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VS Gints last year to this year?

herb mul-key

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You can break down small nuances or individual acquisitions and losses...but to me it's simple:

We have a much better shot this year because we're trending up and they're trending down based on players gained/lost and comfort level with the respective systems.

Will it be enough to offset what was a great disparity between the two teams last year? I hope so, but we'll have to see!

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In conclusion, please please don't come in here and BLOW US ALL AWAY with you amazing empirical evidence, clearly you know what you're talking about, clearly we should bow down... on the other hand, I shouldn't blame you, if I lived in New Jersey, I'd probably blow my ****ing brains out, so I understand you're anger...

EASY on Durrty Jersey there pal... Else, I may have to come down there and banga ya face! Kabeesh?!


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It's an opportunity to make a statement. We are pathetic when we play the Giants on the road. If we can walk in and go nuts, it will serve as quite a message to the league and change a trend.

Why do I think we have a chance of doing this? Because it's week one. Even if we're not as good as we hope, we can catch a NYG team in a bit of a transition stage w/o Plax and w/o Spags. I'm not predicting anything, I'm just saying week one is a bit different than the rest of the season and underdogs can shine.

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I will definitely be around Sunday, Monday, and the following weeks. I'm really not trying to stoke the furnace here, but you guys should look at it from outside the bubble for a minute.

Every year, you guys have these unrealistic expectations about your team. Now that you have signed a couple of high priced free agents this offseason, they are suppose to make it all come together, right? Let me ask you this. How many times before did a big name FA come here with a huge price tag only to under-perform, or not even be used correctly?

I keep seeing all these posts about how you guys can easily win 11-12 games, go deep in the playoffs, etc., and it honestly makes me vomit in my mouth a little bit. Here's an idea....WIN THE DIVISION FIRST before you start getting aspirations about doing anything else.

I've been reading these boards for a while and it amuses me about your playoff talks week 1, and after week 10, you guys are already talking about the draft and free agents :hysterical:

You are right, we should just mope around crying in our beers about how bad we are undoubtedly going to be. We are fans, we were pretty happy last year when we were 6-2 before our issues in the second half. And now in Zorn's second season as HC with some new impressive talent added to the roster, we are optimistic...and rightfully so. Just beware, if your world comes crashing down on Sunday Night and we beat you or even come close, all these comments about how pathetic we are, may come back to bite you.

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You are right, we should just mope around crying in our beers about how bad we are undoubtedly going to be. We are fans, we were pretty happy last year when we were 6-2 before our issues in the second half. And now in Zorn's second season as HC with some new impressive talent added to the roster, we are optimistic...and rightfully so. Just beware, if your world comes crashing down on Sunday Night and we beat you or even come close, all these comments about how pathetic we are, may come back to bite you.

Close only counts in horseshoes and hand grenades.

Speaking of which...can someone link that Bang cartoon of the Redskins crashing that plane? I can't find it on the Bang site for the life of me.

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It's an opportunity to make a statement. We are pathetic when we play the Giants on the road. If we can walk in and go nuts, it will serve as quite a message to the league and change a trend.

Why do I think we have a chance of doing this? Because it's week one. Even if we're not as good as we hope, we can catch a NYG team in a bit of a transition stage w/o Plax and w/o Spags. I'm not predicting anything, I'm just saying week one is a bit different than the rest of the season and underdogs can shine.

You guys should pray to god that you don't beat the Giants week 1. These forums will light up like you guys just won the biggest game of the season, and talks of the playoffs and Superbowl will start. :insane: Hotels will be reserved and tickets will be pre-purchased. Then, you'll wonder how it all went down the ****ter 16 weeks later when you guys don't even make the playoffs, and the Giants are wrapping up another division title. :hysterical:

But hey, at least you won week 1....rofl.:jerk:

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You guys should pray to god that you don't beat the Giants week 1. These forums will light up like you guys just won the biggest game of the season, and talks of the playoffs and Superbowl will start. :insane: Hotels will be reserved and tickets will be pre-purchased. Then, you'll wonder how it all went down the ****ter 16 weeks later when you guys don't even make the playoffs, and the Giants are wrapping up another division title. :hysterical:

But hey, at least you won week 1....rofl.:jerk:

Very possibly... But as history has taught us, if we win week 1 you will be nowhere to be found after all your talk.

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Every year, you guys have these unrealistic expectations about your team. Now that you have signed a couple of high priced free agents this offseason, they are suppose to make it all come together, right? Let me ask you this. How many times before did a big name FA come here with a huge price tag only to under-perform, or not even be used correctly?

Remember, we already have a very good defense. Is it unrealistic to expect improvement in a few areas since we added Haynesworth and drafted Orakpo? We don't need anything on D to "come together." Its already been there. All we expect out of the addition is a few more sacks and hopefully some errors from the opposing QBs. EVEN if neither of these guys work out, remember, we still have a solid D.

I keep seeing all these posts about how you guys can easily win 11-12 games, go deep in the playoffs, etc., and it honestly makes me vomit in my mouth a little bit. Here's an idea....WIN THE DIVISION FIRST before you start getting aspirations about doing anything else.

Did you guys win your division the year you won the super bowl? I think not. Winning the division is never a prerequisite to making noise in the playoffs. Anyway, show me one thread on this forum right now talking about playoffs or even superbowls. Plus, every team's forums will have members making all sorts of predictions. It isn't any different here.

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Very possibly... But as history has taught us, if we win week 1 you will be nowhere to be found after all your talk.

Rest assured I'll drop in and offer my congrats. Just to hear some of the nonsense that would flood these boards if the Skins win week one is almost worth it for the Giants to throw this game.

I'll actually make a few pre-emptive statements of the lunacy we would see.

