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Why is Ladell our short yardage back?


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also check the iso block by sellers @ 11:53 mark, then tell me we need a new lead blocker

1:24 mark on the clip counter 11:53 on the game clock

On goal line Sellers put the guy on the ground and Betts ran right into him....:doh:

* the other block at 11:53 was a thing of beauty

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On goal line Sellers put the guy on the ground and Betts ran right into him....:doh:

I don't know what you guys are looking at. I stopped the action and counted three defenders and two blockers at the point of attack. I didn't see a gap. I think you're making this crap up.;)

The tackler didn't have a body on him at any time.

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In Redskins history, Bryant was our 3rd down back but not our short yardage back. Who said that Betts was our short yardage back? Did Zorn report this? Or did he say 3rd down back to save CP.

Another thing, How many reports did we hear about the skins working on red zone plays? Zorn probably went vanilla for two reasons. 1) To see if the attitude is their to put in in the endzone with a run 2) To not tip off any red zone plays

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In Redskins history, Bryant was our 3rd down back but not our short yardage back. Who said that Betts was our short yardage back? Did Zorn report this? Or did he say 3rd down back to save CP.

Another thing, How many reports did we hear about the skins working on red zone plays? Zorn probably went vanilla for two reasons. 1) To see if the attitude is their to put in in the endzone with a run 2) To not tip off any red zone plays

I think you do make a good point, I don't think Zorn has said Betts is the short yardage back. But I also don't think he should be our 3rd down back either, I know Kelvin Bryant, I've seen Kelvin Bryant play, and other than sharing the same abilitiy to NOT remain healthy for a 16 game season, Betts ain't no Kelvin Bryant.

As for the Red Zone work. I really wish Zorn would do more. That was our offense's failing last year, even in the first half of the season when the Oline was humming. Jason, whom I still believe in, struggled in Red Zone passing and getting the ball into the endzone. They don't have to "give away" their plays (formations and such) but I wish, at the very least they had Jason work on fade throws to Kelly or Mitchell. I think that would have been far more productive and valuable in prepping for the regular season than have Ladell Betts fail, yet again, to get a simple first down from two yards out on two straight carries.

Come the regular season, Clinton had better be the goalline back. He actually, uh what are the words I'm looking for, oh yeah, SCORES TOUCHDOWNS.

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I believe that Clinton would have somehow punched it in on that first drive. Ladell runs high and if the play isn’t perfectly blocked, he gets tackled and stopped. Betts can be the Skins 3rd down back, except in red-zone situations where Clinton has proven to be tough to stop. JMHO

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Ladell doesn't seem to be able to see the smaller gaps that are common down in tight. The 3rd and 1 play last night there was a clear defined gap, Ladell ran to this gap instead of hugging it tight where the was a clear path he hit the gap wide and ran right in to a steeler being blocked. if you want to examine our inability to get 6, take notice when we get in close CP comes out and Ladell comes in.

Ladell is a fine change of pace type back and a good backup he is however a terrible short yardage back. This isn't the only example just the most recent.

I don't think Betts will be the short yardage back.

Or i hope he won't be.

Portis is better at Betts then everything except receiving.

In the RZ/goalline in a real game i don't want to see us hand the ball off to anyone other then Portis.

They need to get Betts in the game to keep CP fresh for the important carries.

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As for the Red Zone work. I really wish Zorn would do more. That was our offense's failing last year, even in the first half of the season when the Oline was humming./QUOTE]

I am ALL in favor of Zorn doing anything creative to score points in the red zone. Wildcat, Randel El at QB, hell Brian Mitchell at QB out of retirement. ANYTHING. Get creative and score and I don't care who or how you do it.

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Simple answer; our coaching staff does not want to win games. If Betts remains the 3rd down back our team will fail miserably. Case in point 3&1 from the 3, hand off to Betts, Betts does what he does best runs into the pile and gets tackled for a loss. If he had the vision he would have known that one small cut to his right he would have walked into the endzone.

Betts is not that good and we should have traded him when we could have gotten something for him. I say rid this team of two players that can't hack it anymore, Betts and Cartwright, and develop Dorsey and Mason.

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I found myself screaming at the TV last night.... and it was just preseason. CP needs to be in there for goal line

haha, same here.

i just kept saying that it was a repeat of the vagiants game a few years ago where betts had three chances from the two and couldnt punch it in, then the gnats got the momentum went on to win the game, turn their season around, and go to the super bowl...

i got sad for a little bit after that.

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Betts and Portis are the same running back, we should cut Betts save some money and sign Mason or Dorsey. To be honest Dorsey is the ideal 3rd down back and could be a good fit on Special Teams. I know I will get a lot of backlash for saying cut Betts but serious he is getting paid to much for the role he's in.

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