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Your Top 10 Skins Based on Character...


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So I was thinking about who are my favorite Skins to root for based on their character. Absolutely taking on the field play out of it. I think this team has a ton of good guys on it and was wondering what everyone else thought. I'm not talking about all time, just who is on the team now.

Who do you think is the funniest, the most humble, someone you would want to party with or just talk football? Here is my top ten... What are yours and why? :logo:

10. Marcus Mason- Has yet to make the final 53 but something about him makes me like him. He seems like a good guy and is always the ultimate underdog. When he punched it in for the TD I was really happy for him.

9. Randle El- You know he has strong faith and must be a good Dad, very down to earth and has his silly facial expressions in interviews. I think he would be a guy that could coach in the league one day.

8. Chris Samuels- He always comes across as a gentle giant. He is well spoken and seems light hearted. Yet takes his job extremely seriously and is intense in warm ups.

7. Laddell Betts- I love it when he scores a TD and just hands the ball to the ref. I met him once and got his autograph in the mall and he was really cool. Taking the time to sign two tee shirts and to personalize them.

6. Fred Smoot- Smoot is a loud mouth but you gotta love it. Yet when I saw him at an autograph session he seemed very shy. Smoot is someone that would be fun to drink with and yak it up.

5. London Fletcher- Just the fact that he stills pukes before games shows you how intense he is. He is our field general and embodies the word intense. He is also a guy I would want to coach one day. His passion is off the chart.

4. Chris Horton- One of my personal favorites. Ever since he came here has said all the right things and is genuine about it. He says he loves studying the game. Maybe thats why he is always in postion to make plays.

3. Santana Moss- Santana is one of the most humble receivers in the league. No diva in him at all. He always says the right things and is a hard worker. He always encourages his teammates and truly feels happy for them when they do something good. Look when Davis scored a TD last week. He seemed so happy for him. Santana Moss was such a great player to trade for.

2. Randy Thomas- What can you say, when hes on Redskins Nation its funny always is. He can go from funny off the cuff to serious in seconds. Would love to have a BBQ with him. He loves food as much as I do yet probably cooks alot better. You can tell hes a family man and seems like an awesome Dad.

1. Jason Campbell- There are tons of reasons to root for this guy. Duh hes our QB and if he does good we will. But beyond that. He is down to earth as they come. The worst thing he has ever said is " I felt like a piece of toilet tissue." Are you serious? Tissue? Thats the nicest way you can say that sentence. We all know what we would have said would be way worse than that.

My defining moment for him, happened when he threw the pick against Dallas and we lost. In the locker room they said he got emotional. Basically cryed. Do I think he is a pansy? Hell no. Do I think he knows how much the Redskins mean to the fans and him? YES! He felt like he let everyone down and got choked up. That was the moment that showed me he has real passion. Most QB's wouldn't care, but Jason was upset. That shows me he is hungry. I got faith in the man. He has shown great work ethic and I feel great people like him will win in the end.

- MOD's if this topic has been done to death feel free to merge. I google searched it and couldn't find anything. Thanks

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Gotta agree about Jason being no. 1.

I'd also throw in James Thrash since he's still on the team, and if he wasn't, he's been a consummate Skin. He's gotta be top 3.

Also, Todd Collins. Everyone says he's absolutely hilarious and a pleasure to be around, and you gotta love his humility.

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Gotta agree about Jason being no. 1.

I'd also throw in James Thrash since he's still on the team, and if he wasn't, he's been a consummate Skin. He's gotta be top 3.

Also, Todd Collins. Everyone says he's absolutely hilarious and a pleasure to be around, and you gotta love his humility.

Thrash was one of the hardest working guys on the team. I'm gonna miss him in the recieving corps.

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Reed Doughty- class guy hard worker good role model for kids when it comes to playing football and doing well in school

Haynesworth- seems like calm guy/nice guy off the field but turns into a freakin monster on the field

Rabach- not the best center in the world but decent, he's seems like a cool guy to drink some beers with

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2. Randy Thomas- What can you say, when hes on Redskins Nation its funny always is. He can go from funny off the cuff to serious in seconds. Would love to have a BBQ with him. He loves food as much as I do yet probably cooks alot better. You can tell hes a family man and seems like an awesome Dad.

I got the chance actually to sit by Randy Thomas' wife and kids for the Arizona game last year, you can tell he's a great family guy 100% agreed with you.

Orakpo is too new to have on the list, but I just love his demeanor - I think the kid's got a great head on his shoulders and is gonna play the game like it is meant to be played for a long time to come for us.

Also agree with the Reed Doughty comment - love his work ethic.

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3. Santana Moss- Santana is one of the most humble receivers in the league. No diva in him at all. He always says the right things and is a hard worker. He always encourages his teammates and truly feels happy for them when they do something good. Look when Davis scored a TD last week. He seemed so happy for him. Santana Moss was such a great player to trade for.

I liked this one. I am a big Santana fan. He plays with heart (cliche I know) and never puts blame on anyone but himself.

"When you put your heart into it, that's what happens. I put my heart in it, that's all I gotta say."

- #89 after torching the Jags for 3 touchdowns on only 4 catches.

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I think overall our team has great character. I think you can contribute alot of that to Gibbs. I really like Zorn to and I hope he succeeds.

Alot of people on this thread have put indivduals on the list put what is your top 10. Or at least top 5?

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I cant put Cooley on my list just because it seems like he's not as genuine. Seems more like he try's to be the odd ball and likes the attention. But dont get me wrong I still love the guy.

He strikes me as as genuine as Riggins was. (Yeah, I know, a lot of "as" in there. Get off my as.)

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