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Peta, leave mike vick alone and go after this hatchery company.


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It doesn't take a PETA person to become sickened by this. We are incredibly cruel as the king of the food chain. Hunting and eating animals is natural between all species, it has to happen. But damn the demand for food is just making us lose perspective. That video was like the chicken version of Auschwitz. The next time I see some aircraft carrier sized ****-machine eating 4 dozen eggs I'll want to cut her nose off and put the husband in a grinding machine.

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So you're telling me chickens die for us so we can eat them... you're kidding me.

Think of all the of the millions of soybeans and wheat that are slaughtered every year for us to eat too. They are a food source... sure it could maybe be done with a bit more regard for the animals, but the end result is the same either way.

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So you're telling me chickens die for us so we can eat them... you're kidding me.

Think of all the of the millions of soybeans and wheat that are slaughtered every year for us to eat too. They are a food source... sure it could maybe be done with a bit more regard for the animals, but the end result is the same either way.

Wow, talk about missing the point.

Did you even watch the video ?

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Yes Mick, I watched the video.

I saw that some of the chicks died in an unintended way, and that is a shame. Usually what happens with the male chicks that are ground up end up getting mixed in with feed and fed to other livestock. A somewhat gross form of recycling, but at least they arent wasted

What was the point I was supposedly missed?

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Yes Mick, I watched the video.

I saw that some of the chicks died in an unintended way, and that is a shame. Usually what happens with the male chicks that are ground up end up getting mixed in with feed and fed to other livestock. A somewhat gross form of recycling, but at least they arent wasted

What was the point I was supposedly missed?

The method in which they are killed, ground up alive, being needlessly cruel. Amazing how this was obvious to everyone but you.

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I believe they said in the video that the grinder was something common in the chicken industry. If that is the case are you saying we need to change the method, and if so what would you suggest that would be more humane?

The practice being common doesn't speak to it being right. In fact these videos are so easy to come by because factory farming has lead to a complete disregard to animal suffering. So yes I think these methods need to be looked at and changed. As for your request that I sit here and ponder different ways to kill chickens, I'll pass.

Here enjoy another video of factory farming:

Business interests make all cruelty and evil acceptable. If you think this excludes humans take a look at what the brands you buy do to people all over the world. "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and Money"

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what is the humane way to kill a chicken? not trying to be a troll I am just wondering what the better option is.

also would you pay extra for the humanely treated chicken? or would you expect costs to remain the same? at that point does the government need to step in and subsidize this humane chicken killing? or is the company expected to lose profit to make people feel better?

at the end of the day, humans eat meat, meat comes from other living things, we must kill the other living thing to get our meat.

edit: Destino, if you cannot think of a more humane way to kill the chickens then how can you have a problem with what they are doing? i mean obviously it would be very easy for the company to kill the chickens humanely without losing profit. because it is so obvious that the owners of these farms love seeing animals suffer and do it for the joy of hearing a chicken get ground up in seconds.

or maybe its just the cheapest way to do it. and unless you want to pay more for chicken, get over it.

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also would you pay extra for the humanely treated chicken?

Of course, in fact I already do. I try not to support factory farming everytime I go to the grocery store. I'm sure a lot of what I buy does because of some of the ingredients in it come from a factory farm, but when I am given the option I gladly pay more.

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I see your point Mick, but the video did not offer any solutions to the problem other than to become a vegan... which is not going to happen for me.

I am all for humanely treating animals. I am an animal lover, and I have pets. I am simply asking what a more humane way would be to kill the chicks. Do you drown them? Do you freeze them? Inject them all?

I'll freely admit that just because something is common that it does not make it right Destino, but I find your response about not wanting to think of ways of killing the chicks humanely a bit of a cop out. The whole point of that video was to show a problem of how they are killed, which you clearly object to. To not offer any sort of solution, and not even want to try to think of one is not going to spur on change... its just complaining.

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