"Look out 1972 Dolphins, here we come! :point2sky "

"We're on the early road to Miami...there is no stopping us now!!! :gaintsuck "

"ZOMG this is the recreation of the glory days again...we finally have a super smart team again! :logo: "

I can keep going on here, but I would like to see some fresh ides being tossed around. :D

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Rest assured I'll drop in and offer my congrats. Just to hear some of the nonsense that would flood these boards if the Skins win week one is almost worth it for the Giants to throw this game.

I'll actually make a few pre-emptive statements of the lunacy we would see.

"Look out 1972 Dolphins, here we come! :point2sky "

"We're on the early road to Miami...there is no stopping us now!!! :gaintsuck "

"ZOMG this is the recreation of the glory days again...we finally have a super smart team again! :logo: "

I can keep going on here, but I would like to see some fresh ides being tossed around. :D

Why dont you show some respect?

What do you want us to do, sit around and talk about how bad we suck? Im sorry but no messege board is like that, even the Lions board. So relax.

Are you guys better than us? Absolutely. Is that what you wanted to hear? Your better......but it doesnt mean we cant win the game.......you coming on here making these statements have pretty much put yourself in a position to look pretty stupid if your perfect team happens to faulter.

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Rest assured I'll drop in and offer my congrats. Just to hear some of the nonsense that would flood these boards if the Skins win week one is almost worth it for the Giants to throw this game.

I'll actually make a few pre-emptive statements of the lunacy we would see.

"Look out 1972 Dolphins, here we come! :point2sky "

"We're on the early road to Miami...there is no stopping us now!!! :gaintsuck "

"ZOMG this is the recreation of the glory days again...we finally have a super smart team again! :logo: "

I can keep going on here, but I would like to see some fresh ides being tossed around. :D

Lol, this guy is pretty funny actually.

Be rest assured, Mr.Blue, that not all of us here are fanboys. I'm actually quite the buzz killington and see the Skins going 6-10 this year. Though, considering the Cardinals in the SB last year, nothing would surprise me.

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Reason you guys have a chance, ITS THE NFC BEAST! Any team can beat any team on any day.

The reason you guys won't win, OUR DEFENSE. OSI, TUCK, CANTY, KIWI, ROBBINS, COFIELD, SINTIM, plus cbs and safties rushing in, bring Campbell to crumble.

And watch out for Ahmad.

Giants 27

Skins 13

Here is to no injuries though !

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Reason you guys have a chance, ITS THE NFC BEAST! Any team can beat any team on any day.

The reason you guys won't win, OUR DEFENSE. CARTER, GRIFFIN, HAYNESWORTH, DANIELS, FLETCHER, MCINTOSH, ORAKPO, plus cbs and safties rushing in, bring Manning to crumble.

And watch out for Portis.

Skins 27

Giants 13

Here is to no injuries though!

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When Haynesworth was in there, we collapsed the pocket VERY effectively, don't fool yourself otherwise. And you'll have to point out where I said Eli was the "ONLY QB" in the league who does poorly under pressure. But some QBs can handle the pressure, and some QBs start to look like Akili Smith when the pressure is on...Eli falls into that category. I actually believe Campbell handles pressure better than Eli does.
That's ridiculous. The Giants' pass blocking has never been any better than mediocre since Eli was drafted. For intasnce, Dave Diehl lead the league in sacks allowed in 2007, gave up at least 1 sack in every playoff game that year, and was absolutely embarrassed by Adalius Thomas in the Superbowl. Eli makes the line look better than they actually are at pass protection. And he's done that since day one. In 9 games started in 2004, Kurt Warner was sacked 39 times. In the 7 games Eli started after that, he was only sacked 13 times. Comparing Eli to Akili Smith is simply blind hate.
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The game with the Giants is going to be different this time around.

1) The Skins O-Line has stepped up and shown that it can pass protect well enough for Jason to get the ball out to where he needs to.

2) Clinton Portis is rested, and healthy.

3) The D-Line has gotten a boast with Albert Haynesworth. And, let's not forget better play from some of the younger players Kedric Goldston, Chris Wilson, and company.

4) We now do have DEs who can pass rush. Brian Orakpo and Jeremey Jarmon.

5) Our offense is just not Santana and Portis. We have speed, height, and talent with Kelly, Thomas, Mitchell, and Davis.


The Giants offense is going to be interesting to watch. Toomer, Tyree, and Plexico are gone. The starting RB is gone ...

So, Eli will have to work with rookie WRs who are going to make their fair share of mistakes.

Last year, Eli had all the time in the world to make his throws. This year it's going to different. When Eli gets hit he has the tendency of throwing interceptions.

With Hall, Rogers, Westbrook, Tyrone, and Barnes we do have playmakers in our secondary.

Horton, Landry, and Reed are going to hold the fort down as Safeties.

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You guys should pray to god that you don't beat the Giants week 1. These forums will light up like you guys just won the biggest game of the season, and talks of the playoffs and Superbowl will start. :insane: Hotels will be reserved and tickets will be pre-purchased. Then, you'll wonder how it all went down the ****ter 16 weeks later when you guys don't even make the playoffs, and the Giants are wrapping up another division title. :hysterical:

But hey, at least you won week 1....rofl.:jerk:

Are you backtracking already....3 pages in?

I thought the Skins were so horrible we didn't stand a chance?

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I'm not too sure about the outcome of the game, but I feel very confident in saying that with the Over/Under at 37, I'd take the Under in a heart beat.

It has been quite a while for a Giants/Skins game to go over that point total. This season, both the Redskins and Giants are expected to have better defense, and the Giants will have a worse offense (losing Plex is huge).

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