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Jason Campbell Owns Shawn Springs in Interview


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you know if Campbell goes down in a game there are going to some donks who are sitting in their living room cheering about it..:doh:

The sad thing is, thats probrobly what some certain people around here would do, because, obviously message board members know more then the coaching staff when it comes to QB :doh:, just sad..

as for the Springs comment...:hysterical:

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Yup and then they'll be calling for Collins head, and then he goes down and brennan or daniel steps in and blows it and they'll be calling for their head then they will realize that life wasnt really that bad with JC. They could all eat crow and maybe the mods could label all the haters with something nice and identifying.

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The next one that can't seem to keep this thread on topic & continues turn it into a JC bashing thread, gets a 'Hi there.:)' & all the bad stuff that comes with it.

Thats probably something that could universal across all the threads cause it seems every thread goes in that direction.

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Thats probably something that could universal across all the threads cause it seems every thread goes in that direction.

It is. :)

So if you see it happening in another, you may want to point them to this post. We've been asking for it enough in other threads. We're done with asking nicely & then have the same idjits continue to do it again a day later.

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The next one that can't seem to keep this thread on topic & continues turn it into a JC bashing thread, gets a 'Hi there.:)' & all the bad stuff that comes with it.


I'd make that my sig, but I'd rather people not see this and get the Hi There instead!!!

Oh, and I couldn't help but laugh at what JC said. And they say he doesn't have personality.

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The next one that can't seem to keep this thread on topic & continues turn it into a JC bashing thread, gets a 'Hi there.:)' & all the bad stuff that comes with it.

Thanks TK, i would like to press charges against those that have stolen my thread. I guess my "Easy Now" isn't as threatening as your "Hi There." LOL guess it doesn't work when people know youre not a mod :silly:

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Carlos Rodgers got Springs good too. He was interviewed and asked what type of leader Springs was and he replied

"Shawn was a good leader, I would say he was more of an 'Off the Field' leader because he was never on it"


Never heard that one but that was good, I lauged my ass off when I saw that. I like springs but he was definately telling the truth.

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Fred Smoot to start for Carlos Rogers....

Shawn Springs will sit this one out for NE

Washington Redskins

Rock Cartright

Carlos Rogers

Big Mike Williams

New England Patriots

Julian Edelman

Brandon Tate

Shawn Springs

Kevin Faulk

Sammy Morris

Ray Ventrone

Mark LeVoir

Darryl Richard

Wes Welker

Myron Pryor

Ron Brace

Shawn Crable


He's scared.

We knew he wouldn't play...lol

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