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Your Top 10 Skins Based on Character...


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He strikes me as as genuine as Riggins was. (Yeah, I know, a lot of "as" in there. Get off my as.)


London Fletcher pukes before games? Why?

Because hes still nervous or really intense. I saw it on TV on his game time segment. He takes a knee on the sideline and pukes before each game. I dont know if he still does but he says he usually pukes before games.

Rock--I think he's a class act and a locker room leader.

Agree about Reed D.

Yeah he would be in my top 15 just doesn't crack the top ten. But I love the way he supported Sean and was passionate about it when we beat Dallas in the last game of the season to get in the playoffs. Rock is what his name is. Solid

I think having great guys on the roster makes winning so much better. When we make a run in the playoffs we can all be proud.

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Great list and a great thread. I dunno if I'll make a list but I put Fletcher closer to #1. The guy just shows up, plays his ass off and doesn't say much. He could easily whine about how he's been shafted on numerous pro bowl appearances but he just keeps playing as hard as he can.

I don't know how much he says in the locker room but I know that he has mad respect from everyone on the team.

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I like a lot of the players on the team, but I guess what type of character you are looking for. Are you looking for players who are charitable and active in our community? Are you talking about leadership? I guess it all depends on what you define as character.

I think that Character is hard thing to judge. Most fans do not have the luxury of knowing the players off the field.

Based on what I have seen as far as players go on this roster, I would have to say that I think that Reynaldo Wynn would have to be up there. While he wasn't always the best player on the field, he has stuck around here in washington even though he was released and went to two other teams he kept his roots here in the Washington community. Reynaldo seems active in the community with church and charties.

Another player who deserves strong recognition would be Philip Daniels. He has been on this team for quite a while and he seems to do all the right things.

As for the other players, it is really hard to say.

I know that London Fletcher and Philip Daniels did a football camp last year for kids in DC and I know that Santana did one for the United way that gets non-stop airplay on the NFL network. I will say this about Santana, I was at an autograph show at PSgamegear and there was this military family in front of me and he posed for a picture with them. He could have been a prick about it and certainly the people at psgamegear could have have been pricks about it as well, but they were really cool and Santana gladly posed for multiple pictures.

I met Jason Campbell at the CSA show last year and got his autograph and gave him a copy of the picture that he signed. He was really nice guy. He could have moved me on like so many do at these shows, but he was really nice and joked around with me about the upcoming Pittsburgh game. I told him that my uncle took the picture of him during the Saints game. He told me to thank my Uncle for him. While it might seem trivial that a player would say that, I would be willing to bet that there are a lot of players out there who wouldn't be as gracious to the fans.

Outside of being Charitable and active in our community, I would say that in terms of leadership, I would pick Rock Cartwright. That guy works super hard and is valuable to our team in so many ways. Yet he never complains and goes out and gets the job done. He seems like a real stand up guy.

Those are just a couple of observations that I have seen from a far and up close with players.

Hopefully, the players with bad character are no longer on this team. Yes I am talking to you Brandon Lloyd!

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Hopefully, the players with bad character are no longer on this team. Yes I am talking to you Brandon Lloyd!

I hope so too, but I do remember this - not saying it's applicable, just saying I remember it unfortunately.

I only bring it up because it sometimes seems people may have forgotten it, but I wasn't on the board much at the time of his signing so I'm sure it was brought up at that time.

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I like them both but it is just how I judge true good character.

This is for me true good character.

Being Genuine, Not putting yourself first, being humble.

I like Portis and Cooley. Portis isnt very humble and Cooley just doesnt seem genuine. Everybody else on my list fits with my criteria.

But for real Portis is entertaining and funny and Cooley is crazy and would be fun to chill with. Just wouldnt have them on the list.

You make a list of "Players that show up week and week out" Cooley and Portis are in the top 5.

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A character player is someone like London Fletcher, Santana Moss, Campbell, Randy Thomas....

Portis and his run-ins with B Mitch, Zorn, Riggo, and his statements when Vick was big in the news a couple of years ago, have kept him far away from this list.

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