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Should Antwaan Randle El be cut for fresh blood?


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First off let me say I am a die hard Saints fan, can’t figure out why but, there it is. Some things just don’t happen for a reason I guess, and as we say down here dirt don't change.

A surpassing number of the aints fans are also redskins fans, dont know how that happened, but my guess is all the help and good wishes we got from your team fans when we were in hard times. Meaning your good people is my take on it.

A comment I have about your team this year as an outsider is Randle El. I think WR Mitchell or kelly deserves a shot and Im not sure if they are going to get it with RL taking up a space.

I have nothing against the guy, just his #’s are not that great for a #2 WR.


Most of the big easy are fans of the skins because of their fans. And we might have an ok team this year but you beat us fair on the field so all this talk about you having a #3 defense or a #10 offense does not mean much to us Saints fans. We consider you guys a serious threat because you have heart and good fans.

was a good game when you beat the #1 offense.



I’m serious you guys really need RL that bad? Oh and thanks for Greg Williams, we need him.

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I was not a huge fan of the contract we gave him to begin with, and he has proved me right with mediocre production at WR and next to nothing running back kicks. I think we ought to see how he works out playing in the slot this year, and go from there. That does seem to be his natural position, after all.

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It can't be done fiscally.


It would cost $13 million to cut him this year. All of that hit get accelerated to this year. Take out his salary of $4 million, and that's $9 million the team would have to eat. They can't afford it.

Take out any other arguments from there, it just can't be done without having to cut 2-3 other players to get back under the cap.

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Randle el is one of the few guys on our roster now that can handle the slot role and be effective.

I can't believe that I'm saying this now, as 3 years ago it was the complete opposite, but we have a lot of bigger receivers that might not excel in the slot role, which requires them to be shiftier and quicker running the inside routes. Randle El may not be the best complement to Moss as a number 1 receiver, but I'd take him as our number 3 over most others. On a related note, since you're a Saints fan, I can tell you I'm a huge fan of Lance Moore and he's one of those guys that is a pure slot receiver.

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I'll be rooting for Brees this season since he's the QB for my fantasy team. The saints offense is scary good.

Back to ARE...I think the best argument for cutting him is punt returns. He has got to be the worst punt returner I've seen in a long time. PLEASE, coaches, do not allow ARE to return punts. Now as far as pass catching goes, I expect to see ARE lining up in the slot much more this year where he should be more effective. I don't think he will be cut.

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I think he's been misused for years. He is an all-around talent. But not the best at any spot. I know the Wildcat is all the rage, and I'm not suggesting they go to that. But see how the Eagles are using Vick? We should be doing that with ARE. He should be a WR, and a QB, and a HB. Put him in motion all over the place. Let him run and catch and throw. Use him now before its too late.

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What fresh blood? Marko Mitchell!?!

He will be on the team as the 5th WR.

1. Moss 2. Kelly 3. Randle el (slot) 4. Devin Thomas 5. Marko Mitchell

Who would you want to replace Randle el? Keith Eloi? DJ Hackett?

Randle el is a consistent chain mover and gives us a few TD's. Also can throw the ball in certain situations. Forget his contract. Forget the money he was paid. All that stuff doesn't matter. He has been good as a Redskin. People your expectations are to high. He will be great this year if you set the right expectations.

Expectations- Move the chains, Get 3-4 TD's receiving, 1-2 TD passing, Be a team leader and help the young guys.

Thats it, thats all he needs to do to have a great season for who he is and the role he will be in!

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Well were all hoping Colston gets some time in the BF to do his stuff "Fight for ole DC", hes a pocket QT if Ive ever seen one and he needs 5-10 secs to do that. Brees would look bad with 3 secs in the BF, been proven vs Bears

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**** NO, he is producing! He was brought in to be our slot receiver but thanks to Lloyd being garbage moved up to #2 and did better than expected in that role (by me at least) . His PR for us sucks we all know that but he contributes as a WR and is a great LR guy which should not be discounted as much as it seems to be on here.

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NO way, ARE can still play dayum good, and he will prove it now we're getting receivers involved more. If we cut any vets from the team, then cut the ones who have been involved the last few years and haven't produced jack sheet.

This team has some talent this season and the majority have been together a few years, long enough to gel together and long enough to start getting the "chemistry" that comes with it. Something the 91 team had going for them, it causes the ball to bounce our way and good things just happen when you have it.

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We are stuck with ARE for this year because of his contract. Over the past couple of years we haven't leveraged his talent the way we could have.

He is a slot receiver, and a gimmick player. We haven't used him in the wildcat formation -- which would be his strongest suite.

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Someday Maddenites will comprehend that salary cap also plays into decisions of keeping or releasing players.

I think this is the most irritating thing. Like people last year who wanted to trade Cooley a week after he signed his new contract, which had something like a $12+ million dollar signing bonus I believe. Or trading Carter because we have Orakpo now, even tho it would be about a $10 million loss in the deal with his cap hit.

I play Madden occasionally, and these kinds of proposals are just maddening to me.

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Well I guess you guys know best, and I'll leave it up to you, I hear some smart post that have me changing abit.

Just wondered about it.

Good luck this season. We dont make it know allot of friends in the bayou are on your bandwagon. You guys have a good team, and one of the best players-- you fans --13th man on the field.

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