm basing what i've seen in preseason, which is a big pass attempt on the opening drive every time.

the bottom line is that if you're going to base your coaching decisions on 2 years - you're going to never be successful. This idea that a new coach, wish rookie QB, can come in and take a team to the playoffs is a farse - and flukes happen.

but it happened twice last year. ravens and falcons both had fresh rookie QBs, and went to the playoffs.

saints switched head coaches and QBs, went to the playoffs first year.

peyton manning had one growing pains year, then it was smooth sailing after that.

brady came in 2nd year and has been on fire since.

cowboys inserted Romo sits to pee and they havent finished under 500 since then.

eagles got reid and mcnabb same time, been going to the playoffs almost every year.

this kind of thing happens all the time. i truly think snyder sees this and is waiting for us to have that sort of "spark" that these other teams have shown. we never show anything spark like, were a team thats decent and we can pull some games out and lose some games we should win. were always right in the middle. i think snyder is waiting to see that spark from a HC/QB tandem and we can build from there. so far under his tenure, weve never really had that.

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I understand what you are saying. I guess what I'm really trying to say is that I feel much more comfortable with him wearing the headset and I really believe he is going to be much more aggressive this year providing our health allows it.

I agree. I think he trusts our offense more than he did last year...we'll see though!

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I just hope Zorn has our Teams Respect.

Bottom line if they respect him they will play hard. With the talent on our roster if they all play hard we should atleast have a decent season.

Portis recently said that there is a better line of communication between Zorn and the players. That's a sign of respect.

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Portis recently said that there is a better line of communication between Zorn and the players. That's a sign of respect.

Thats good to know, especially coming from CP who although hes one of my favorites seemed very disrespectful twords Zorny last year. When you have a guy like CP doing that it can wear off on a team.

It sounds almost like the players have gelled, the coaches have gelled, and now the coaches and players are gelling making it a better situation for all involved. ESPECIALLY US THE FANS (Hopefully):D

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I would hope and expect Zorn to be better in his second year after jumping from QB coach to HC.

I also expect all our coaches to have improved, in our new system. Last season's rookie class got a bum deal for their first year in the NFL. Our vets should be better as a result of experience and improved coaching and this year's rookie class still get the benefit of better coaching.

Needless to say I'm expecting a win :D


I expect him to be conservative and soft with playcalling ..intill he shows me he has a pair,i wont pretend he has anything down..Sunday will tell me what i kneed to know about coach Kline

And yet last season we were cheering that we finally had a HC who would go for it on 4th down. Not calling deep throws was a scheme issue.

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I expect him to be conservative and soft with playcalling ..intill he shows me he has a pair,i wont pretend he has anything down..Sunday will tell me what i kneed to know about coach Kline

Sorry bud, but Zorn and JC's behinds are feeling the heat on that seat and know it's put up or the unemployment line after the season.

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